A Lesson in Awareness: It’s the Guru who sets the Dates! - Precious Moments with Gurudev
In the early years of my spiritual journey, I had the privilege of being in the presence of my beloved Gurudev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, at the German ashram. At that time, I was still navigating the complexities of ego and self-importance, unaware of the profound transformation that was unfolding within me. This phase feels almost like a different lifetime, one that I actually don’t wish to forget, for it is filled with invaluable lessons that continue to shape me today.
On that particular day, I was accompanied by a group of around maybe 20 odd people from the Gulf countries, many of whom were meeting Gurudev for the first time. As we sat in a horseshoe formation, with Gurudev seated before us, I, with my terrible arrogance and eagerness, instinctively chose to sit as close to him as possible. Today, of course, with the understanding and depth that my Guru has blessed me with, I remain in a more spacious and humble seat. But back then, my ego led me to want to be closest to him, as though proximity could somehow increase my worthiness!
Each of us had brought something to offer Gurudev. When it was my turn, I presented a box of dates, a gift from the Gulf, where dates are celebrated as a symbol of warmth and hospitality. Gurudev graciously opened the box and smiled. With all the enthusiasm of a young seeker, I boldly said, "Gurudev, you have to visit the Gulf now... and this time, I am not leaving without a date." Without missing a beat, he offered me a date. I eagerly popped it into my mouth, unaware of the simplicity and the sanctity of the moment. He continued to offer dates to others, but I, in my self-centered excitement, couldn't resist asking again.
I repeated my request, "Gurudev, you have to give me a date." And once again, he smiled and handed me one. I ate it, still with zero awareness, consumed by my desires and my sense of entitlement. A few moments later, I asked again, this time with even more insistence. But this time, Gurudev, with a soft yet knowing look, raised a date towards me and asked, "Do you want one more?"
It was at that very moment that the weight of my actions hit me. I realized, in an instant, the depth of my ignorance and lack of awareness. I had been so caught up in my desires that I hadn’t even paused to recognize the grace and love that had already been extended to me. I felt as though the ground should open up and swallow me in shame. With deep humility, I looked at Gurudev and said, “No, Gurudev, you have given me everything I need.”
In that moment, Gurudev’s smile wrapped around me like a blanket of divine knowledge, and I recalled one of his precious sayings, “All mistakes are made out of either a lack of awareness or ignorance”. His words resonated deeply within me. I realized that my mistake was simply a result of ignorance, of being unaware of the deeper meaning of the exchange and of my own inner state.
Gurudev’s wisdom continued to unfold as he gently guided me toward a realization. He once said, “Living in the moment with joy, alertness, awareness, and compassion is enlightenment." That simple exchange of dates, filled with innocence and grace, was a profound moment of enlightenment for me. It wasn’t about the dates; it was about the awareness, the joy, and the humility I had failed to recognize in my haste.
Gurudev’s teachings on knowledge echoes in my mind: “The goal of knowledge is to transport the mind from its limited understanding and concepts to a more expanded state of awareness. The goal of all knowledge is to make the mind agree and say 'Yes!'" As I sat there, I remember my mind slowly expanding, as though each moment in Gurudev's presence was gently guiding me from the narrow confines of ego to a larger space of awareness. His Grace was helping my mind say "Yes!" - not just intellectually, but at the deepest level of my being.