Cold @i77_c77 Channel on Telegram



Cold (English)

Welcome to the Cold Telegram channel, where we explore the chilling side of life. Whether you're a fan of winter sports, mysterious stories, or simply enjoy the cool embrace of a rainy day, this channel is perfect for you. Join us as we delve into topics related to the cold, from snow-capped mountains to icy folklore. Who are we? We are a group of cold enthusiasts who share a passion for all things frosty. What is this channel? It's a hub for like-minded individuals to come together and celebrate the beauty of the cold. So if you're ready to embrace the chill, join us at Cold and let's explore the frozen world together.


26 Dec, 15:42

يتم الموت


05 Nov, 17:04

Cause darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.


25 Oct, 13:11

Everything I've ever done has come from a place of fear and hurt, kindness and care and compassion.


23 Oct, 14:07

But god, what's wrong with me, after all? What am I missing? Why this emptiness, this nostalgia? What is this anxiety, as if I only loved something I didn't know?


12 Oct, 13:14

هاي اني لو جنت جماد


02 Oct, 19:49

طبعاً ماتفق مية بالمية 🤭


02 Oct, 19:18

نِهَاية الدنيا فَناءٌ فَعِشْ فِيها طَليقًا واِعتَبِرها عَدمْ.


29 Sep, 21:51

النَفسُ بِالشَيءِ المُمَنَّعِ مولَعَةُ
وَالحادِثاتُ أُصولُها مُتَففَرِّعَة
وَالنَفسُ لِلشَيءِ البَعيدِ مُريدَةٌ
وَلِكُلِّ ما قَرُبَّت إِلَيهِ مُضَيِّعَة
كُلٌّ يُحاوِلُ حيلَةً يَرجو بِها
دَفَعَ المَضَرَّةَ وَاِجتِلابَ المَنفَعَة.


23 Sep, 21:43

‏كل قطعة ناقصة في حياة الإنسان، يستحيل أن تُحقق له الكمال؛ لأنها تجيء بنقصٍ جديد ينبعث من تبعات السعي إليها، والمسؤوليات المترتبة عند الحصول عليها، وكأن كل كمالٍ يُطلب ينطوي على نقص يَثلبه.


18 Sep, 22:26

It’s so Quiet that I can hear my hand-watch Ticking and I really like it that way.


04 Sep, 05:56