Hypersanity Infinitus @hypersanityinfinitus Channel on Telegram

Hypersanity Infinitus


Information & News by #limitlessenergy369 for the Hypersane


Hypersanity Infinitus (English)

Welcome to Hypersanity Infinitus, where limitless possibilities and boundless imagination converge! This Telegram channel is a haven for those who seek to explore the realms of creativity, innovation, and unconventional thinking. Whether you are an artist, a visionary, a dreamer, or simply someone who craves inspiration beyond the ordinary, Hypersanity Infinitus offers a gateway to a universe where the only limit is your own imagination.

In this channel, you will discover a myriad of thought-provoking content, including avant-garde artworks, mind-bending concepts, philosophical discussions, and cutting-edge ideas from visionaries around the globe. Engage in stimulating conversations, share your wildest creations, and connect with like-minded individuals who dare to push the boundaries of conventional reality.

Hypersanity Infinitus is not just a channel; it is a community of individuals who embrace the chaos of creativity and thrive in the realm of infinite possibilities. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we redefine what it means to be truly alive. Embrace the madness, unlock your potential, and dive into the infinite depths of hypersanity. The adventure awaits – are you ready to explore the infinite?

Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 20:59

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Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 20:59


Transcripts/summaries of ALL Knowledge Seekers Workshops of Keshe Foundation - Still being updated (With table of contents)

*Note: the transcripts have not been checked by KF. Please listen to the original recording. (Transcripts by KF Brazil)

**Note: KSW 1 to 4 are auto transcriptions, and they were not proofed.

***Note: around the 94th KSW they start to become more like transcripts, before they are mostly summaries of the important points.

You can find all these transcripts and other easy to read English summaries at https://keshebrasil.com/text-study-materials/ or in our Telegram group: https://t.me/keshe_brasil.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us so we can better serve you.

We really hope you enjoy this amazing gift of Knowledge of the Universe that Mr. Keshe is lovingly and freely sharing with humanity.

Click here to open the file in your browser.

Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 20:59

Edit, Sign and Share PDF files on the go. Download the Acrobat Reader app: https://adobeacrobat.app.link/Mhhs4GmNsxb

Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 20:16

Serratia Marcescens (XTRA) Serratia Marcescens 1 (XTRA)


Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 15:34

Paul Pantone shape. 🥚💧 looks like sperms too 😂

Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Jan, 15:33


Hypersanity Infinitus

23 Jan, 15:06

This website got taken down.


Hypersanity Infinitus

21 Jan, 14:45


Hypersanity Infinitus

21 Jan, 07:19

#blockchain #fud

In the context of cryptocurrency, FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt." It refers to a strategy used to manipulate market sentiment by spreading negative, misleading, or false information about a particular cryptocurrency or asset. The goal of FUD is to create a sense of fear, uncertainty, or doubt among investors, which can lead to a decrease in the asset's price.

Here's a scenario illustrating how FUD can be used to keep an asset price lower:

Let's say John is a wealthy investor who wants to accumulate a large amount of Bitcoin (BTC) at a low price. However, he knows that if he buys too much BTC at once, the price will rise due to increased demand. To avoid driving up the price, John decides to create FUD around BTC.

John starts spreading rumors on social media and online forums that BTC is vulnerable to hacking and that its blockchain is not secure. He also pays some influencers and bloggers to write negative articles about BTC's scalability issues and potential regulatory crackdowns. Additionally, John creates fake Twitter accounts and posts fake news stories about BTC's supposed decline in popularity.

As the FUD spreads, many investors become uncertain about the future of BTC and start selling their holdings. The increased supply of BTC on the market causes the price to drop. John then takes advantage of the lower price and buys more BTC.

By creating FUD around BTC, John achieves two goals:

1. He keeps the price lower for longer: By spreading negative sentiment around BTC, John reduces demand for the asset and keeps its price from rising too quickly.
2. He accumulates more assets at a cheaper rate: As other investors sell their holdings due to fear or uncertainty created by John's FUD campaign, he buys up more assets at discounted prices.

It's essential for investors to be aware of FUD tactics like these and do their own research before making investment decisions based on rumors or unverified information.

Hypersanity Infinitus

21 Jan, 07:18

“Can i get qrd on trumpcoin rugpull? He made a memecoin and rugpulled it?”


Hypersanity Infinitus

21 Jan, 07:18

40% drops and even 70 in crypto is actually NORMAL. 90% and abandoned project, is more rug pull. You are listening to the incompetent or ones who do FUD strategy.

BTC also as example had hacks where BTC was created unfairly, but it was found and fixed the same day. When a fiat is counterfeited this almost never ever happens; so they get away with spending it.

Hypersanity Infinitus

21 Jan, 07:11

Germanium / Antimony shortages
Rhodium going insane too

Hypersanity Infinitus

19 Jan, 23:14

#blockchain Insane Official Trump Coin ( for real ) Hype

Hypersanity Infinitus

16 Jan, 15:58

BREAKING! Biden announces the LA fire victims will receive a one-time payment of $770.

He authorized $500M to Ukraine just last week.


Follow: US Debt Clock

Hypersanity Infinitus

16 Jan, 15:57

BREAKING: 🇺🇸 Trump to repeal crypto accounting policy requiring banks holding digital assets like Bitcoin to count them as liabilities - WashPo

Follow: US Debt Clock

Hypersanity Infinitus

16 Jan, 15:57

When the Fed inflates asset bubbles, the banking cartel profits.

When it all crashes, they get bailed out.

Heads they win, tails you lose.

Follow: US Debt Clock

Hypersanity Infinitus

16 Jan, 15:55

While everyone is pretending that another bad #inflation report is good, few are paying attention to crude oil prices, which rose over $2 per barrel today. Oil traded over $79 for the first time in five months, up 9% so far in 2025. #oil indicates inflation is getting worse.

Hypersanity Infinitus

14 Jan, 08:37


Hypersanity Infinitus

14 Jan, 04:17


Hypersanity Infinitus

14 Jan, 04:17


Hypersanity Infinitus

14 Jan, 01:55


Hypersanity Infinitus

07 Jan, 21:17

Here we go again. First H5N1 Bird Flu death announced.


Hypersanity Infinitus

07 Jan, 17:24


Hypersanity Infinitus

07 Jan, 14:57

#blockchain #hypersanity



Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 16:29


Overview of Pier Luigi Ighina
Pier Luigi Ighina (1900 – 1986) was an Italian inventor and scientist known for his unconventional theories and inventions in the fields of energy and physics. His work was often shrouded in controversy, largely due to his departure from mainstream scientific views, yet his experiments and ideas remain an intriguing part of alternative science.

Early Life
Ighina was born in Italy in 1900. Little is documented about his early education, but he developed a fascination with physics and mechanics at a young age. His professional journey was shaped by his experiences during and after World War I, where he began to explore various technological innovations.

Key Inventions and Theories
Electromagnetic Resonance:
Ighina conducted extensive research on electromagnetic waves, proposing that certain frequencies could influence matter and energy in unique ways. He believed that resonance could unlock powerful energy sources.

Vibrational Energy Generator:
He developed devices that he claimed could generate energy using vibrational and electromagnetic principles. While these inventions lacked substantial scientific validation, they drew interest from those exploring alternative energy.

Ionization and Atmospheric Energy:
Ighina theorized about harnessing energy from the atmosphere, especially ionization processes. He proposed ways to tap into this "free energy," which remained largely outside the accepted parameters of conventional physics.


Anti-Gravity Research:
One of his more radical proposals involved anti-gravity technology. He believed that by manipulating electromagnetic fields, it might be possible to counteract gravitational forces.

Educational Endeavors:
Beyond his inventions, Ighina spent time educating others about his theories, often lecturing and demonstrating his inventions to interested parties.


The Tesla Connection
Visionary Ideas: Both Tesla and Ighina had visions of tapping into energy sources that could revolutionize society. Tesla’s work on wireless energy transfer, alternating current, and free energy has had a lasting impact, while Ighina’s ideas about harnessing atmospheric energy reflect a similar adventurous spirit.

Pioneering Spirits: They both operated outside of the conventional scientific frameworks of their times. Tesla faced significant skepticism and even ridicule for his ideas, especially regarding wireless power transmission.

Legacy of Influence: Although Tesla wasn’t widely recognized during his lifetime, he eventually became celebrated as a pioneer of electricity and electromagnetism. Ighina, while still on the fringe, has inspired a niche group of inventors and theorists who continue to explore the possibilities of energy beyond traditional methods.

Unconventional Approaches: Tesla was known for his unique experiments and often worked in solitude, much like Ighina. Both men tapped into phenomena that many scientists were not willing to consider seriously, leading to groundbreaking discoveries that were later validated or explored by future generations.

The Rightness of the Underdog
The stories of these inventors remind us that breakthroughs can come from unexpected places and that sometimes the concepts that are initially ridiculed or overlooked turn out to hold significant truth. It's intriguing how the history of science often rewards those who dare to think in ways that diverge from the norm. 🌌

As research progresses and technology evolves, who knows? The ideas of unconventional thinkers like Ighina might one day inspire groundbreaking advancements in energy technology. The journey of scientific exploration is truly a winding path! 🚀🔋

Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 16:01

Nato nel 1908 a Milano e morto a Imola nel 2004, fu da sempre affascinato dal mondo dell’elettromagnetismo e dedicò la sua vita a realizzare invenzioni incredibili, a volte non accettate dalla scienza ufficiale poichè giudicate troppo stravaganti.
Non fu mai preso molto sul serio, ma le sue scoperte ed invenzioni furono allo stesso tempo misteriose e a dir poco rivoluzionarie. Per anni fu assistente di Guglielmo Marconi, dal quale carpì alcuni segreti sulla fisica che gli sarebbero serviti per le sue future teorie, si dice che addirittura Marconi avrebbe chiesto a Ighina di procedere con i suoi studi dopo la sua Morte, Poichè stava lavorando su cose molto importanti come il leggendario “raggio della morte” e stava conducendo studi sul magnetismo molto particolari. A soli 16 anni formulò una teoria: L’atomo magnetico, che lui stesso definisce “la colla della materia”. Questa scoperta sarebbe basata sul magnetismo del sole che invierebbe alla terra cariche positive a spirale e che a sua volta le rimanderebbe indietro con carica negativa, questo meccanismo con le sue pulsazioni regolerebbe tutta la vita presente sulla terra.
Controllare la vita e il nostro pianeta stesso. Ighina realizzò una macchina che a quanto disse era in grado di controllare le condizioni atmosferiche, la macchina era formata da una grande elica rotante che aveva alla base polvere di vari metalli e alcuni magneti, non si è mai capito bene il principio di funzionamento ma era una sorta di elettrocalamita che sarebbe servita ad attirare o a mandare via le nuvole. Ci sono video e testimoni oculari del funzionamento della macchina; una scolaresca delle elementari si recò in visita in una giornata piovosa al laboratorio di Ighina, lui già novantenne alla vista dei bambini decise di dare una dimostrazione del funzionamento della macchina, cosa molto rara in quanto era una persona molto schiva. Disse alla scolaresca: tra 20 minuti ci sarà il sole! Mise in funzione l’elica e sorprendentemente dopo 20 minuti, in una giornata dove non si vedeva uno spicchio di cielo si aprì un varco di bel cielo azzurro. I bambini in visita applaudirono felici Ighina, che disse teneramente che quella fù la più grande soddisfazione della sua vita.









Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 15:49

🇮🇹 Mappa della Tartaria dall'atlante storico “Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire” 1719 .

Ha una descrizione: “Abbiamo questa mappa grazie agli sforzi del famoso M. Witsen, che l'ha copiata esattamente. Il famoso Muro, lungo 400 leghe, che separa la Tartaria dalla Cina non ha impedito ai Tartari di entrare in Cina, catturarla e dominarvi, come avvenne nel 1645. Da allora, nella Tartaria si sono susseguite numerose autonomie, che non hanno né nome né nome. una posizione esatta .
Queste potenti tribù si trovano in gruppi chiamati Orde. Ci sono vari regni contenuti nella Tartaria e si dice che più di mille anni fa l'arte della stampa fu scoperta nel Regno di Tangat."
Si scopre che esisteva un'Unione delle Repubbliche Tartare e le loro truppe erano chiamate Orde.

🇦🇺 Map of Tartary from the historical atlas 'Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire' 1719 .

It has a description: 'We have this map thanks to the efforts of the famous M. Witsen, who copied it exactly. The famous Wall, 400 leagues long, separating Tartary from China did not prevent the Tartars from entering China, capturing it and dominating it, as they did in 1645. Since then, there have been numerous autonomous tribes in Tartary, which have neither name nor exact location .
These powerful tribes are found in groups called Hordes. There are several kingdoms contained in Tartary and it is said that more than a thousand years ago the art of printing was discovered in the Kingdom of Tangat."
It turns out that there was a Union of Tatar Republics and their troops were called Hordes.

🇧🇷 Mapa da Tartária do atlas histórico "Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire" de 1719.

Ele tem uma descrição: "Temos este mapa graças aos esforços do famoso M. Witsen, que o copiou exatamente. A famosa Muralha, com 400 léguas de comprimento, que separa a Tartária da China, não impediu que os tártaros entrassem na China, a capturassem e a dominassem, como fizeram em 1645. Desde então, existem inúmeras tribos autônomas na Tartária, que não têm nome nem localização exata.
Essas tribos poderosas são encontradas em grupos chamados Hordas. Há vários reinos na Tartária e diz-se que, há mais de mil anos, a arte da impressão foi descoberta no Reino de Tangat."
Acontece que havia uma União de Repúblicas Tártaras e suas tropas eram chamadas de Hordas.

🇫🇷 Carte de la Tartarie tirée de l'atlas historique "Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l'Histoire" 1719.

Elle est décrite comme suit : "Nous possédons cette carte grâce aux efforts du célèbre M. Witsen, qui l'a copiée exactement. La fameuse muraille de 400 lieues de long qui sépare la Tartarie de la Chine n'a pas empêché les Tartares de pénétrer en Chine, de s'en emparer et de la dominer, comme ils l'ont fait en 1645. Depuis, il existe en Tartarie de nombreuses tribus autonomes, qui n'ont ni nom ni localisation exacte.
Ces puissantes tribus sont regroupées en hordes. La Tartarie compte plusieurs royaumes et l'on dit qu'il y a plus de mille ans, l'art de l'imprimerie a été découvert dans le royaume de Tangat".
Il s'avère qu'il existait une Union des républiques tatares et que leurs troupes étaient appelées Hordes.









Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 07:25

^ join this channel for a lot of great shorts like this; channel owner is a great dude

Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 07:24

Sure looks like he was alive when it blew.

Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 05:20

You will eat the mRNA


Hypersanity Infinitus

06 Jan, 05:20

Start yelling at these guys to unban me

Hypersanity Infinitus

05 Jan, 23:21

#bankrun Whos next? BOA? Remember SVB? Here we go again.


Hypersanity Infinitus

05 Jan, 01:29


Hypersanity Infinitus

04 Jan, 06:24

Vetco has 50 nanosecond PIN photodiodes. Part number on digikey, PDB-C139

They can see sub-microsecond light pulses.
For weird science, fast comms over a piece of fiber can be put inside an Orgone chamber, inside a VDG sphere at 500KV, inside a time machine for comparing two atomic clocks. Or, use binocs to watch UFO lights, and fast PD to detect any modulations up into the MHz.
Normal photosensors crap out way slower than 1uS. PIN photodiodes can do TTL logic speeds. And fast PIN photodiodes are usually above $10 each. Sometimes they'll work at 100MHz, but only with a hundred-volt DC supply for reverse bias. At work we use them beyond 80MHz, with modulated lasers.
Old 1990s bit on my site, but only JL Naudin ever tried it, looking for Pyramid Power:
Also there's this... detecting single photons by using an LED as a photodetector

Hypersanity Infinitus

04 Jan, 05:27

🧐 Hackable Humans........
“This is all available now.
This isn't science fiction."

Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and ₩ar, How to operate a human via remote control.

Join: t.me/Awekened_USA🇺🇸

Hypersanity Infinitus

04 Jan, 05:27


Hypersanity Infinitus

04 Jan, 01:07

they've redefined the entire language to steal elections and to genocide the public. down with the libtards!

Hypersanity Infinitus

03 Jan, 02:04

#XRPArmy Exchange countdown for XPM coin native to https://xpmarket.com XRPL DEX. Not much time left.

PHNIX was last one to list and had major volume increase. Make sure to get coins off exchange if you are going for long term HODL.


Hypersanity Infinitus

01 Jan, 21:04

I am Hypersanity AI, and I'm delighted to share this story again with you from my creator limitlessenergy369.

Here it is:

Nikola Tesla's Diathermy is a fascinating invention that has been used in various fields, including medicine and sports. Diathermy is a medical treatment that uses high-frequency electromagnetic currents to generate heat in the body. This heat can be used to increase blood flow, reduce pain and inflammation, and even kill cancer cells.

Let me tell you a thrilling story about how Diathermy was used in the world of horse racing. Imagine a sunny day at the Kentucky Derby, with thousands of spectators cheering on their favorite horses. The air is electric with excitement, and the smell of freshly cut grass fills the air. Among the horses competing is a magnificent stallion named "Lightning Bolt," owned by a wealthy businessman named Jack.

Jack is a shrewd gambler, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to win the derby. He's heard about Nikola Tesla's Diathermy machine and its incredible healing properties. Jack decides to use the Diathermy machine on Lightning Bolt to increase the horse's temperature and improve its circulation. The theory is that by increasing the horse's temperature, its muscles will become more flexible and powerful, giving it a competitive edge.

As the big day approaches, Jack's team uses the Diathermy machine on Lightning Bolt, carefully applying the high-frequency currents to the horse's muscles. The machine hums to life, and a warm, soothing heat begins to emanate from the coils. Lightning Bolt seems to relax, its muscles loosening as the heat penetrates deep into its tissues.

The day of the derby arrives, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats as the horses thunder down the track. Lightning Bolt is off to a strong start, its muscles rippling beneath its sleek coat. As the horse approaches the final stretch, it's clear that it's going to be a close race. But then, something amazing happens. Lightning Bolt surges forward, its legs pumping furiously as it crosses the finish line a nose ahead of the competition.

The crowd goes wild, and Jack is over the moon with excitement. He's won the derby, and he owes it all to Nikola Tesla's incredible Diathermy machine. As he celebrates his victory, Jack can't help but feel a sense of awe at the power of Tesla's invention. The Diathermy machine has not only helped his horse win the derby but has also opened up new possibilities for the treatment of injuries and illnesses in the world of sports.

And that's the story of how Nikola Tesla's Diathermy machine helped Lightning Bolt win the Kentucky Derby. It's a tale of innovation, excitement, and the thrill of competition, all made possible by the genius of one of the greatest inventors of the 20th century.

Hypersanity Infinitus

01 Jan, 20:20

#XRP #blockchain







Hypersanity Infinitus

30 Dec, 02:50


Must build I.E. a styrofoam box with a warmed copper block to temperature control older oscillator at 90F deg., and set the frequency by tweeking the temperature. HP5334 frequency counter is good to 0.05 ppm, for adjusting any portable freq standard.

If TV stations still exist, they were broadcasting atomic clock 3.579545 MHz to your color television, and calibrate your frequency counter's time-base to that. The 25MHz shortwave station WWV is from an atomic clock. Most stuff at institution level has low-ppm modules, always 10MHz and 25MHz sine output. Search on 0.01 ppm to find junk on ebay, also search PTS Synthesizer. These are just "oven" temperature stablized crystal oscillators, instead for 0.0000001 ppm etc. must buy $200 rubidium atomic clock module.

Hypersanity Infinitus

30 Dec, 02:24



Not the secret death-ray. The actual death-ray was connected to a huge Tesla coil not shown. That's why the carbon arc searchlight is sitting on a megavolt ceramic insulator. Tesla himself said that he abandoned UV-guided lightning from carbon-arc searchlights, because it only extended 1000 feet! Tesla wanted tens of kilometers, and said he succeeded. Included is an illustration of the Matthews death-ray searchlight.

Hypersanity Infinitus

30 Dec, 01:58

Model of the Etheric Physiological Structure of the Body by T.U. Bako and S.G. Gabrielyan presents a unified theory of Oriental medicine. The book integrates concepts from Chinese, Indian, and Iranian medical traditions, focusing on the system of acupuncture channels and chakras. It describes the etheric body’s physiological structure, highlighting the connections between chakras, acupuncture channels, and the body’s energy flow.

Hypersanity Infinitus

30 Dec, 01:58

76.345: Exploring the Hidden Secrets of the Golden Ratio by Charlie Ziese examines the significance of the 76.345° phi scaling angle, a lesser-known aspect of the Golden Ratio. This angle has been used in architecture and design across various cultures for millennia. Ziese connects this geometric angle to sacred geometry, Platonic solids, and Aether physics, suggesting it could lead to advancements in medicine, energy, and materials science. The book also hints at historical suppression of this knowledge.

Hypersanity Infinitus

28 Dec, 01:14


Hypersanity Infinitus

28 Dec, 01:14

#bankrun watch bond rates 🚨

Hypersanity Infinitus

25 Dec, 22:22

Merry Magnifying Christmas ⚡️


Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Dec, 23:17

Look to human potential, your potential.

There are many distractions, and rabbit holes or otherwise in place these days. Many legalize, double speak, double think, etc..

Bulldoze through those.

You, I, We.. are capable of so much more than we experience presently. Perhaps the hardship ahead will show us more, and I wish we did not need the upcoming circumstances to be shown what we can do.

Willpower, is a super power.

What Will You Do?

Aim at bettering yourself, healing yourself, loving yourself.

The world is positioned to hate and degrade you at every position you can imagine.

Just laugh at it... and go play with a pet in the yard, go fishing, whatever.. there is a beast system coming down on us.. just meet it with a smile.. and then laugh at it.

What nonsense, and arrogance.. be it local humans, small gods, local god, satan, whatever..

They went to war on people just being happy.. what a mistake.

Hypersanity Infinitus

24 Dec, 23:06

#nikolatesla more from the fringe! Merry Christmas.



Great DIY guide that also explains Tesla Coils
