Academic sector of HUMSJ @humsj_accdamic Channel on Telegram

Academic sector of HUMSJ


The Academic sector of HUMSJ offers a platform for students to discuss, share resources, and seek guidance. Its goal is to promote academic excellence, encourage collaboration, and provide a space for students to exchange ideas and support each other.

Academic sector of HUMSJ (English)

Are you a student looking to excel in your academic journey? Look no further than the Academic sector of HUMSJ! With the username @humsj_accdamic, this Telegram channel is the ultimate platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions, share valuable resources, and seek guidance from peers. The Academic sector of HUMSJ is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and fostering a culture of collaboration among students. Whether you are struggling with a particular subject, in need of study materials, or simply looking to exchange ideas with like-minded individuals, this channel has got you covered. By joining the Academic sector of HUMSJ, you will have access to a supportive community of students who are passionate about learning and eager to help others succeed. From study tips and exam preparation strategies to career guidance and research opportunities, this channel offers a wide range of resources to enhance your academic experience. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of a dynamic community that values education, teamwork, and personal growth. Join the Academic sector of HUMSJ today and take your academic journey to the next level!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

01 Feb, 19:30

📢 Exciting Learning Sessions Continue Tomorrow! 🎉

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Get ready for an extraordinary learning experience starting tomorrow at 10:00LT at Masjid Nasr (Ganda Booyi)right after asr prayer !

🗓 What's Happening:🗓

 📆Saturday:- Physics by MUJAHID (SWE) for an exhilarating dive into a sea of physics questions!  Be prepared to stretch your brain and conquer those tricky problems!  

Academic sector of HUMSJ

31 Jan, 20:41

Academic sector of HUMSJ pinned «📢 Big News! Exciting Learning Sessions continue Tomorrow! 🎉 As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Get ready for an extraordinary learning experience starting tomorrow at 10:00LT at Masjid Nasr (Ganda Booyi)! 🗓 What’s Happening:🗓 📆Saturday: Mathematics…»

Academic sector of HUMSJ

31 Jan, 20:40

📢 Big News! Exciting Learning Sessions continue Tomorrow! 🎉

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Get ready for an extraordinary learning experience starting tomorrow at 10:00LT at Masjid Nasr (Ganda Booyi)!

🗓 What’s Happening:🗓
📆Saturday: Mathematics – Join Abdulaziz (GandaJE) for an exhilarating dive into a sea of math questions!
Be prepared to stretch your brain and conquer those tricky problems.

What to Bring?
Your notebook, pen, and a thirst for knowledge!

📍LOCATION:Masjid Nasr (Ganda Booyi)

Don’t let this opportunity slip by! Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and be ready for an amazing learning adventure. See you there,
in shaa Allah! 🙌

Thank you for being such a fantastic part of our community! 🚀🙌

Academic sector of HUMSJ

31 Jan, 04:19

📢 Guess What? Our Tutorials Start Today! 🎉

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Great news! Our tutorial sessions kick off today (Friday) after Asr prayer at the Masjid—and we can’t wait to see you there!

🗓 Here’s the game plan:
📖 Friday: English – Abdulfetaah (AJ) (4th-year Software Engineering)
Saturday: Mathematics – Abdulaziz (Ganda JE) (Lots of question practice!)
Sunday: Physics – Mujahid (2nd-year Software Engineering) (More problem-solving!)

What to bring? Just your notebook, pen, and your best learning attitude!

LOCATION:AT MASJID Nasr(ganda booyi)

Don't miss out—it’s gonna be a great learning experience! See you all there, right after asr salah in shaa Allah! 🙌

Academic sector of HUMSJ

30 Jan, 17:28

For fresh hu muslim students only

Academic sector of HUMSJ

30 Jan, 17:27

🕗 Only 24 Hours Left! 🕘

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The moment we've all been waiting for is just around the corner! You have registered for an amazing tutorial, and there are only 24 hours left until we gather together. Are you ready for an inspiring experience?

📅 Date: Tomorrow 
Time: 16:00  or(10:00 LT)
📍 Location: At the Masjid

Important Reminder: Don’t forget to bring your notebook 📒, pen 🖊, and any materials 📖 you may need. Your participation is crucial, and remember: Absence is not an option! ❗️❗️

Let’s make this session unforgettable! Looking forward to seeing each and every one of you there!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

27 Jan, 17:25

በ2017 ዓ.ም አጋማሽ ላይ የሚሰጠውን የቅድመ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመውጫ ፈተና ከጥር 26-30/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን ከዚህን በፊት መግለጻችን ይታወሳል፡፡ በመሆኑም ፈተናውን ለመፈተን የተመዘገባችሁ ተፈታኞች (አዲስና በድጋሚ ለመፈተን ያመለከታችሁ በሙሉ) ፈተናው የሚሰጠው ከላይ በተጠቀሰው ጊዜ መኑን በድጋሚ ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን፡፡

 ተጨማሪ መረጃዎች በምዝገባ link እና በተለያዩ የግንኙነት ዘዴዎች በየጊዜው የምናዋሳውቅ በመሆኑ እንድትከታተሉ እናሳውቃለን፡፡

©ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር



Academic sector of HUMSJ

26 Jan, 14:26

don't miss to share for fresh muslim students!!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

26 Jan, 13:44

📣📣 Oduu gammachiisaa 📣📣

AsSalamu alyikum werahmetulahi weberekatuh.

Obboleewwan keenya warra freeshi kan dhiiraa fii shamaraa Qormaatni finali waan  dhihaateef yaaddon isin galee jiraa? Yo ta'e jama'aan keenyi HUMSJ(Haramaya university Muslim students jema'a) barattoota muxanno fi dandeetti aja'ibaa qabaniin tutorii📗📙📕 isiniif kennuuf qophii xumuree isin affere jira.

Course nuti irratti xiyyeeffanees:-
       📄 physics

Coursilee armaan olii irratti hirmaachuun qooda akka irraa argattan kabajaan isiniif dhaama📚.

Galmaa'uuf linkii arman gadii fayyadamaa⤵️

Akkasumas materiala adda addaa isin fayyadu argachuuf groupii arman gadii fayyadama⤵️

Academic sector of HUMSJ

26 Jan, 13:43

📣📣ታላቅ የምስራች ለፍሬሽ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ📣📣

አሠላሙዓለይኩም ወራሕመቱላሂ ተዓላ ወበረካትሁ

ውድ እና የተከበራቹ ፍሬሽ ወንድም እና እህቶች
Final ደረሰ በለው ተጨንቋል ? እነሆ የ HUMSJ
(የሐረማያ ዩንቨርስቲ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ጀምዓ)  ለምድ እና ብቃት ባላቸው ድንቅ ተማሪዎቻችን ልዩ የሆነ የቲቶሪያል 📗📒📕  ፕሮግራም  አዘጋጅቶ የእናንተን ንቁ ተሳትፎ በመጠባበቅ ላይ ይገኛል። ሰለሆነም በሦስት የትምህርት ዓይነቶች ማለትም በ፡

     📄  physics
     📄  Mathematics and
     📄  English

የትምህርት ዓይነቶች የቲቶሪያል ፕሮግራም አዘጋጅቶ የፕሮግራሙ አንድ አካል እና ተጠቃሚ እንድትሆኑ ግብዣውን ሲያቀርብ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው📚

ለመመዝገብ ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ⤵️

እና የሚከተለዉን ግሩፕ በመቀላቀል የተለያየ ትምህርታዊ materials ይጠቀሙ ⤵️

Academic sector of HUMSJ

25 Jan, 17:35

Video Chat in @hucisa has started!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

25 Jan, 16:57

📍ነገ በፕሮግራሙ ላይ እንዲጠየቁ የምትፈልጓቸውን ጥያቄዎች በተከታዩ ቦት ላኩልን!!!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

25 Jan, 16:54

💥 የንፅፅር ሳምንታዊ ኮርስ!!

🚨ካፊሮች በጥያቄ አስጨንቀውሃል?  አንቺስ እህቴ በእስልምናሽ ላይ ብዥታ ተፈጥሮብሻል ?

🎯እንግዲያውንስ ነገ ማለትም እሁድ ከዙሁር በኋላ በእውቁ ዳኢ እና ከነ ኡስታዝ ወሂድ ኡመር ጋር የቲክቶክ አፖሎጂስት የሆነው ኡስታዝ ኢብራሒም ባቴ  መስጂድ ታላቅ የንፅፅር ሃይማኖት ኮርስ ተዘጋጅቷል።

🎯 አዎ ዲናችን ላይ መልስ ያሌለው ጥያቄ የለም፣ ትምህርቶች ይሰጣሉ ፣ ጥያቄዎች 🙋 ይመለሳሉ፣ ቅዱሳን መፅሃፍቶች ይዳሰሳሉ ። ከባቴ በለው ከገንደቦይ፣ ከገንደጄ እና ከእስቴሽን ተማሪዎች የሚሳተፋበት ትልቅ እና አሰተማሪ የኮርስ ፕሮግራም!!

እንኳን መቅረት ማርፈድ ያስቆጫል!!!

🔖 ፕሮግራሙ የሚያካትታቸው ነገሮች፦
✔️ከስላሴ እሳቤ ጋር የተያያዘ ትምህርት
✔️የጥያቄ እና መልስ ፕሮግራም

📮 ስለዚህ ሁላችንም ለፕሮግራሙ ስንመጣ፦
✔️ ደብተር እና ስክሪፕቶ
✔️ ጠቅላላ ከሌሎች እምነቶች በእስልምና ላይ የሚነሱ ጥያቄዎችን አዘጋጅተን እንገኝ።

ሰዓት :- ነገ እሁድ 18/05/2017 ከዙሁር በኋላ
🕌 ቦታ :- ባቴ ትልቁ መስጂድ 1ኛ ፎቅ ላይ
🎙አቅራቢ :- ኡስታዝ አፖሎጂስት ኢብራሒም

Academic sector of HUMSJ

25 Jan, 02:04

Don't compare yourself with anyone! Comparison is the thief of joy!

Stop comparing yourself with others. Recognise and appreciate what the Almighty has blessed you with for your journey. You're special and no one else is like you.
The main reason for success is knowing yourself and the main reason for failure is comparing yourself to others. The fall of man begins when he compares himself with people saying like, they are like this, but I just remain like this, I will not change, I will not improve. But if you want a real improvement in your life just compare who you are today with who you were in the past, where were you yesterday? where are you today and where do you want to be tomorrow?, And don't compare your efforts with the successes of others.

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏”‏ انْظُرُوا إِلَى مَنْ أَسْفَلَ مِنْكُمْ وَلاَ تَنْظُرُوا إِلَى مَنْ هُوَ فَوْقَكُمْ فَهُوَ أَجْدَرُ أَنْ لاَ تَزْدَرُوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّهِ
متفقٌ عَلَيْهِ

“Look at those who have less than you and do not look at those who have more, lest you should belittle the blessings of Allah (that you already possess).”

The reason is that everyone has their own value, look at the fish even if it has the ability to swim in water, it cannot climb a tree like monkey. Understand that everyone has their unique path, and comparing yourself to others can be detrimental.

Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude. Focus on your own blessings rather than what others have. Remember that Allah's plan for each person is different.

And finally brother and sisters, Don't compare yourself with anyone in this dunya as this is not your job to do, your sustenance is in Allah's hands and you won't get anything more or less as what is decided. It will rob you of your inner peace and you'll find yourself heading down the slippery road of envy and jealousy.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

18 Jan, 17:23


ሀገር አቀፍ የድኅረ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) ውጤት ተለቋል።

በ2017 ዓ.ም ሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር የድኅረ-ምረቃ ትምህርት ለመከታተል የተመዘገቡ አመልካቾች ፈተና ረቡዕ ጥር 7/2017 ዓ.ም መሠጠቱ ይታወቃል።

https// ላይ በመግባት NGAT የሚለውን በመምረጥና የራስዎን User Name በማስገባት ውጤትዎን መመልከት ይችላሉ።

Academic sector of HUMSJ

16 Jan, 18:04

«ትግልህን ለይ»

እውቁ የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ ምሁርና ፖለቲከኛ ፕ/ መረራ ጉዲና ብዙ ጊዜ ውስብስብ የሆነ የፖለቲካ ጉዳዮችን ቀለልና ፈገግ በሚያሰኝ ቋንቋ ሲገልፁ እናውቃቸዋለን። በአንድ ወቅት "መታገል የምፈልገው ቢራዬን እየጠጣሁ ነው" ብለዋል ተብሎ ይነገራል። ሁሉም ነገር በልኩ መሆን አለበት ለማለት ፈልገው ይመስለኛል።

ሁሌም ትግል አለ። ሁሉም ትግሎች ግን የሁሉም አይደሉም። ትግሎች ብዙ አይነት በመሆናቸው የሚለያዩት በአንገብጋቢነታቸውና ለየሰው ባላቸው ቀዳሚነት/ቅርበት ነው። የማያልፉና ቀዳሚ የሆኑት ያንተ ትግሎችን መለየት ግን ወሳኙ የህይወት ቀመር ነው። አንዳንዱን ትግል ምቾትህን፣ ጊዜህንና ገንዘብህን ትገብርለታለህ። አንዳንዱን ደግሞ የቡናና ሻይ እረፍትህም ሲበዛበት ሊሆን ይችላል። በሁለቱ መሀል ያሉትን ደግሞ ሁሉም ለራሱ ይወቀው።

ትግልህን ለይ። የተማሪ ቀዳሚ ትግሉ ትምህርቱ ነው፣ የሰራተኛ ስራውና ገቢው፤ የአባ/እማወራ ደግሞ ቤተሰባቸው፤ የፖለቲከኛ ፖለቲካው፤ የነጋዴ ንግዱ እያለ ይቀጥላል። የራስህን ትግል ትተህ የሌላው ላይ መጣድ ዛሬህን ቀምቶ የነገ ተፀፃች ነው የሚያደርግህና አስብበት።


Academic sector of HUMSJ

16 Jan, 13:13

የመውጫ ፈተና (Exit Exam)

በ2017 ዓ.ም አጋማሽ የሚሰጠውን የቅድመ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመውጫ ፈተና (Exit Exam) ዳግም ለመውሰድ ፍላጎት ያላቸው አመልካቾች ምዝገባ ከጥር 8-14/2017 ዓ.ም እንደሚከናወን ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር አሳውቋል፡፡
ፈተና የሚሰጥበትን ጊዜ በቀጣይ እንደሚያሳውቅ ሚኒስቴሩ ገልጿል፡፡
ከምዝገባ ጋር ተያይዞ ለሚኖራችሁ ጥያቄ ዘውትር በሥራ ሰዓት በተከታዮቹ አማራጮች ማብራሪያ መጠየቅ የምትችሉ መሆኑን ተገልጿል፡፡

Email: [email protected]
☎️ 0911824528 / 0913678404 / 0913949676 / 0910076453 / 0923106826 / 0913866717 / 0911335683

የመፈተኛ User Name እና Password በመመዝገቢያ ፖርታል በኩል የሚላክ ይሆናል።
የመመዝገቢያ ክፍያ ብር 500 በቴሌብር በኩል ብቻ መፈፀም ይኖርባችኋል፡፡
ምዝገባ ማድረግ የሚቻለው በተጠቀሱት የምዝገባ ቀናት ብቻ ነው፡፡

Academic sector of HUMSJ

16 Jan, 11:35

Lessons from "Purification of the Heart" by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf or "Don't Be Sad" by Dr. Aaidh al-Qarni ⚡️

✍️ You start dying slowly 🔄

You start dying slowly...
if you do not seek the deen knowledge,
if you do not read the Quran,
if you turn a deaf ear to the call of prayer, if you fail to appreciate the blessings of Allah. 🔄

You start dying slowly...
when you lose sight of your own value; when you turn away from the helping hands extended to you. when you let the weight of life's struggles bury your spirit. when you forget the strength that comes from turning to Allah. 🔄

You start dying slowly...
if you become a slave to worldly habits, walking every day without purpose…
if you do not remember Allah,
if you do not strive for righteousness, or you do not speak kindly to those you meet. 🔄

You start dying slowly...
if you avoid feeling the passion for faith and the sincere emotions; those which make your eyes tear and your heart feel at peace, those moments of humility before Allah that fill your soul with tranquility, the overwhelming gratitude that reminds you of His endless mercy. 🔄

You start dying slowly...
if you do not seek change when you are not satisfied with your deeds ( ibadah ), or with your faith ( iman ),
if you do not risk the comfort of routine for the sake of Allah. 🔄

You start dying slowly...
if you do not pursue your spiritual dreams,
if you do not allow yourself, at least once in your lifetime, to follow the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 🔄

🔑 But it doesn’t have to be this way...
Rise above !! Seek change for the sake of Allah. Renew your faith with intentional actions, with sincerity, and with purpose. Step out of the shadows of comfort --- embrace the light of guidance, and allow your soul to truly live.🎥

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Jan, 08:45

Quality Work = Time Spent x Focus Intensity.

Quality work isn’t just about how much time you spend but how deeply you focus during that time. Hours of distracted effort will yield little, while even a short period of intense, undivided attention can produce exceptional results. By eliminating distractions and working with purpose, you multiply the value of your time, turning effort into excellence.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

07 Jan, 13:27

Share the data for those peoples who have the character and personality of Islamophobia!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

07 Jan, 12:34

This is the world religions data from the 1940s to 2024. Islam (specifically Al-Sunni) has been consistently increasing, particularly after 1985, when it began to grow at a geometric rate, Alhamdulillah! I gathered this data to demonstrate that, despite the negativity directed towards the religion and the wearing of hijabs by our sisters, Islam continues to spread across the globe.


✍️ Hasen M.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

05 Jan, 15:58

እስከ መቼ??

ስለ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች መብት ሲነሳ ••• ከአክሱም ባሻገር እንደ አክሱም!

• የጉንችሬ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ተወልደው ባደጉበት ትምህርት ቤት ኒቃብ ከተከለከሉ ሁለት አመታት አልፏል:: ግን እስከ አሁን ፍትሕ አልሰፈነም::

• በ2017 ዓ.ል አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኒቃብን ጨምሮ ጀመዓ ሶላትንም የሚከለክል መመሪያ አውጥቶ አፅድቋል:: ከፍትሕ ተስማምቶ ሕገ-መንግስቱን እንዲያከብር ቢጠየቅም አሻፈረኝ እንዳለ ነው:: እስካሁንም ፍትሕ አልሰፈነም::

• የሰላሌ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በ2010 ዓ.ል ባወጣው መመሪያ ላይ ኒቃብ: ረጂም ጅልባብ: ጥምጣም: ጀለብያ: ኮፍያ እና ሶላትን በግልፅ ይከለክላል:: ይህንን ተከትሎም በተለያዩ አመታት የተለያየ ውንብድና ሲፈፅም ቆይቷል:: በዘንድሮው አመትም "ሶላትን በዶርምም ሆነ በውጭ በግልም ሆነ በህብረት አትሰግዱም::" በማለት ክልከላ ያደረገ ሲሆን እስካሁን ባለው ሙሉ ለሙሉ ፍትሕ አልሰፈነም::

• ዲላ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጀለብያ እና አማኢማ ከረጅም ጊዜ ጀምሮ የሚከለክል ሲሆን በዘንድሮው አመት ኒቃብ ተለብሶ መግባትን የተማሪ ተወካዮችን በመሰብሰብ ከልክሏል:: ተማሪዎች እምቢ ማለታቸውን ተከትሎም ጉዳዩን ወደ ሕግ ክፍል መርቶ ውሳኔ ለመስጠት በቀጠሮ ላይ ነው:: እስካሁንም ፍትሕ አልሰፈነም::

• መቱ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በደሌ ካምፓስ ከ2 አመታት በፊት ኒቃብ ለባሽ ተማሪን "ወይ ኒቃብሽን ወይ ደግሞ ትምህርትሽን ምረጪ?" የሚል ምርጫ ውስጥ አስገብቶ ከትምህርት አሰናብቷል:: በዘንድሮው አመትም ኒቃቢስት ተማሪ መኖሯን ተከትሎ ተመሳሳይ ችግር እንዳያጋጥም ጀመዓው ዩኒቨርሲቲውን የጠየቀ ሲሆን እስካሁን ፍትሕ አልሰፈነም::

• ጅማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጀለብያ ጥምጥም ኒቃብ ከተከለከሉ ዘመናት አልፈዋል:: እስካሁንም እንደተከለከለ ነው:: ፍትሕም አልሰፈነም::

   እነዚህ ለናሙና ያክል እንጅ የሙስሊም ተማሪዎች የነፃነት መብት በሁሉም የትምህርት ቤት ደረጃ ይገፈፋል:: እንደ አክሱም ፀጉራችሁን ግለጡ የሚሉ አሉ:: ፀጉር ፈቅደው ጅልባብ የሚከለክሉ አሉ:: ጅልባብን ፈቅደው ደግሞ ኒቃብን የሚከለክሉ አሉ:: ግን የሁሉም ተግባር አንድ ነው:: እርሱም ፍትሕን ማጓደል ማለት ነው:: ነፃነትን በመንጠቅና መብትን በመርገጥ ፍትሕን ማጓደል:: መፍትሔ ያሻል:: እንደ ሀገር አቀፍ ወጥ የሆነ መፍትሔ ይፈልጋል:: ሁሉም በያለበት ጥያቄውን በሕግ አግባብ ይጠይቅ:: ቀዳዳውን ይድፈን:: ከላይ ያለው መጅሊስም የሁሉንም ሙስሊም ተማሪ ጉዳይ ጉዳዬ ብሎ ይንቀሳቀስ:: የዚያኔ መፍትሔ ይመጣ ይሆናል::

ፍትሕ ለኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች!

በአክሱም ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በጉንችሬ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በጅማ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በዲላ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በሰላሌ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በበደሌ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በአዲስ አበባ ላሉት ፍትሕ ••• በመላው ኢትዮጵያ ላሉት ፍትሕ!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

24 Dec, 04:40

Academic sector of HUMSJ

24 Dec, 04:40

Academic sector of HUMSJ

24 Dec, 04:40

Academic sector of HUMSJ

21 Dec, 10:00

🚀ለGC የCCI ኮሌጅ ተማሪዎች አስደሳች ዜና

የሐረማያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ጀመዓ ለ5 ቀናት የሚቆይ የWordPress🛜 የአካል ስልጠና አዘጋጅቷል

🔻 በምን መልኩ የሰራነውን ድህረገጽ🌐 አየር ላይ እንደምናውል
🔻 በሀገራችን ስላሚገኙት Yegara፣ HahuCloud እና ኢትዮቴሌኮም የመሳሰሉ የድህረ-ገፅ ማስተናገኛዎች
🔻 በአጭር እና ፈጣን መንገድ ድህረገጽ መገንባት

💡 የFreelancing እና የመሳሰሉ ስራዎችን በድህረ-ገፅ ግንባታ እንዴት መጀመር እንደሚቻል

የቀደመ ልምድ የማያስፈልግበት፣ ፍፁም ለጀማሪ የሚሆን ፕሮግራም ፤ ይህ እድል እንዳያመልጣችሁ!!!

🕌 ቦታ፦ ነስር መስጂድ (ገንደ ቦይ)
📆 ቀን፦ ነገ እሁድ፣ ታህሳስ 13
ሰአት፦ ከዓስር ሰላት በኋላ

💬 በተጠቀሰው ጊዜ ተገናኝተን የስልጠና ቀናት መች ይሁን የሚለውን እንድንወስን ሁላችንም እንገኝ። ለጥያቄዎች ወይም ትምህርቱን ለመጀመር የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ WP DEVS በHUMSJ

Academic sector of HUMSJ

21 Dec, 05:14

🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT --- Are you a CCI College GC Student this year ?

: The Ultimate in-person WordPress Bootcamp is Here! --- Web Development !

🚀 Calling all interested CCI College GC students! Get ready for a 5-day, in-person WordPress Bootcamp designed to kickstart your web development career! ( NB: This Bootcamp is intended primarily for GC students in CCI College - We will consider preparing another bootcamp for other GC students in different college and also for non-GC... ).

What You’ll Learn:

🚀 Day 1-5:

Domains & Hosting: Explore Hosting providers in our Country like Yegara , HahuCloud, and EthioTelecom.

Master WordPress: Build stunning websites without coding using the world’s leading CMS.

💡 Web Development Career: Learn how to deal with clients, create professional websites, and deliver them the right way.

👨‍💻 Essential Skills: Basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL to enhance your understanding.

Why Attend ?

🖥 Gain skills to create any website—from blogs to e-commerce stores.

Learn how to start your own freelance career or land a web development job.😀

Transform your ideas into reality with hands-on projects!

💡 No experience? No problem! This bootcamp is designed for absolute beginners and aspiring web developers.

🗓 How long ?
5 days of intensive, interactive training.

📍 Where?
HUMSJ - Masjid Al-Nesr.

Don’t miss this opportunity to master WordPress and pave your way to success! Stay tuned for more details.

💬 For questions or to start the tutorial, join our Telegram Channel WP DEVS AT HUMSJ

For those who are ready to start the first session bootcamp --- Let's meet Sunday, Dec 21, 2024 ! Right after Asr prayer and we will plan the tutorial time together.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

20 Dec, 18:32

💡 Announcement for Freshman Students ⚡️

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and achieve academic excellence on your freshman year ?

↗️ Join us for an inspiring training session titled:
"Achieving Academic Excellence as a Freshman Student"

🗓 When: Tomorrow - Saturday
🕝 Time: 2:30 (local time) - Morning
📍 Where: Ganda boy at Masjid Al Nesr

🌙 This session will be led by outstanding students who achieved a 4.0 GPA in their freshman year. They’ll share their secrets to success, tips for excelling in your studies, and guidance on making the most of your first year.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and set yourself up for success!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

20 Dec, 07:29


ሀገር አቀፍ የድኅረ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) በቀጣይ ወር ይሰጣል።

የ2017 ትምህርት ዘመን አጋማሽ ዓመት የ NGAT ፈተና ከጥር 7-9/2017 ዓ.ም ይሰጣል።

በመላ ሀገሪቱ በሚገኙ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ለሚሰጠው ፈተና ይመዝገቡ፦


Academic sector of HUMSJ

18 Dec, 13:51

ለ1ኛ አመት(fresh) ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

📍አሰላሙዐለይኩም ወራሕመቱላሂ ወበረካቱሁ

🔖 እንደሚታወቀው ጀመዓችን ለናንተም ለመጪውም ትውልድም መገልገያ ይሆን ዘንድ በእጃችሁ ላይ ያለውን የተለያዩ ሞጁሎች፣ አጋዥ መፅሀፍቶች እንዲሁም ደግሞ ከ መስጅድ የተዋሳቹትን islamic መፅሐፍት እንድትመልሱ በ አላህ ስም እንጠይቃለን የ ርቀት ተማሪወች እጃችሁ ላይ ያሉትን module እምዲሁ ከ ጓደኛ በማሰባሰብ ለ ጀመአችን እንድታበረክቱ, ሶደቀቱል ጃሪያ ይሆን ዘንድ።

📝 አማናን መወጣት ጥቅሙ አንደኛ ለራሳችን ለአኼራችን እምዲሁ ንብረት በ ስርዓት መያዙ ለሚመጡት እህት እና ወንድሞች መሆኑን እናስታውስ::
በተመቻችሁ ሰዐት መስጅድ መመለስ ይቻላል ወይንም በወንዶችም በሴቶችም በኩል ሱቅ ላይ ማስቀመጥ ይቻላል ስማቹህ የተመዘገበ ልጆች ማሰረዝ እንዳትረሱ!
ጀዛኩሙል'ላሁ ኸይረን !!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Dec, 18:30

MS League

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Dec, 18:30

The first-ever Fatih Convention for Muslim students was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The conference, planned to be an annual event, was themed "Religious Values and Educational Institutions in Ethiopia." It featured key speakers, including Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed, the head of the Ethiopian Presidential Secretariat, and Ustaz Hayder Kedir, President of the Ethiopian Muslim Youth Council. The conference included panel discussions and dialogues on various topics related to Islamic values, education, and Muslim youth engagement.

The event emphasized the importance of fostering Islamic values in education and promoting a balanced approach to learning. It also highlighted the significance of religious freedom and the role of Islamic institutions in Ethiopia’s educational landscape. Notable scholars, students, and university representatives from both local and international institutions participated in enriching discussions. The conference successfully addressed issues related to Islamic education and the involvement of Muslim students in global academic and cultural exchanges.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Dec, 18:30

Among the participant is our legend - "Abubeker Mohammed" 💪

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Dec, 11:21

When to Consider Yourself Productive

When the word "productive" is mentioned, what comes to people’s minds is often the ability to efficiently complete certain tasks within a set period.

For most people, completing a task that should take six hours in just three hours is considered highly productive.

However, a Muslim sees beyond that and understands that productivity runs deeper than what others might claim.

A Muslim understands that he has been created for a sole purpose: to please Allah through worship.

How, then, can you consider yourself productive when you still delay Salah, sleep all night, neglect fasting, and cannot focus during your daily Ibadah?

Productivity for a Muslim lies in perfecting his Salah. Without this, there is no true life.

Productivity is when you can recite the Quran, reflect on its meanings, and feel the sweetness of faith in doing so.

Productivity is fulfilling the purpose of your existence as a Muslim.

So, how can you claim to be productive if you don’t even recite the Quran daily?

You don't understand your religion, nor are you striving to?

You stay up all night debugging code but cannot stand for half an hour of Tahajjud.

If you cannot consider your worship as a Muslim productive, then you are not productive.

The truly productive people are those who understand the purpose of their existence and pursue it without distraction.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

14 Dec, 17:26

The stream will be starting in just 3 mins.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

14 Dec, 17:25

Academic sector of HUMSJ

11 Dec, 07:39

Register here⭐️

Academic sector of HUMSJ

11 Dec, 07:39

College of Computing and Informatics College prepared a code competition for any Interested HU Students

Academic sector of HUMSJ

10 Dec, 12:22

Registration link for DAAP

3-month accelerator program for graduating year students only.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

07 Dec, 06:50

Jam'aan barattoota muslimaa haramaya university piroojectii yeroo ammaa keessatti qabatee jiruu keessaa tokko haaroomsa library ta'uun isaa nii beekama.obboleewwani fi obboleettiiwwan freshi keenyaa yeroon qormaataa keessanii fi qormaatni ebbifamtootaa exit exam dhihaachuu isaatin durattii hedduun keessan piroojaktiin kun akka dafee dhumu akka barbaaddan hubanneeti jirraa.

🔻Kanaaf jama'ichis ariitii danda'ameen library kan xumuree akka hojii eegaluu tattaaffii guddaa gochuun hojjataa jira.kanuma waliin hojiin kun akka boodattii hafu sababa taasisaa jiruu keessaa tokkoo meeshaawwan finishing isaaf ta'uu bituuf maallaqni hir'achuudha. Kanaaf haguuguufis hanga dandeettii keessanii akka hirmaattanu waamicha keenya. Carraa bara gara baraatti daddarbu kana haa fayyadamnu.

📌Akkuma hirmaannaa keenyaattii gargaarsa rabbiitiin hojichi ni si'ata jennee abdanna. Namoota contact keessatti arginuu hundaaf haa bilbillu. Haala jiruu kanas haa ibsinuuf. Kan nuttii ulfaate hundi nama biraattii laafuu danda'a.waan biraa hafus account keenyaarratti waan qabdan irraa xiqqoo ishee kutuun haa darbannu. Kun barataan fireeshii maal akka godhuu laaluu barbaanna¡¡ Rabbii isin haa jaallatu.

የሐረማያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ጀመዓ በአሁኑ ወቅት ከያዛቸው ፕሮጀክቶች መካከል አንዱ የሆነው የላይብረሪ እድሳት እንደሆነ ይታወቃል። የፍሬሽ ወንድም እህቶቻችን ፈተና ሰዓት ከመቃረቡ እና የተመራቂ ተማሪዎች የመውጫ ፈተና (Exit Exam) ከመድረሱ ቀደም ብሎ እንዲያልቅ የብዙዎቻችሁ ፍላጎት እንደሆነ አስተውለናል

🔻 ጀመዓውም በተቻለ ፍጥነት ላይብረሪው ተጠናቅቆ ወደስራ እንዲገባ ርብርብ እያደረገ ሲሆን ስራዎች እንዲስተጓጎሉ ዋናው ምክንያት የሆነው ለFinishing እቃዎች ግዢ የተፈጠረው የገንዘብ እጥረት ስለሆነ ይህንን ለመሸፈን የተቻለንን እንድናደርግ ጥሪያችን ነው። ይህን ዘመን ተሻጋሪ እድል እንጠቀም።

📌 በእኛ ርብርብ ልክ በአላህ ፍቃድ ስራዎች ይቀላጠፋሉ። አሁኑኑ ስልካችንን እናውጣ፣ Contact ውስጥ ከምናገኛቸው ሰዎች ለከፊሎቹ እንደውል። ያለውን Situation እናስረዳ። ለእኛ ትልቅ የሆነው ለሌላው ቀላል ሊሆን ይችላል። ሌላው ቢቀር እንኳን አካውንታችን ላይ ካለችው ቆንጠር አድርገን ወርወር እናድርግ። ይህ ፍሬሽ ተማሪ ምን እንደሚፈጥር ማየት እንፈልጋለን¡ አላህ ይውደዳችሁ!!

📝 Account Number
📍Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia
HRU Muslim Students Jema'a

የላካችሁበት Screenshot በዚህ Account አያይዛችሁ ላኩልን @Humsj_vise_amir

Academic sector of HUMSJ

07 Dec, 06:48

ሰው ከመስጂድ ሳይርቅ ትምህርቱን እንዲያጠና ማድረግ ትልቅ ተግባር ነው። ሙስሊሙ ተማሪ ከዲናዊ በዘለለ አካዳሚ ላይ ጠንካራ እንዲሆን በጀመዓችን በእጅጉ ይፈለጋል። እህታችን ያስጀመረችውን ፕሮጀክት ከግብ እናደርስ ዘንድ ጥሪያችን ነው።

📌 እንደምትመለከቱት ጥቂት ስራዎች ብቻ ናቸው የቀሩት። ተማሪውን በትልቁ ሊጠቅሙ የሚችሉ የሰደቀቱል ጃሪያህ ተግባራት ላይ ለመሳተፍ ይህን እድል እንጠቀም። ኸይር ነይተን ካለን ላይ እናውጣ።

የላካችሁበትን Screenshot በዚህ Account አያይዛችሁ ላኩልን @Humsj_vise_amir

Academic sector of HUMSJ

28 Nov, 05:30

Jama'aa barattoota Muslimaa Yunivarsitii Haramaya qophaa'u  guyyoota 2 qofaatu hafe

📅: Sanbata, Sadaasa 30
🕰: Sa'a 6:30
🕌: Masjiida Al-Nasru, Ganda Booyii

በሐረማያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሙስሊም ተማሪዎች ጀመዓ የሚዘጋጀው በአይነቱ ልዩ የሆነው የWelcome ፕሮግራም የ2 ቀናት እድሜ ብቻ ቀርቶታል

📅: ቅዳሜ, November 30
: 6:30 ሰዓት
🕌: መስጂድ አል-ነሥር፣ ገንደቦይ

Academic sector of HUMSJ

23 Nov, 11:38

For more information👉 you can hear from this interview link!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

22 Nov, 10:03

Barataa waggaa darbe CGPA 4.O hojjechuudhaan badhaafamaa warqii kan ture kan Yuuniversitii Haramaayaa keessatti seenaa dalage, ammallee akka utubaatti jam'aa barattoota Muslimaa mooraa yuuniversiitii haramaayaa tanaaf gargaarsa adda addaatiin kan wajjin ture Hasan Muhammad turiinsa Yuuniversitii keessatti dabarseen muuxannoo qabu kan irratti barreesse dha. Yoo dubbiftan baay'ee irraa waa bartu

4.0 CGPA በማምጣት የአምና የሐረማያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የወርቅ ተሸላሚ የነበረው እና የጀመዓችን የጀርባ አጥንት የነበረው ሐሰን ሙሐመድ በዩንቨርሲቲ ቆይታው የነበረውን ልምድ ያካፈለበት፣ ወሳኝ ምክሮች የተካተቱበት መልዕክት ነው። ብታነቡት በእጅጉ ይጠቅማችኋል።

Academic sector of HUMSJ

20 Nov, 19:02

💫💫💫Aselamualeykum werahmetulahi teala weberekathu

Dear Fresh Muslim Students,

Welcome to Haramaya University!

As you embark on this exciting journey at Haramaya University, we extend our warmest greetings to you. You are now part of a vibrant and diverse academic community where knowledge and faith come  together to create a rich learning environment.
The Academic Sector of Haramaya University Muslim Students jemea is dedicated to supporting your educational journey during your time here. We encourage you to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, engage with your peers and actively participate in campus life; means clubs and other associations. Remember, you are not alone on this journey; we are here to assist you every step of the way.
To stay connected and engage with the Academic Sector of Haramaya University Muslim Students jemea at Haramaya University, we invite you to join our dedicated Telegram channel. This platform will provide you with important updates, resources and a space to connect with fellow students.

Please use the following link to join: Academic Sector of Haramaya University Muslim Students jemea.

[] and don't forget to share it with your brothers and sisters.

May your time at Haramaya University be filled with success, friendship and a deepening of your faith.

Welcome once again and we look forward to witnessing all that you will achieve! INSHALLAH.....

💫💫💫The Academic Sector of Haramaya University Muslim Students  jemea!✨️✨️✨️

Academic sector of HUMSJ

30 Oct, 07:54

መቀነትህን ጠበቅ አድርገህ መብትሕን አስከብር።መብት በልመና አይከበርም በትግል እንጂ።ኢስላምና ሙስሊም ጠል የሆኑ አካላት ከዝህ እኩይ ተግባራቸው የማይታቀቡ ከሆነ ከሙስሊሙ ጠንከር ያለ አፀፋ ማግኘት ኣለባቸው።ሕግና ስርዓት እስካለ ድረስ ለሙስሊሙ የማይሰራበት ምክንያት ሊኖር አይችልም።ሐገሪቱ የሁሉም እምነት ተከታይ ዜጎችን በእኩል መብትና ግዴታ እንደምታስተናግድ ሲደሰኩር የሚውለው መንግስትም በግልፅና ምንም በማያወላዳ መልኩ ለጉዳዩ ዘላቂ እልባት መስጠት ኣለበት።ራቆቷን በጦጣ አምሳል ተኳኩላ የምትመጣን ነውረኛ በክብር ተቀብሎ የሚያስተምር የከርከሮ መንጋ፣ሙስሊም እህቶች ላይ ስላላፈጠጠ አንጀቱ በማረሩ ለትምህርታቸው ሳንካ እስከመሆን ከዘለቀ ወደ መናናቅ ተሸጋግረናል ማለት ነው።ሙስሊሙ ሰላማዊ ሕዝብ መሆኑ ለነዝህ ክፉዎች መፈንጫ ሊሆን አይገባም።ደግሞ እስከ መቼ ነው በየ ጊዜው የመጅሊስ ሰዎች እየተደራደሩልን የምንቀጥለው? የሙስሊሙ ሐይማኖታዊ ነፃነት ለድርድር የማይቀርብ ቀይ መስመር መሆኑን ማሳየት ካልቻለ፣በየ ጊዜው አጀንዳ እየተሰጠው ትላልቅ ነገሮችን እንዳያልምና እንዳያሳካ እየተደረገ መኖሩ ነው።


Academic sector of HUMSJ

23 Oct, 08:10

For me the greatest I have benefitted from learning Software Engineering is the freedom and flexibility.
It was a year and 5 months ago that I went office for the last time.

Most Muslim Sisters desire to have a job to generate their own income but from the comfort of their home.

Sisters, I have a point to add for you, in my 3 years remote developer career I have worked in several software development companies with employee numbers ranging 100s. I have never seen the face of one of those people working with them in a daily manner.

So, I recommend the Software Development career more for Muslim Sisters.

Anwar Bilcha

Academic sector of HUMSJ

22 Oct, 07:55

Academic sector of HUMSJ

20 Oct, 08:28

Please make this revolution nation wide, Especially In those Universities which locate in muslim community like Dire dawa,Jimma University, AAU, jigjiga...because the surrounding areas of those place are mostly Muslim Community, it's easy to attack! If they achieve their freedom then other University will follow them. Please push the Jemea amirs from those above mentioned institutions to inform each other and broke out the revolution at the same time ( i.e don't allow them divide and rule system). Then by that time the issue will be national issue and get focuse everywhere!

Hating Our sister who wears nikab in ethiopia is very big thing not less than that of what Israel's are doing on our brother and sister in gazza!
👉This is the voice that ethiopian Christians who have the authority are giving to Israelians by saying we are with you! Indirectly, they are saying let we show you our unity(with 🇮🇱).
So please please don't take it easy, this is very big thing!

Am I wrong?


Academic sector of HUMSJ

19 Oct, 07:23

Dear Respected Members of the Muslim Community,

Assalamu Aleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

My brother and sister, Please read up to the end of the paragraph!

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and Iman. Today, I feel compelled to address a matter that weighs heavily on my heart and, I believe, on the hearts of many within our community.

As Muslims, we often find ourselves in discussions about wealth and success. It is common to hear the phrase "rich, rich, rich, being business owner...being good trader...such like while others are doing whatever they want on our deen" echoing through our conversations. While striving for financial stability is important, we must remember that our primary purpose in this life is not the accumulation of wealth, but rather the worship of Allah (SWT). As stated in the Holy Quran:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

(“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”) [Quran 51:56]

This verse reminds us of our true purpose and should serve as a guiding principle in our lives. We are created to worship Allah, to uphold His commands, and to embody the values of our Deen.

In recent times, we have witnessed challenges to our beliefs and practices, including issues surrounding the niqab and Sharia principles. It is easy to point fingers at individuals like Birhanu Nega or institutions such as the Ministry of Education or Addis Ababa University for these challenges. However, I urge you to reflect inwardly. Instead of placing blame on others, let us hold ourselves accountable.

Are we preparing ourselves to stand firm in our Deen? Are we educating ourselves and our children about our beliefs? Are we engaging with our community to foster understanding and respect for our values? If we do not take these steps, we may find ourselves facing similar challenges in the future.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all towards righteousness and strengthen our resolve to live according to His teachings. Let us work together to ensure that our community thrives in faith and unity.

In our pursuit of financial stability, it is essential to recognize the profound value of dedicating ourselves to positions that may offer lower salaries but serve as vital guardians of our Deen. These roles, whether in education, community leadership, or religious guidance, allow us to instill Islamic values and principles in the hearts and minds of future generations. By prioritizing our commitment to Islam over material gain, we not only fulfill our responsibility to uphold our faith but also contribute to a society that respects and nurtures our beliefs. Ultimately, such sacrifices reflect our dedication to Allah (SWT) and the preservation of our Islamic identity, ensuring that we remain steadfast in our mission to promote righteousness and unity within our community.

Jazakum Allahu Kheyran for your attention.

Hasen Mohammed

Academic sector of HUMSJ

18 Oct, 17:58

Barattoota Mooraa Hit hundaaf

Yeroon gara mooraa keenya deebinu ifoomee jira, Sanbataa Guddaa/Dilbata (10/02/2017 ) waan deebinuuf barattoota Mooraa Hit hundi meeshaalee keessan  akka qopheessitaan isin beeksifna ........

➡️Tajaajilli konkolaataa waan Qophaa'ee  jiruuf boru bakka(iddoo) fi sa'aatii wal arginu isin beeksifna

Gamtaa Barattoota Hit irraa
Caalaa Alamaayyoo

ለHit Campus ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

ወደ hit campus የምንመለስበት ጊዜ ታውቋል እና ሁሉም የHit Campus ተማሪ የሆነ እሁድ ማለትም (10/02/2017 ዓ/ም ) የምንመለስ ስለሆነ ያለችውን ቁሳቁሶች እንድታዘጋጁ ከወዲው እናሳውቃለን ……..

➡️የመኪና አገልግሎት ስላለ የምንገናኝበትን ቦታና ሰዓት ነገ የምናሳውቃቹ ይሆናል

ከHit ተማሪዎች ህብረት
ጫላ አለማየሁ

Academic sector of HUMSJ

15 Oct, 18:31

Ibsa ejjennoo Yuunivarsiitiin Addis Ababaa niqaabaa fi salaata jamaa dhoorguu isaa irratti

  አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የኒቃብ እና የጀመዓ ሰላት ክልከላ ላይ የተሰጠ የአቋም መግለጫ

Academic sector of HUMSJ

08 Oct, 10:09

This is to inform you that all the  2nd ,5th and Above year from Techno-Campus and Veterinary Medicine Campus Except 1st-year second semister for social science students (Station Campus dormitories), will enter to the Main Campus Dormitories starting from Tikimt 01-03. Only 1st year social science students will enter to Station Campus.
In short meaning;
=1st-NS, 2nd and 5th from Techno-Campus to Main Campus
=1st-SS, from Techno-Campus to Station Campus.

Awel Edao Negeso

=>Chala Alemayeahu, Techno-Campus(Vice-President)
=>Ali Getachew,
Station Campus(President)

Academic sector of HUMSJ

03 Oct, 18:54

If Plan "A" didn't work the alphabet has 25 more letters 😃🤷‍♀️ 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙 !!!

Academic sector of HUMSJ

28 Sep, 04:43

Academic sector of HUMSJ

25 Sep, 18:45

Sins Block the Path to Knowledge

Shaykh Salih Al-Usaymee narrated that a scholar and teacher of the Deen in the town of Shinqeet, Mauritania, mentioned that he noticed that students used to greatly benefit from him at some point in time, but that later changed. Shaykh Al-Usaymee mentioned that students would study with him for only five years and they would leave as scholars.

But now, students would stay with him for years and they would not be able to acquire knowledge. This made him very worried, pondering hard on the cause of this change. He feared that he had committed a sin and Allah was punishing him by making it impossible for students to benefit from him.

Then one day, he was walking on the outskirts of the area he lived in and found one of his students speaking to a lady from the area and said, "Now I know where your problem has come from." He immediately understood what the problem was and why they could not learn.

The effect of sins on learning the Deen is a very obvious one except for those who do not pay attention. If you struggle with learning the Deen, memorising, revising, understanding, or you have studied for very long with nothing to show for it, sins, most likely, are the cause of this.

Academic sector of HUMSJ

24 Sep, 10:46

We proud of you (Aj) Abdulfetah Jemal !!

|○ Abdulfeta Jemal From Haramaya University

(Software Developer & passionate
🥇African Young Talent)


Academic sector of HUMSJ

23 Sep, 19:01

(12) ከደባል ሱሶች ራቅ። አላማ ያለው ሰው ከሱስ ጋር አይነካካም። ለነፃነቱ ዋጋ የሚሰጥ ሰው በተልካሻ ነገሮች አይታሰርም። ደግሞም ውለታ ቢስ አትሁን። አንተ አክብረህ ያማረ ቪላ፣ ወይም ቆንጆ መኪና፣ ወይም ሚሊየን ገንዘብ ቆጥረህ የሰጠኸው ሰው አይንህ እያየ ከፊትህ በእሳት ቢያጋየው ምን ይሰማሀል? ሰውስ ምን ይላል? አላህ በክብር የሰጠህን ህይወት በጫትና በሲጋራ መግደል ማለት ከዚህ የከፋ ውለታቢስነት ነው። ራስህን በሱስ የምትገድለው ከቤተሰብ በተቆነጠረ ሳንቲም ከሆነ ግን አንተ ዘመን ተሻጋሪ ገልቱ ነህ። እንስሳ ነህ ብየ የእንስሳን ክብር ዝቅ ማድረግ አልፈልግም።
"ራስን በሱስ በመጉዳትና ራስን በማጥፋት መካከል ያለው ልዩነት የጊዜ ርዝማኔ ነው።"

(13) ለወላጆችህ በጎ ሁን። አቅምህ የሚችለውን ሁሉ ሁንላቸው። የሚረኩብህ እንጂ የሚሸማቀቁብህ፤ የሚዘኑብህ እንጂ የሚሳቀቁብህ፤ የምታሳርፋቸው እንጂ የምታሳፍራቸው አትሁን። ቤተሰብህ ላይ ጥገኛ ሆነህ ሳለ አልፈህ የምትፏልልባቸው ከሆነ ግን በርግጠኝነት መጥፊያህን ይዘሀል። "የማያድግ ልጅ ታዝሎ ያፏጫል" ይባላል።
"የቤት ቀጋ፣ የውጭ አልጋ አትሁን።"

(14) አላማ ይኑርህ። ለአላማህ ትጋ። ወደ አላማህ ተጓዝ። ወዴት ነው የምትሄደው? ታውቀዋለህ? ምንድነው የምትፈልገው? ይገባሃል? ምን ሰበብ እያደረስክ ነው? መቼስ ሰሜን ለመድረስ ወደ ደቡብ አይኬድም። ጤፍ ዘርቶ ባቄላ አይጠበቅም። ባጭሩ አላማህንም፣ አቅጣጫህንም፣ ሚናህንም እወቅ።
"የሚሄድበትን የማያውቅ የትኛውም መንገድ ይወስደዋል።"
(15) የኢንተርኔት አጠቃቀም ላይ ቁርጠኛ ሁን። የሶላትና የጥናት ጊዜህን የሚበላ፣ አሰተሳሰብህን የሚበክል፣ መጥፎ ምስሎችን ከመመልከት ሱስ የሚያጣብቅ እንዳይሆን ደጋግሞ ማሰብ ይገባል። ማህበራዊ መገናኛዎችም ሱስ እንዳይሆኑብህ ተጠንቀቅ። ብትችል ቲክቶክ ከሚሉት ጥሩ ያልሆነ ሰፈር ከነጭራሹ ብትርቅ መልካም ነው። አጠቃላይ ከኢንተርኔት ጋር ያለህ ትስስር የሚያንፅህ እንጂ የሚያጠፋህ እንዳይሆን ደጋግመህ አስብበት።
(ኢብኑ ሙነወር፣ ጥር 21/2011)
የቴሌግራም ቻናል፦

Academic sector of HUMSJ

23 Sep, 19:01

ጥቂት ምክሮች ለሙስሊም ተማሪዎች
ትምህርት እየተጀመረ ነው። ፈተና ሲደርስ መደናበር ወይም የአመቱ መጨረሻ ላይ ውጤትን ጭንቅ ውስጥ ሆኖ መጠበቅ ምንም ፋይዳ የለውም። ይልቁንም በየትኛውም ደረጃ ላይ ያሉ ተማሪዎች ከቀን አንድ ጀምረው በቁም ነገር መዘጋጀት ነው የሚያዋጣው። ከልቡ የተዘጋጀ ሰው በአላህ ፈቃድ የልፋቱን አያጣም። ጥሮ ግሮ ውጤት ባይመጣ እንኳ ሰበብ ያደረሰ ሰው የሚጠበቅበትን ተወጥቷል።
ይህን እንደ መግቢያ ካልኩኝ ለተማሪዎች በትምህርታቸው ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ፣ እንዲሁም የተሻለ ስብእና እንዲኖራቸው ያግዛሉ ያልኳቸውን የተወሰኑ ነጥቦት እንደሚከተለው አስፍሬያለሁና በማሰራጨት ብታግዙኝ ደስ ይለኛል።

① መምህርህን አክብር። አስተማሪህ ለደሞዝ ቢሰራም ላንተ ውለታ እየዋለ ነው። ኋላ ከሚፀፅትህ ዛሬ ለአስተማሪህ ትሁት ሁን። እድሜውንም አክብር። የሚያስተምርህን መናቅ የሚያጎርስህን መንከስ ነው። እንዲያዝንብህ፣ "ባጎረስኩ እጄን ተነከስኩ" እንዲል አታድርገው። ውለታ ይግባህ። የወጣትነት ስሜት ድፍን ቅል አያድርግህ።
"አስተማሪን መናቅ እውቀትን መናቅ ነው።"
"ለእውቀት ያለህ ክብር መጠኑ ለአስተማሪህ ባለህ ክብር ልክ ነው።"

② ተባባሪ ሁን። እንዳቅምህ የምታግዛቸው በርካታ ደካማ ተማሪዎች በዙሪያህ አሉ። የእለት ጉርስ የሚጎድላቸው፤ የደንብ ልብስ አቀበት የሆነባቸው፤ የሳሙና፣ የኮፒ፣ የታክሲ፣ የቤት ኪራይ፣ የህክምና፣ የደብተር፣ … የሚቸግራቸው፤ ብዙ ናቸው። ቢቻል አስተባብራችሁ የተቀናጀ ስራ ስሩ። ካልሆነ የራስህን ሐላፊነት ተወጣ። ደካማ ተማሪዎችን አስጠና፣ አግዝ። በዱንያ እርካታን ታገኝበታለህ። ልምድን ትቀስምበታለህ። ህይወትን ትማርበታለህ። በኣኺራ እጥፍ ድርብ ትሸለምበታለህ።

③ ከመንደሬነት ራቅ። የሰፈር፣ የቀበሌ፣ የወረዳ፣ የአካባቢ ብሽሽቅ ውስጥ አትግባ። ዘረኝነትን በየትኛውም መልኩ ተፀየፍ። ዘረኞችንም ከቻልክ ምከር። ካልሆነ አፍንጫህን ይዘህ ሽሻቸው። በዘርህ ከማንም በላይም፣ ከማንም በታችም አይደለህም። ለዘር ተኮር ቀልዶች ጥርስህን አታሳይ። ሌሎችን በዘር አትውጋ። በዘር ለሚተነኩስህም ንቀህ እለፍ እንጂ እሳት ጎርሰህ አትነሳ። የማንም ሙገሳ ከፍ እንደማያደርግህ ሁሉ የማንም ትችትም ዝቅ አያደግህም። ትእግስት ፍርሃት እንዳልሆነ ለራስህ ሹክ በለው።
"ዘረኝነት ጥንብ ሲሆን ዘረኛ ደግሞ ጥንብ አንሳ ነው።"

④ ለዲንህ ጊዜ ስጥ። አንተ ያለ ዲንህ ባዶ ነህ። ያለ ዲን ስኬትም ስኬት፣ ህይወትም ህይወት አይደለም። ስለ ዲንህ ስትማር ክፍል ውስጥ ዲንህን አታስነካም። የተሳሳተ ቲዎሪ አያነቃንቅህም። ውሎህ በፕሮግራም ይሆናል። ሕይወትህ ጣእም ይኖረዋል። ስለዚህ ቁርኣን ቅራ። አስቀራ። ኪታብ ተማር። አስተምር። ደዕዋ ሞክር። ሶላት ስገድ። ስታልፍ ስታገድም ዚክርህን አድርግ። ዲንህን በራስህ ላይ አንፀባርቅ። ዲንህ የሚወራ ሳይሆን የሚንኖር ነው።
"ዲንህ ህይወትህ ነው። ዲንህ ከሌለ አንተ እራስህ የለህም።"

⑤ በትምህርትህ ላይ ሃላፊነት ይሰማህ። ቤተሰብ የላከህ ለዋዛ አይደለም። ገንዘቡም፣ ጊዜውም፣ ድካሙም ዋጋ አይጣ። ስለዚህ በወጉ ተማር። ክፍል ውስጥ በሚገባ ተከታተል። ንቁ ተሳትፎ ይኑርህ። በሚገባ አጥና ። ስንፍናን አትቀበል። "አልችልምን" አርቅ ። ኩረጃን፣ ጥገኝነትን ተፀየፍ። በጥረትህ የተሻለ ደረጃ ላይ ለመድረስ ወኔ ይኑርህ። አትጠራጠር! ስትጥር ዛሬ ካለህበት የተሻለ ትሆናለህ። ባለ መጣሩ እንደ ሰነፍ የሚታይ፣ ራሱን የማያውቅ ስንት ባለ ብሩህ አእምሮ አለ?! መማርህ ካንተ አልፎ ለወገን የሚተርፍ ዋጋ ሊኖረው እንደሚችል ተረዳ።
"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."

⑥ ራስህን ሁን። የመጣውን ፋሺን ሁሉ ካልሞከርኩ አትበል። ለራስህ ክብር ስጥ። አንተ የማስታወቂያ አሻንጉሊት አይደለህም። አርአያህን ለይ። መልካም ስብእና ያላቸውን እንጂ፣ ያለ ቁም ነገር ስማቸው የገነነ ሰዎችን ለመምሰል አትፍሰስ። አንተ ህሊና የተሰጠህ ክቡር ፍጡር እንጂ በቀደዱለት የሚፈስ የቦይ ውሃ አይደለህም።
"ራሱን ያላገኘ ሌሎችን ሲከተል ይኖራል።"

⑦ ጊዜህን በአግባቡ ተጠቀም። አንተ ዘንድ አላህ ከሰጠህ ሃብት ሁሉ ርካሹ ጊዜህ የሆነ'ለት ያለ ጥርጥር ከስረሀል። ወደ ጨለማ ጥግ ከሚያደርስ የድንግዝግዝ ባቡር ላይ ተሳፍረሀል።
እባክህን ሕይወትህ ላይ አንዳች እሴት በማይጨምሩ ነገሮች ዳግም የማታገኘው ውድ ጊዜህን አታባክን። የምልህ እየገባህ ከሆነ በሙዚቃ ከመመሰጥ፣ ፊልም ጋር ከመርመጥመጥ፣ የፈረንጅ እርግጫ ከማሳደድና መሰል አልባሌ ነገሮችን ራቅ እያልኩህ ነው። እነዚህ ነገሮች ከእለት መዝናኛነት ባለፈ ተሻጋሪ ሱስ የሚሆኑ ወጥመዶች ናቸው።
"ጊዜ ሰይፍ ነው። ካልቆረጥከው ይቆርጥሀል።"
"አንተ የጊዜያት ድምር እንጂ ሌላ አይደለህም። እያንዳንዷ የጊዜ ክፍልፋይ ስታልፍ አንተ ራስህ እያለፍክ ነው።"

⑧ ጓደኞችህን ለይ። ጓደኛህ ወይ የምትጠቅመው ወይ የሚጠቅምህ መሆን አለበት። ከዚህ ውጭ የሆነ ጓደኛ የፋንዲያ ያክል ዋጋ የለውም። እንዲያውም ያጠፋሀል። በዱንያ ቁም ነገር ላይ ከመድረስ ያሰናክልሀል። አልፎም ኣኺራህን ያጨልመዋል። ኧረ ለመሆኑ አንተ ራስህ ምን አይነት ጓደኛ ነህ? አልሚ ወይስ አጥፍቶ ጠፊ? በል ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ከጓደኛህ ጋር ቁጭ ብላችሁ የአብሮነታችሁን ሂሳብ አወራርዱ። ጓደኝነታችሁ የምትጠቀሙበት እንጂ የምትጎዱበት እንዳይሆን በስርኣት ተመካከሩ።
"ሰው በወዳጁ እምነት ላይ ነው። ስለሆነም አንዳችሁ ማንን እንደሚወዳጅ ይመልከት።"

⑨ መልካም ስነ ምግባርን ተላበስ። አትሸማቀቅ፤ ግን አትኮፈስ። ትሁት ሁን፤ ግን አትልፈስፈስ። ሰከን በል፤ ግን አትፍዘዝ። ረጋ በል፤ አትንጣጣ። ከአንደበትህ ክፉ አይውጣ።
ፊትህ ሁሌ በፈገግታ ይታጀብ። ተግባቢና ለሰዎች ቀላል ሁን። የደረስክበትን ሁሉ በሰላምታ አውደው። በትህትና አጊጥ። በቅንነት አሸብርቅ። "መጣብን" ሳይሆን "መጣልን" የምትባል ሁን። አታጣላ። አታባላ። ሃሜትና ውሸትን ክላ።
"ህዝብ ማለት ስነ ምግባር ነው። ስነ ምግባር የሌለው ህዝብ ካለ አይቆጠርም።"

(10) በትምህርት ሕይወትህ ላይ ሳለህ መዝናኛህን ቁም ነገር መጨበጫ አድርገው። ቁም ነገር አዘል መፃህፍትን አንብብ። ከቻልክ እንደ የመጀመሪያ እርዳታ /first aid/ አሰጣጥ፣ ቴኳንዶ፣ የእጅ ሙያዎች፣ የችግኝ ወይም የጓሮ አትክልት አተካከል፣ እና መሰል ጠቃሚ ስልጠናዎችን ሰልጥን፣ አሰልጥን። አካባቢህን አስተባብረህ አፅዳ።
"ራስን ብቁ ዜጋ ማድረግ ለሀገርም ለወገንም እሴት መጨመር ነው።"

(11) ከህገ ወጥ ፆታዊ ግንኙነት አጥብቀህ ራቅ። ህጋዊ በሆነ መልኩ ተረጋግተህ ለምትደርስበት ነገር በህገ ወጥ መልኩ ለማግኘት እየቸኮልክ ስብእናህን አታቆሽሽ። የሌላን ህይወትም አታበላሽ። ከአላማህም አትሰናከል። ክፉ ምሳሌም አትሁን።
"ስድ ግንኙነት ለህሊና ጠባሳ፣ ለቤተሰብ ጦስ፣ ለህዝብ መቅሰፍት ያስከትላል።"
"ከጓደኞቿ የወጣች ማሽላ አንድም ለወፍ አንድም ለወንጭፍ ትሆናለች።"

Academic sector of HUMSJ

02 Sep, 10:51

ሐረማያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለነባር መደበኛ የቅድመ ምረቃ ተማሪዎች ጥሪ አድርጓል፡፡

በዚህም ነባር የ1ኛ ዓመት (2ኛ ሴሚሰተር) ፣ የ2ኛ ዓመት (2ኛ ሴሚሰተር) እንዲሁም የ5ኛ ዓመት እና ከዚያ በላይ የቅድመ ምረቃ ተማሪዎች ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሪፖርት ማድረጊያ ጊዜ ከጥቅምት 1-3/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አሳውቋል፡፡

ትምህርት ጥቅምት 5/2017 ዓ.ም ይጀምራል ተብሏል፡፡

(የዩኒቨርሲቲው መልዕክት ከላይ ተያይዟል፡፡)