شوفوا الفديو هذا ياشباب
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'أَثرٌ طَيّب' (A Good Influence). This channel, with the username @ht4v6oel, is a platform dedicated to spreading positivity, motivation, and inspiration in Arabic. The channel shares uplifting quotes, stories, and reflections to brighten your day and encourage personal growth. Whether you are seeking a dose of encouragement or simply want to surround yourself with good vibes, 'أَثرٌ طَيّب' is the perfect destination. Join our community and elevate your spirits with our daily dose of goodness. Let the positive impact of 'أَثرٌ طَيّب' fill your heart and mind. Embrace the power of positivity and let it guide you towards a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow. Follow us on Telegram and embark on a journey of self-improvement and happiness. Let 'أَثرٌ طَيّب' be your beacon of light in a world that can sometimes feel dim. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and goodness that will spread far and wide. Join us today and let the positivity flow!
03 Jan, 05:09
02 Jan, 18:32
02 Jan, 07:49
01 Jan, 21:34
01 Jan, 20:37
01 Jan, 15:46
01 Jan, 12:26
27 Dec, 14:24
27 Dec, 12:39
27 Dec, 06:45
27 Dec, 03:58
26 Dec, 20:22
26 Dec, 12:55
26 Dec, 08:11
25 Dec, 20:04
25 Dec, 17:39
25 Dec, 15:18
25 Dec, 15:17
22 Nov, 11:53
22 Nov, 05:16
21 Nov, 22:16
21 Nov, 17:32
21 Nov, 13:36
21 Nov, 02:48
21 Nov, 02:45
21 Nov, 01:07
20 Nov, 20:03
20 Nov, 17:11
20 Nov, 14:41
20 Nov, 00:16
19 Nov, 20:11
19 Nov, 19:39
17 Nov, 12:12
17 Nov, 09:10
16 Nov, 20:24
16 Nov, 09:03
15 Nov, 18:44
15 Nov, 18:03
15 Nov, 11:33
15 Nov, 08:00
14 Nov, 21:14
14 Nov, 18:24
14 Nov, 15:13
04 Nov, 12:53
03 Nov, 14:20
03 Nov, 05:39
03 Nov, 01:57
02 Nov, 10:45
01 Nov, 20:38
23 Oct, 13:03
23 Oct, 12:55
23 Oct, 12:54
22 Oct, 21:51
22 Oct, 03:18
21 Oct, 12:11
20 Oct, 17:36
19 Oct, 20:42
19 Oct, 19:01
19 Oct, 03:25