#愛國者治港 #一國兩制 #含撚至軟 #垃尻圾會
Are you looking for a platform to stay updated on the latest news and developments related to the ongoing anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong? Look no further than our Telegram channel, the Anti-Extradition Promo Channel. This channel serves as a hub for individuals who are passionate about standing strong against extradition and fighting for justice.
Our channel welcomes submissions of work through our dedicated bot @hkpromo_int_mk2_bot. We value quality content and reserve the right to review and decide on the final publication. Join our Cantonese channel for more localized content and discussions. Additionally, don't miss out on our live broadcasts at for real-time updates and insights. Stay informed, stay connected, and stand strong with us in the fight against extradition. Join our channel today!
14 Jan, 17:42
13 Jan, 18:18
13 Jan, 18:17
04 Jan, 06:12
30 Dec, 16:24
06 Dec, 21:06
30 Jul, 08:19