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Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy
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آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy در تلگرام

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

16 Dec, 10:52


Mens lives will pass before their eyes in an instant, and they shall tremble before me, and fall to their knees calling upon my name.

The Gold is mine, the Silver is mine, and the earth is Mine and everything there in!

Let it be known on this day; I am releasing the wealth that I have stored up since the beginning of time for My Kingdom purposes – and that time is now!

Barry, tell My people that I am calling My people higher!

I am calling them to walk with me with a sanctified life, to be all that they can be in order that they can steward what I am about to entrust them with.

I am calling My people to a love that is so much greater than what they have.

This great love can only be found in and through me!

For remember that it is only through true intimacy and love that you can fulfill all that I have called you to!

Barry, tell My people to examine their hearts before me, and let me sift out the things that encumber them.

It is My heart that they walk in the fullness and wholeness that I have for them.

For I came to bring life and life abundantly.

Tell them, that in and through me and my Blood they are made new, so bring it all into the light for My healing, the place where darkness no longer has power over them.

Barry, tell My people that what is coming will never be contained with in the four walls of a building!

I have called you to disciple Nations, and so you shall!

You will see the shaking down and the dismantling of the religious and political spirit that has trapped so many!

As you turn to me in repentance, turning from all sexual immorality and where you have tolerated Jezabel, Jezabel shall be dealt with!

Let me remind you that I am coming for a pure and spotless Bride!

It is time to clean things up, and as you do you will encounter an outpouring of outpourings!

Behold My face before you today, as I behold yours, for My love for you is great, and it not My heart that anyone perish, but rather that you trust Me, believe in Me and turn your heart to me now and forever!

Holy is the Word of the Lord

Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

16 Dec, 10:51


🔥 Prophetic Encounter: The Storm & The Great Awakening November 22, 2024
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

As I was driving this morning, I was taken into the Spirit. I saw the Nations from the third heaven.

As I was looking at it, all of a sudden there were what looked like sparks here and there throughout the Nations.

At first, they started out slow, and like popcorn they began to increase rapidly throughout the world until the world was covered.

It reached a high point of intensity, and as quickly as it began, it stopped.

After a period of a few minutes, it started up again just as it had initially but this time around it was not just sparks but lightning strikes.

It went city by city and then increased to Nation to Nation until again a flurry of synchronized lightning went wave after wave throughout the Nations.

From what I was watching this covered the earth, not one Nation or region being left out.

It seemed to me that there was a taking down of Globalist Elite Cabal control.

The taking down of systems that the establishment has used to control and oppress us, keeping us as slaves oppressed by their evil agendas.

There were some areas that looked like war zones with intensity of resistance.

These particular regions were those that had been significant hubs used to deploy and govern with the most evil and corrupt leaders and regimes.

It was clear to me that this lightning was from the Father himself dealing with dark and demonic principalities, powers and structures that were bringing great oppression and destruction through their actions.

What the Lord was bringing now would not and could not be stopped.

This was clearly part of the storm we had been waiting for!

After some time, this lightning also came to an end.

I knew that what had to be taken out of the way had been successfully dealt with by the Fathers hand!

After the lightnings of God had stopped, there was a period of silence.

This time let the dust settle.

What had just happened was of Biblical Scale.

As I watched over the Nations, I saw laser like beams of light bursting out, shooting out from Nation to Nation!

These were arching beams as they then connected city to city and then nation to nation.

This connectivity was basically instant as they connected and began interacting with one another.

I could see light particles flowing back and forth and around as if they were traveling through a clear crystal pipe.

The light particles looked like sparkling diamonds!
I had never seen anything like it before!

This light was fast!!

At first there were only a few, and as I continued to watch they grew into a more increased global coverage, and these nations were part of the biggest shift in history!

This was a shift that was like nothing we have ever seen before.

I knew by the Spirit of God what I was watching unfold before my eyes was a Jubilee!

There was freedom!
There was a clean slate to build new!
This was more than restoration!

This was more than communication, this was more than technology, this was more than wealth, this was more than new governance, this was more than new energy, – even though it was all of those things, all together this combination was a release to the Nations that would be part and parcel of the great awakening and revival that is soon to be at hand!

The light of His Glory covering the earth was magnificent!

In watching it play out in front of me, I could understand why the enemy is wreaking the havoc that he has been to try to impede what the Lord has coming.

As I was writing this out, the Lord dropped this word on me:

“Barry, tell my people that I am preparing to release the Light of My Glory through out the Nations!

Barry, tell my people that it is not going to come as they suppose.

I am going to release My lightnings only as I can.

I can change a heart and a life forever with one encounter with me.

For by My Spirit, I can change a Nation in a day.

For there is nothing to great for me.
Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

16 Dec, 08:48


Time for Christians to be bold and stop pussy footing around demons! 👊✝️🔥

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

16 Dec, 08:44


✝️ Are you covering items you bring into your home in the blood of Jesus???

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

11 Dec, 23:05


💥 LEARNING TO TRUST GOD.......🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

[Nick Vujicic]

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

11 Dec, 23:01


🎵 🎶 Tune Time! 😍

THIS I KNOW (Jesus Loves Me)❤️

[Lydia Laird]


Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

11 Dec, 06:08


Cindy Jacobs - Arise Conference 2020


Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

10 Dec, 03:35



Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

07 Dec, 06:42


🥰Hold onto Him....You are wonderfully made, and loved beyond measure....

📖 PSALMS 139 😍👍❤️

Hidden In Plain Sight_Prophecy

05 Dec, 04:23


