Mens lives will pass before their eyes in an instant, and they shall tremble before me, and fall to their knees calling upon my name.
The Gold is mine, the Silver is mine, and the earth is Mine and everything there in!
Let it be known on this day; I am releasing the wealth that I have stored up since the beginning of time for My Kingdom purposes – and that time is now!
Barry, tell My people that I am calling My people higher!
I am calling them to walk with me with a sanctified life, to be all that they can be in order that they can steward what I am about to entrust them with.
I am calling My people to a love that is so much greater than what they have.
This great love can only be found in and through me!
For remember that it is only through true intimacy and love that you can fulfill all that I have called you to!
Barry, tell My people to examine their hearts before me, and let me sift out the things that encumber them.
It is My heart that they walk in the fullness and wholeness that I have for them.
For I came to bring life and life abundantly.
Tell them, that in and through me and my Blood they are made new, so bring it all into the light for My healing, the place where darkness no longer has power over them.
Barry, tell My people that what is coming will never be contained with in the four walls of a building!
I have called you to disciple Nations, and so you shall!
You will see the shaking down and the dismantling of the religious and political spirit that has trapped so many!
As you turn to me in repentance, turning from all sexual immorality and where you have tolerated Jezabel, Jezabel shall be dealt with!
Let me remind you that I am coming for a pure and spotless Bride!
It is time to clean things up, and as you do you will encounter an outpouring of outpourings!
Behold My face before you today, as I behold yours, for My love for you is great, and it not My heart that anyone perish, but rather that you trust Me, believe in Me and turn your heart to me now and forever!
Holy is the Word of the Lord
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer