🔥Prophecy- Veronika West
…And Quote; “As I looked at the Whirlwind, I heard these Words, ”The Spirit of Elijah now comes in the Whirlwind to gather and to scatter.
Watch, as the Whirlwind of My Spirit comes to disrupt and displace the kingdoms of darkness, and to destroy man-made structures and institutions, that have become altars of idol worship.
For a great Upheaval shall begin to take place, as The Whirlwind of My Spirit moves to Rearrange and Reorder — for Boundary Lines shall be moved and shifted, as the landscapes of Nations will be changed and transformed.
Watch, as The Whirlwind of My Spirit comes to turn things upside down and inside out.
I laugh at the plans of man! I laugh at their governmental summits and political gatherings, as they discuss their grand plans for the future of My Nations!
In their hearts, they believe there is no God!
….🔥I say look to CANADA….Even as I hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so I have hardened the heart of the one they call Trudeau.
Watch, for I shall display My Power and Glory. I shall move sovereignly, to let My People go.
…I say, look to AMERICA, for a Divine Overturning has only just begun. I say The Fires of The Furnace have been turned up, and the pot is now at boiling point.
But watch what comes forth from The Fires of My Glory! Gold! Gold is what I shall have! Is what I AM looking for. Only gold will do.
I say, look for the writing is on the wall — MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN — for I have numbered the days of the kingdom of Belshazzar and brought it to an end.
Ha! The self appointed kings of The Nations have been weighed and found wanting.
…Watch, for a Nation once united, shall be separated and divided!
Watch, as Nations are now under Divine Reconstruction, for even as the plumb-line has fallen, so the Sword of The LORD has fallen upon The Nations.
My Hand of Justice and Righteousness shall Divide and Conquer — Divide and Conquer!
…I say, look to The Nations of AFRICA. For a sound shall rise out of The Nations of Africa!
A roar of The Lion of Judah shall be heard, that shall shake The Nations of Africa, and break the stranglehold of the serpent spirit of Leviathan, and the Red Dragon that has laid siege to the riches and wealth of The Nations of Africa shall be bound, and the curse of poverty and lack shall be broken!
Yes! The curse shall be reversed and The Nations of Africa shall be liberated!
I say look to The UNITED KINGDOM, a Nation on the Threshing Floor. The Winds of Change are now blowing forth.
A supernatural sifting and separation is taking place, for a time of Great Harvest is at hand — a forerunner Nation for The Nations of Europe — a land caught in between, shall now cross over to the other-side.
I say, look to the Nation of AUSTRALIA, a Nation under the spotlight of Heaven, a Nation in The Valley of Decision.
Australia, choose this day who you will serve!
Australia, I call you a Sheep Nation. If you hear My Voice, follow Me! Let Me lead you to greener pastures and still waters.
Australia, arise and come out from among them! Separate yourself and let The Fires of My Glory set you ablaze.
Australia — you shall be a fire-starter nation.
I say to you CANADA, Rebuild and Restore The Altars of Consecration.
I say to you, Nations of America, Africa and Australia — Rebuild and Restore The Altars of Awakening, and to you, The United Kingdom, Rebuild and Restore the broken-down Altars in the land, and watch, as My Fires fall…
I say to you, Nations in The Valley of Decision, this is your Mount Carmel moment — a spiritual showdown is taking place.
Watch, as My Harvest Sickle flies in the midst of the mighty Whirlwind!
Watch, as the giants fall as an apostolic and prophetic movement rises — for now a New Kingdom Era is being birthed in The Nations of the Earth!”