Welcome to مشـاعـر, a Telegram channel dedicated to expressing and exploring emotions. In this channel, you will find a safe space to share your feelings, thoughts, and experiences with like-minded individuals who value emotional intelligence and understanding. Whether you want to talk about love, sadness, happiness, or any other emotion, مشـاعـر is the place for you. The username @hhhuii10 ensures that the channel is managed by someone who cares deeply about creating a supportive and empathetic community. The channel description includes a beautiful quote from Al-Malik (@zxvdnj) that reminds us to surrender our worries to the Almighty, knowing that we are never alone in our emotions. Join مشـاعـر today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. Let your feelings be heard and understood in this virtual haven of compassion and solidarity. 🤍
21 Jan, 07:47
28 Sep, 10:38
28 Sep, 00:51
25 Sep, 22:34
25 Sep, 17:09
19 Sep, 11:26