HG ONGOING (English)
Are you a fan of ongoing anime series and looking for a one-stop destination to keep up with all the latest episodes? Look no further than 'HG ONGOING' Telegram channel! Join us at @hg_ongoing and immerse yourself in a world of exciting anime content. As a part of @HG_Anime, we provide all ongoing anime series ranging from the lowest to the highest size capable.nnWhether you're into action-packed shonen series, heartwarming slice-of-life shows, or thrilling mystery anime, you'll find something to suit your taste on HG ONGOING. Our channel is dedicated to bringing you the latest episodes of your favorite ongoing series in a convenient and accessible format.nnDon't miss out on the opportunity to stay updated on all the newest releases and share your thoughts with fellow anime enthusiasts. Join HG ONGOING today and become a part of our supportive and engaging community. Click the link to buy ads: https://telega.io/c/HG_ONGOINGnnThank you for supporting us in our mission to provide ongoing anime content for fans around the world. Together, let's celebrate the diversity and creativity of the anime industry. Join HG ONGOING now and experience the thrill of ongoing anime series like never before!