Helpme_coder @helpme_coder Channel on Telegram



This is official channel of helpme coder page .

Helpme_coder (English)

Are you a budding coder looking for guidance and support in your coding journey? Look no further than Helpme_coder! This Telegram channel is the official channel of the popular helpme coder page, dedicated to providing valuable resources, tips, and assistance to coding enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you're just starting out in the world of programming or looking to enhance your skills, Helpme_coder is here to help you every step of the way. Join our community and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for coding. Stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and technologies in the coding world, and never feel lost or stuck again. Visit our website at to learn more about the services and resources we offer. Don't let coding challenges hold you back - let Helpme_coder be your guide to success in the coding world!


01 Dec, 15:41

𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘄𝗲𝗯 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁:

🐈‍⬛ Github Pages
🔺 Vercel
0️⃣ 000WebHost
🌐 Netlify
☁️ Google Cloud Hosting
☁️ Azure Static Apps
🅰️ AwardSpace
🦊 GitLab Pages
🅱️ ByetHost
🚀 HyperPHP
🆓 Freehostia
🕊️ FreeHosting


28 Nov, 13:52

Helpme_coder pinned «🔥450+ Web dev projects 🔥 Hello Coders 👋 , Here is a list of 450+ projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.👇 --------------------------------------------------- Do not…»


25 Nov, 16:12

📌Save Your time with Short Cuts

Ctrl + A - Select All
Ctrl + B - Bold
Ctrl + C - Copy
Ctrl + D - Fill
Ctrl + F - Find
Ctrl + G - Find next instance of text
Ctrl + H - Replace
Ctrl + I - Italic
Ctrl + K - Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl + N - New workbook
Ctrl + O - Open
Ctrl + P - Print
Ctrl + R - Nothing right
Ctrl + S - Save
Ctrl + U - Underlined
Ctrl + V - Paste
Ctrl W - Close
Ctrl + X - Cut
Ctrl + Y - Repeat
Ctrl + Z - Cancel
F1 - Help
F2 - Edition
F3 - Paste the name
F4 - Repeat the last action
F5 - Goto
F6 - Next Pane
F7 - Spell Check
F8 - Extension of the mode
F9 - Recalculate all workbooks
F10 - Activate Menubar
F11 - New graph
F12 - Save As
Shift + F1 - What is it?
Shift + F2 - Edit cell comment
Shift + F3 - Paste the function into the formula
Shift + F4 - Search Next
Shift + F5 - Find
Shift + F6 - Previous Panel
Shift + F8 - Add to the selection
Shift + F9 - Calculate the active worksheet
Shift + F10 - Popup menu display
Shift + F11 - New spreadsheet
Shift + F12 - Save
Ctrl + F3 - Set name
Ctrl + F4 - Close
Ctrl + F5 - XL, size of the restore window
Ctrl + F6 - Next Workbook Window
Shift + Ctrl + F6 - Previous Workbook Window
Ctrl + F7 - Move window
Ctrl + F8 - Resize Window
Ctrl + F9 - Minimize the workbook
Ctrl + F10 - Maximize or Restore Window
Ctrl + F11 - Inset 4.0 Macro sheet
Ctrl + F1 - Open File
Alt + F1 - Insert a graph
Alt + F2 - Save As
Alt + F4 - Output
Alt + F8 - Macro dialog
Alt + F11 - Visual Basic Editor
Ctrl + Shift + F3 - Create a name using the names of row and column labels
Ctrl + Shift + F6 - Previous Window
Ctrl + Shift + F12 - Printing
Alt + Shift + F1 - New spreadsheet
Alt + Shift + F2 - Save
Alt + = - AutoSum
Ctrl + `- Toggle value / display of the formula
Ctrl + Shift + A - Insert the argument names in the formula
Alt + down arrow - automatic view list
Alt + '- Format Style Dialog
Ctrl + Shift + ~ - General Format

React 🔥 if you like it.


23 Nov, 16:07

MongoDB Learning Roadmap: From Basics to Advanced

1. Getting Started with MongoDB

Introduction to MongoDB: What is MongoDB and why use it? Difference between NoSQL and SQL databases.

Setup: Install MongoDB and Compass (GUI for MongoDB). Set up a local or cloud MongoDB instance using MongoDB Atlas.

2. Core Concepts

Databases and Collections: Understand databases, collections, and documents.

CRUD Operations: Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations using MongoDB shell or Compass.

BSON: Understand how MongoDB stores data in BSON format.

3. Querying Data

Basic Queries: Filter documents using find(). Use operators like $eq, $ne, $lt, $gt, $in, and $nin.

Advanced Queries: Use $and, $or, $not, and $nor. Query arrays and embedded documents.

Projections: Return specific fields using projections in queries.

4. Indexes

Purpose of Indexes: Speed up queries and optimize performance.

Create and Manage Indexes: Single field, compound, and text indexes.

Understand Index Impact: Use the explain() method to analyze query performance.

5. Aggregation Framework

Introduction: Understand the pipeline approach in aggregation.

Basic Stages: $match, $group, $sort, $limit, $project, and $lookup.

Advanced Stages: $unwind, $addFields, $replaceRoot, and $facet.

6. Data Modeling

Schema Design: Differences between embedding and referencing documents.

Relationships: One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many relationships.

Best Practices: Design schemas for scalability and performance.

7. Transactions

Multi-Document Transactions: Implement ACID transactions in MongoDB.

Use Cases: When to use transactions in NoSQL.

8. Working with MongoDB in Applications

MongoDB Drivers: Integrate MongoDB with programming languages like Node.js (Mongoose), Python (PyMongo), and Java.

CRUD Operations in Code: Perform database operations using drivers.

9. Administration and Optimization

Backup and Restore: Use mongodump and mongorestore for backups.

Performance Optimization: Optimize queries, manage indexes, and shard data for horizontal scaling.

Security: Configure authentication, roles, and encryption for secure access.

10. Build Projects

Beginner: Create a basic CRUD app (e.g., contact manager).

Intermediate: Build an inventory management system or blog backend.

Advanced: Design a scalable social media backend with user posts, comments, and likes.

Deploy on MongoDB Atlas or integrate with cloud platforms.



21 Nov, 15:28

React.js 30 Days Roadmap & Free Learning Resource 📍👇
👨🏻‍💻Days 1-7: Introduction and Fundamentals

📍Day 1: Introduction to React.js

    What is React.js?
    Setting up a development environment
    Creating a basic React app

📍Day 2: JSX and Components

    Understanding JSX
    Creating functional components
    Using props to pass data

📍Day 3: State and Lifecycle

    Component state
    Lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.)
    Updating and rendering based on state changes

📍Day 4: Handling Events

    Adding event handlers
    Updating state with events
    Conditional rendering

📍Day 5: Lists and Keys

    Rendering lists of components
    Adding unique keys to components
    Handling list updates efficiently

📍Day 6: Forms and Controlled Components

    Creating forms in React
    Handling form input and validation
    Controlled components

📍Day 7: Conditional Rendering

    Conditional rendering with if statements
    Using the && operator and ternary operator
    Conditional rendering with logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||)

👨🏻‍💻Days 8-14: Advanced React Concepts

📍Day 8: Styling in React

    Inline styles in React
    Using CSS classes and libraries
    CSS-in-JS solutions

📍Day 9: React Router

    Setting up React Router
    Navigating between routes
    Passing data through routes

📍Day 10: Context API and State Management

    Introduction to the Context API
    Creating and consuming context
    Global state management with context

📍Day 11: Redux for State Management

    What is Redux?
    Actions, reducers, and the store
    Integrating Redux into a React application

📍Day 12: React Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)

    Introduction to React Hooks
    useState, useEffect, and other commonly used hooks
    Refactoring class components to functional components with hooks

📍Day 13: Error Handling and Debugging

    Error boundaries
    Debugging React applications
    Error handling best practices

📍Day 14: Building and Optimizing for Production

    Production builds and optimizations
    Code splitting
    Performance best practices

👨🏻‍💻Days 15-21: Working with External Data and APIs

📍Day 15: Fetching Data from an API

    Making API requests in React
    Handling API responses
    Async/await in React

📍Day 16: Forms and Form Libraries

    Working with form libraries like Formik or React Hook Form
    Form validation and error handling

📍Day 17: Authentication and User Sessions

    Implementing user authentication
    Handling user sessions and tokens
    Securing routes

📍Day 18: State Management with Redux Toolkit

    Introduction to Redux Toolkit
    Creating slices
    Simplified Redux configuration

📍Day 19: Routing in Depth

    Nested routing with React Router
    Route guards and authentication
    Advanced route configuration

📍Day 20: Performance Optimization

    Memoization and useMemo
    React.memo for optimizing components
    Virtualization and large lists

📍Day 21: Real-time Data with WebSockets

    WebSockets for real-time communication
    Implementing chat or notifications

👨🏻‍💻Days 22-30: Building and Deployment

📍Day 22: Building a Full-Stack App

    Integrating React with a backend (e.g., Node.js, Express, or a serverless platform)
    Implementing RESTful or GraphQL APIs

📍Day 23: Testing in React

    Testing React components using tools like Jest and React Testing Library
    Writing unit tests and integration tests

📍Day 24: Deployment and Hosting

    Preparing your React app for production
    Deploying to platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or AWS

📍Day 25-30: Final Project

*_Plan, design, and build a complete React project of your choice, incorporating various concepts and tools you've learned during the previous days.



20 Nov, 13:32

Complete JavaScript Road Map🔥

A-Z JavaScript👇

↳ var
↳  let
↳  const

2. Data Types
↳  number
↳  string
↳  boolean
↳  null
↳  undefined
↳  symbol

3.Declaring variables
↳  var
↳  let
↳  const

Primary expressions
↳ this
↳  Literals
↳  []
↳  {}
↳  function
↳  class
↳ function*
↳  async function
↳  async function*
↳  /ab+c/i
↳ string
↳  ( )

Left-hand-side expressions
↳  Property accessors
↳ ?.
↳  new
↳  new .target
↳ import.meta
↳  super
↳  import()

↳  Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %
↳  Comparison Operators: ==, ===, !=, !==, <, >, <=, >=
↳  Logical Operators: &&, ||, !

6.Control Structures
↳  if
↳  else if
↳  else
↳ switch
↳  case
↳  default

↳  do...while
↳  for
↳  for...of
↳ for await...of
↳  while

↳  Arrow Functions
↳  Default parameters
↳  Rest parameters
↳  arguments
↳  Method definitions
↳  getter
↳  setter

9.Objects and Arrays
↳  Object Literal: { key: value }
↳  Array Literal: [element1, element2, ...]
↳  Object Methods and Properties
↳  Array Methods: push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(),
   splice(), slice(), forEach(), map(), filter()

10.Classes and Prototypes
↳  Class Declaration
↳  Constructor Functions
↳  Prototypal Inheritance
↳ extends keyword
↳ super keyword
↳  Private class features
↳  Public class fields
↳  static
↳  Static initialization blocks

11.Error Handling
↳  try,
↳  catch,
↳ finally (exception handling)


↳  Lexical Scope
↳  Function Scope
↳  Closure Use Cases

13.Asynchronous JavaScript
↳  Callback Functions
↳  Promises
↳  async/await Syntax
↳ Fetch API
↳  XMLHttpRequest

↳  import and export Statements (ES6 Modules)
↳  CommonJS Modules (require, module.exports)

15.Event Handling
↳ Event Listeners
↳  Event Object
↳  Bubbling and Capturing

16.DOM Manipulation
↳ Selecting DOM Elements
↳  Modifying Element Properties
↳ Creating and Appending Elements

17.Regular Expressions
↳  Pattern Matching
↳ RegExp Methods: test(), exec(), match(), replace()

18.Browser APIs
↳ localStorage and sessionStorage
↳  navigator Object
↳  Geolocation API
↳  Canvas API

19.Web APIs
↳  setTimeout(), setInterval()
↳  XMLHttpRequest
↳ Fetch API
↳  WebSockets

20.Functional Programming
↳  Higher-Order Functions
↳ map(), reduce(), filter()
↳  Pure Functions and Immutability

21.Promises and Asynchronous Patterns
↳  Promise Chaining
↳  Error Handling with Promises
↳  Async/Await

22.ES6+ Features
↳  Template Literals
↳  Destructuring Assignment
↳  Rest and Spread Operators
↳  Arrow Functions
↳  Classes and Inheritance
↳  Default Parameters
↳  let, const Block Scoping

23.Browser Object Model (BOM)
↳  window Object
↳ history Object
↳  location Object
↳  navigator Object

24.Node.js Specific Concepts
↳  require()
↳  Node.js Modules (module.exports)
↳  File System Module (fs)
↳  npm (Node Package Manager)

25.Testing Frameworks
↳  Jasmine
↳  Mocha
↳  Jest

------------------- END-------------------

Some Good Resources To Learn JavaScript

Mozilla MDN Web Docs…

2. Useful Channel's

Hope it helps 😊🌱


18 Nov, 02:33

A-Z Complete Full-Stack web 🔥

Development Roadmap👇

1.Web Fundamentals:
   •  HTML
   •  CSS
   •  JavaScript Basics

2. Front-End beginner:
   •  Advanced HTML
   •  Advanced CSS
   •  Responsive Design
   •  CSS Grid
   •  Flexbox

- JavaScript Frameworks:
   •  React.js
   •  Angular
   •  Vue.js

- State Management:
   •  Redux,
   •  Context API (React),
   •  Vuex (Vue)

- Styling Libraries:
   •  Bootstrap
   •  Material-UI
   •  Tailwind CSS

- Build Tools:
   •  Webpack
   •  Parcel

- Version Control:
   •  Git
   •  GitHub
   •  GitLab

3. Back-End Beginner:
- Server-Side Languages:
   •  Node.js (JavaScript)
   •  Python
   •  Ruby
   •  Java
   •  C#

- Web Frameworks:
   •  Express.js (Node.js)
   •  Django (Python)
   •  Ruby on Rails (Ruby)

- Databases:
   •  SQL
   •  NoSQL

- API Development:
   •  RESTful APIs
   •  GraphQL

- Authentication & Authorization:
   •  JWT
   •  OAuth

   •  Sequelize (Node.js)
   •  SQLAlchemy (Python)
   •  ActiveRecord (Ruby)

- Web Security:
   •  OWASP Top Ten
   •  HTTPS
   •  CORS

4. Database Management:
- Database Modeling:
   •  ER Diagrams
   •  Database Normalization

- Advanced Queries:
   •  Joins
   •  Subqueries
   •  Indexing

- Transactions and Concurrency:
   •  ACID Properties
   •  Locking Mechanisms

5. API & Microservices:
- RESTful API Design:
   •  API Endpoints
   •  HTTP Methods

- Microservices Architecture:
   •  Docker
   •  Kubernetes

- Message Brokers:
   •  RabbitMQ
   •  Apache Kafka

6. Testing:
- Unit Testing:
   •  Jest (JavaScript)
   •  pytest (Python)
   •  RSpec (Ruby)

- Integration Testing:
   •  SuperTest (Node.js)
   •  Requests (Python)

- CI/CD:
   •  Jenkins
   •  GitLab CI
   •  Travis CI

7. Front-End Advanced:
- Front-End Frameworks:
   •  Next.js (React)
   •  Nuxt.js (Vue.js)

- State Management:
   •  MobX (React)
   •  Vuex (Vue.js)
   •  Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
   •  Static Site Generation (SSG)

8. Back-End Advanced:
- Serverless Architecture:
   •  AWS Lambda
   •  Azure Functions

- GraphQL:
   •  Apollo Server
   •  Express-GraphQL

- WebSockets:
   • (Node.js)
   •  Action Cable (Ruby on Rails)

9. DevOps and Deployment:
- Cloud Platforms:
   •  AWS
   •  Azure
   •  Google Cloud Platform

- Server Configuration:
   •  Nginx
   •  Apache

- Load Balancing and Scaling:
   •  HAProxy
   •  NGINX Load Balancer

- Monitoring and Logging:
   •  Prometheus,
   •  ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

10. Mobile Development (Optional):
   •  React Native (React)
   •  Flutter (Dart)

11.Version Control:
   •  Git
   •  GitHub Actions
   •  GitLab CI/CD

12.Other Skills:
- Agile Methodologies:
   •  Scrum
   •  Kanban

- Soft Skills:
   •  Communication
   •  Problem-Solving
   •  Time Management

Don't forget to react ❤️


16 Nov, 09:39

5 methods to center a div in CSS:


10 Nov, 07:41

Thanks 25k+ brother and sister
following me🤝🥹♥️


09 Nov, 03:05

Part 1: Essential Tools & Learning Resources For Developers🔥

📚 Documentation & Cheat Sheets
- MDN Web Docs: Complete guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
- DevDocs: Searchable docs covering major languages and frameworks.
- Cheatography: Cheat sheets for quick language and library reference.

🎨 Design & Inspiration
- Dribbble & Behance: UI inspiration galleries for app and website design.
- Color palette generator for choosing color schemes.
- FontAwesome: Free icon sets for projects.
- Unsplash: Free, high-quality images for personal or commercial use.

🛠 Code Editors & IDEs
- Visual Studio Code: Popular, customizable editor with extensive extensions.
- CodeSandbox: Online code editor perfect for quick prototyping.
- Real-time collaborative coding platform supporting many languages.

💻 Frontend Libraries & Frameworks
- React: Declarative, component-based UI library.
- Vue.js: Lightweight framework for building interactive UIs.
- Bootstrap & TailwindCSS: CSS frameworks for responsive design.

🖥 Backend & APIs
- Express.js: Minimal and flexible Node.js framework for backend.
- Django: Python framework with a built-in admin interface and ORM.
- Postman: Tool for building and testing APIs.

React ❤️  to this Message for Part 2     

Thanks For Joining All ❤️🙏


08 Nov, 03:36

Christmas tree 🎄


07 Nov, 16:56

🔟 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀: 🔖

1. Learn Fundamentals:  Use W3Schools, FreeCodeCamp, or MDN for solid basics.

2. Watch and Code Along:  Follow YouTube tutorials to code in real-time.

3. Practice Regularly:  Build small projects to sharpen your skills.

4. Join Coding Communities:  Engage on platforms like X, Discord, and Reddit for support.

5. Use AI Tools Wisely: Leverage tools like ChatGPT responsibly to aid learning.

6. Master Git and Version Control:  Learn to manage your code effectively.

7. Stay Updated:  Follow tech blogs, newsletters, and podcasts.

8. Network:  Attend meetups, hackathons, and online coding events.

9. Explore Open Source:  Contribute to projects to gain experience.

10.Never Stop Learning:  Technology evolves—keep exploring new languages and frameworks.

Don't forget to React 🚀💗💥


06 Nov, 13:53

Do not forget to React ❤️ to this Message for More Content Like this

Thanks For Joining All ❤️🙏


06 Nov, 06:10

Helpme_coder pinned «🔥450+ Web dev projects 🔥 Hello Coders 👋 , Here is a list of 450+ projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.👇 --------------------------------------------------- Do not…»


06 Nov, 05:46

🔥450+ Web dev projects 🔥

Hello Coders 👋 ,
Here is a list of 450+ projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.👇

Do not forget to React ❤️ to this Message for More Content Like this

Thanks For Joining All ❤️🙏


05 Nov, 02:37

Common HTTP status codes:

200: OK
201: Created
301: Permanent redirect
304: Not modified
400: Bad Request
401: Unauthorized
404: Not found
500: Internal Server Error
501: Not Implemented
504: Gateway Timeout

Do not forget to React ❤️ to this Message for More Content Like this

Thanks For Joining All ❤️🙏


04 Nov, 16:36

20 Backend Project Ideas🔥

🔹API for a Task Management System
🔹To-Do List API
🔹Blog Platform
🔹Markdown Note-taking App
🔹Online Code Compiler API
🔹E-commerce API
🔹URL Shortening Service
🔹Chat Application Backend
🔹Web Scraper CLI
🔹Online Bookstore
🔹Social Media API
🔹Music Streaming App
🔹Fitness Workout Tracker
🔹Authentication and Authorization Service
🔹File Upload and Management System
🔹Recipe Sharing Platform
🔹Event Booking System
🔹Expense Tracker API
🔹Weather Forecast Service
🔹Online Food Ordering System

Do not forget to React ❤️ to this Message for More Content Like this

Thanks For Joining All ❤️🙏


03 Nov, 16:05

Explore alternatives to console.log

1. console.dir for hierarchical listings
2. console.table for tabular data
3. for grouping messages
4. console.time & console.timeEnd for timing tasks
5. console.clear to clear the console, making your development process more productive and enjoyable.

Do not forget to react this message for more content like this 👇🏻


02 Nov, 02:30

VS Code Cheatsheet ❤️‍🔥

Do not forget to React to this Message for More Content Like this👇

Thanks For Joining All


02 Nov, 01:56

Helpme_coder pinned «»


31 Oct, 16:49

Happy diwali project using HTML CSS 🪔💫🌸


31 Oct, 04:08

Helpme_coder pinned Deleted message


30 Oct, 11:32

Light up your learning this Diwali with our best-ever Web Development Course deals!🚀
Dive into the ultimate web development journey with LearnTube, powered by Google. 🚀 Unlock your potential and build the future with our all-in-one course!

Highlights :-

📃Personalised Complete Web Development Course

📰Verified Complete Web Development Certificate recognised by Google and amazon .

🏅4+ Industry projects.

All of these in just Rs. 399 with Life Time access

Limited time period offer. Click Below 👇


22 Oct, 03:09

Here's a brief overview of the career options after BCA, MCA, and BTech:

BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications):
- Entry-level roles in IT like software developer, web developer, system administrator, or network administrator.
- Further studies (MCA/MBA) are recommended for better opportunities.
- Certifications in programming, cloud computing, and database management can boost your job prospects.

MCA (Master of Computer Applications):
- Higher-level roles such as software engineer, systems analyst, data scientist, or project manager.
- Opportunities in fields like software development, mobile app development, and IT consulting.
- Often seen as equivalent to a BTech in CS for many software jobs.

BTech (Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science):
- Core technical roles like software developer, data engineer, DevOps engineer, or cybersecurity expert.
- Broad career opportunities in tech companies, startups, and MNCs.
- Specializations (AI, ML, blockchain) can enhance prospects.


15 Oct, 14:38

🕰️ Box Clock Magic with HTML, CSS & JavaScript! 🕹️


15 Oct, 14:14

Join now for source code and coding related information ☺️🌟


15 Oct, 14:13

💻 Code Enthusiast | Code Sharing Hub

Get the full source code of my Instagram reel projects, including HTML, CSS, Java


16 Sep, 03:51

Animated sign in and sign up page 💫💜


16 Sep, 03:36



16 Sep, 03:26

Modern sign in and sign up page 💫🌸


16 Sep, 03:23

Nav Bar using HTML CSS 💜💫


27 Aug, 03:09

Helpme_coder pinned «Important information 🚨 There’s a possibility that Telegram could be banned in India due to ongoing investigations. To ensure we don’t lose touch, I’ve set up a WhatsApp channel where I’ll continue sharing all updates and content. Please join using this link:…»


27 Aug, 03:07

Important information 🚨

There’s a possibility that Telegram could be banned in India due to ongoing investigations. To ensure we don’t lose touch, I’ve set up a WhatsApp channel where I’ll continue sharing all updates and content. Please join using this link:
so we can stay connected without any interruptions.


19 Aug, 16:27

Happy Raksha Bandhan! 🌸

Wishing all my followers a day filled with love, joy, and strong bonds. May this Rakhi bring you closer to your loved ones and fill your life with happiness. Stay blessed! 💖. #RakshaBandhan #SiblingLove #helpmecoder


16 Aug, 06:07

Expandable image gallery 🦋💫