Click here to read more: The Accuracy of Legal Opinions in the Sharīʿah (Part I) - Somaliki
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Last Updated 09.03.2025 02:31
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There is an assumption that prevails among Muslims today that the Sharīʿah represents a collection of legal opinions on a variety of legal cases that are all equally reliable and suitable for practice. Though this view may be explicitly stated, one can more often deduce it from common features of Muslim practice such as a dismissal of gradations of legal opinions, methodological inconsistency, and appeals to contrarian views within the landscape of legal scholarship. I wrote the attached post to aid those of you, who like me, are interested in learning more about our incredibly-rich and long-lasting legal tradition. I also write it as an homage to the scholars of this tradition in whose shadow I blissfuly reside. May Allah resurrect us with those whom we love.
Click here to read more: The Accuracy of Legal Opinions in the Sharīʿah (Part I) - Somaliki
Click here to read more: The Accuracy of Legal Opinions in the Sharīʿah (Part I) - Somaliki
Allah Almighty says: {So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know} (Qur’an 16:43).
📢 Anwar Al-Ulama Center, in collaboration with Darul Fath Institute, located in New Jersey, USA, presents:
Contemporary Fatwas
With the esteemed scholar, Dr. Salah Abu Al-Hajj (may Allah preserve him).
✨ Date: Sunday
⏰ Time: 4:30 PM (Jordan Time) | 9:30 AM EST (note: Sunday is the first day of Daylight Savings Time)
📝 Prepare your questions in advance and join us for the reward!
📍 Join the session via Zoom:
📌 Join the discussion group here:
📢 Anwar Al-Ulama Center, in collaboration with Darul Fath Institute, located in New Jersey, USA, presents:
Contemporary Fatwas
With the esteemed scholar, Dr. Salah Abu Al-Hajj (may Allah preserve him).
✨ Date: Sunday
⏰ Time: 4:30 PM (Jordan Time) | 9:30 AM EST (note: Sunday is the first day of Daylight Savings Time)
📝 Prepare your questions in advance and join us for the reward!
📍 Join the session via Zoom:
📌 Join the discussion group here:
Some of our local brothers in NJ have fulfilled the sunnah of moon sighting for the community and with this we officially welcome the month of Ramadan!
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 ☪️
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 ☪️
On Moonsighting
That time of year is almost upon us. Of unprecedented barakah, joy, mujãhadah ul-nafs and last but not least, moonfighting.
These rules will save you the trouble.
1. The moon must be sighted and not calculated.
And not b/c the technology did not exist (the Babylonians accurately calculated moon cycles millenia ago and the fuqahā knew of this).
The Prophet ﷺ said “Fast when seeing it and stop fasting when seeing it.”
And upon seeing the moon he ﷺ said
“اللهم أهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام ربي وربك الله”
“Allah! Bring with it security and imaan , peace and Islam. My Lord and yours is Allah.”
Seeing the moon is a practice that connects us with the Prophet ﷺ and to Our Creator. Its magnificent nature puts a peace and serenity in the heart that is furthered by the duā’.
2. It must be sighted by 2 morally upright men.
3. OR it must be sighted by a group of people.
This is more likely in today’s day and age as moral uprightness is hard to establish. It should be a large enough group that it’s very unlikely they could have all coordinated a lie.
It’s hard to set a number here because it depends on the context but even 50 could not count if they’re all part of the same org (Sh El Maghili). On the other hand a handful could count if they’re all unrelated (Sh Rami).
4. It can be conveyed from countries that share the same night.
From America that can include up till the Arabian peninsula (Sh Abdussabur).
However the safer position is it shouldn’t be sighted more than 1000 miles away (Sh El Maghili).
5. What if the moon isn’t sighted or only seen by one person?
Then you complete 30 days of Shabaan and Ramadan starts thereafter.
That time of year is almost upon us. Of unprecedented barakah, joy, mujãhadah ul-nafs and last but not least, moonfighting.
These rules will save you the trouble.
1. The moon must be sighted and not calculated.
And not b/c the technology did not exist (the Babylonians accurately calculated moon cycles millenia ago and the fuqahā knew of this).
The Prophet ﷺ said “Fast when seeing it and stop fasting when seeing it.”
And upon seeing the moon he ﷺ said
“اللهم أهله علينا بالأمن والإيمان والسلامة والإسلام ربي وربك الله”
“Allah! Bring with it security and imaan , peace and Islam. My Lord and yours is Allah.”
Seeing the moon is a practice that connects us with the Prophet ﷺ and to Our Creator. Its magnificent nature puts a peace and serenity in the heart that is furthered by the duā’.
2. It must be sighted by 2 morally upright men.
3. OR it must be sighted by a group of people.
This is more likely in today’s day and age as moral uprightness is hard to establish. It should be a large enough group that it’s very unlikely they could have all coordinated a lie.
It’s hard to set a number here because it depends on the context but even 50 could not count if they’re all part of the same org (Sh El Maghili). On the other hand a handful could count if they’re all unrelated (Sh Rami).
4. It can be conveyed from countries that share the same night.
From America that can include up till the Arabian peninsula (Sh Abdussabur).
However the safer position is it shouldn’t be sighted more than 1000 miles away (Sh El Maghili).
5. What if the moon isn’t sighted or only seen by one person?
Then you complete 30 days of Shabaan and Ramadan starts thereafter.
Know Thy Enemy
Dr. Fawzi Al Badawi is a professor at Tunisia’s Manouba University. His field is Jewish studies. He is one of the few Arab/Muslim intellectuals who has researched the history of Jews, Zionism, and has kept up with Hebrew publications, at an academic level.
It is no secret that for well over a century, Muslims have lagged behind in education overall and have known next to nothing about any of their enemies.
In this clip Dr Fawzi Al Badawi explains the vast array of dozens of institutes, university departments, and think tanks that the Zionists have created that focus on studying the Muslim world. They analyze us from a political, historical, linguistic, and even religious angle. Meanwhile Muslims only came to the realization that studying the Zionists is worthwhile, after the embarrassing defeat in 1967. Even then we have barely a handful of university departments/institutes dedicated to this task.
To watch the full 2 hour 45 minute interview, please use the link below. It is in Arabic but you can turn on English captions, they are accurate.
In the past there have been many Arab/Muslim politicians and officials that didn’t even know basic facts. For example, one Egyptian official didn’t even know Hebrew is written from right to left just like Arabic! Or that the most Jewish authors like Maimonides and Sadia Gaon wrote their works in Arabic. And that Hebrew grammar etc is copied from Arabic. The Zionists and their allies have studied us inside out and this allows them to kick us around like a football.
For those who have paid attention, this has been going on for a long time. The Templars took a bunch of Arabic manuscripts with them back from the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Vatican funded many translations of these, and families such as the Medici (and other Black Nobility families) were heavily involved in gathering intelligence using the guise of philanthropy and promotion of arts/culture.
The Venetians were masters of this as well. Marco Polo was an intelligence asset, not merely an explorer.
The same thing happened later when the Templars re emerged as the Jesuit order. The Jesuit priests were sent out to the corners of the globe mainly for intelligence, not simply for missionary work.
The Freemasons after becoming public in the 1700s were heavily involved in gathering intelligence for the British Empire among others. This is why the East India Company also funded several scholars and spies. The East India Company records have manuscripts from the likes of the great Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi and others. The British Library, Venetian archives, Vatican, and other libraries in places like Germany, France etc contain troves of information about our history.
So it is no surprise that the European Orientalists were used by the colonial powers in their efforts to undermine Islam. Yale University was named after Elihu Yale, the head of the East India Company. His opium selling pals were among those who set up Skull and Bones. Similarly by the turn of the 20th century, the Rothschilds were bankrolling several media companies and university departments. The Rockefellers had set up the University of Chicago, set up the General Education Board, and effectively taken over the practice of medicine in both America and China.
Now we have places like the RAND corporation and others all publicly bragging about what they would like to see in the Muslim world. We have seldom paid any attention. As the likes of Miles Copeland have shown, (and the case of the Oded Yinon plan that Imam Al Bouti and others kept warning about but no one listened) we have been easy to divide and conquer.
More examples of espionage and information warfare will be shown later. Thank God more folks are beginning to wake up.
The tide will turn in shā’ Allāh.
Dr. Fawzi Al Badawi is a professor at Tunisia’s Manouba University. His field is Jewish studies. He is one of the few Arab/Muslim intellectuals who has researched the history of Jews, Zionism, and has kept up with Hebrew publications, at an academic level.
It is no secret that for well over a century, Muslims have lagged behind in education overall and have known next to nothing about any of their enemies.
In this clip Dr Fawzi Al Badawi explains the vast array of dozens of institutes, university departments, and think tanks that the Zionists have created that focus on studying the Muslim world. They analyze us from a political, historical, linguistic, and even religious angle. Meanwhile Muslims only came to the realization that studying the Zionists is worthwhile, after the embarrassing defeat in 1967. Even then we have barely a handful of university departments/institutes dedicated to this task.
To watch the full 2 hour 45 minute interview, please use the link below. It is in Arabic but you can turn on English captions, they are accurate.
In the past there have been many Arab/Muslim politicians and officials that didn’t even know basic facts. For example, one Egyptian official didn’t even know Hebrew is written from right to left just like Arabic! Or that the most Jewish authors like Maimonides and Sadia Gaon wrote their works in Arabic. And that Hebrew grammar etc is copied from Arabic. The Zionists and their allies have studied us inside out and this allows them to kick us around like a football.
For those who have paid attention, this has been going on for a long time. The Templars took a bunch of Arabic manuscripts with them back from the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Vatican funded many translations of these, and families such as the Medici (and other Black Nobility families) were heavily involved in gathering intelligence using the guise of philanthropy and promotion of arts/culture.
The Venetians were masters of this as well. Marco Polo was an intelligence asset, not merely an explorer.
The same thing happened later when the Templars re emerged as the Jesuit order. The Jesuit priests were sent out to the corners of the globe mainly for intelligence, not simply for missionary work.
The Freemasons after becoming public in the 1700s were heavily involved in gathering intelligence for the British Empire among others. This is why the East India Company also funded several scholars and spies. The East India Company records have manuscripts from the likes of the great Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi and others. The British Library, Venetian archives, Vatican, and other libraries in places like Germany, France etc contain troves of information about our history.
So it is no surprise that the European Orientalists were used by the colonial powers in their efforts to undermine Islam. Yale University was named after Elihu Yale, the head of the East India Company. His opium selling pals were among those who set up Skull and Bones. Similarly by the turn of the 20th century, the Rothschilds were bankrolling several media companies and university departments. The Rockefellers had set up the University of Chicago, set up the General Education Board, and effectively taken over the practice of medicine in both America and China.
Now we have places like the RAND corporation and others all publicly bragging about what they would like to see in the Muslim world. We have seldom paid any attention. As the likes of Miles Copeland have shown, (and the case of the Oded Yinon plan that Imam Al Bouti and others kept warning about but no one listened) we have been easy to divide and conquer.
More examples of espionage and information warfare will be shown later. Thank God more folks are beginning to wake up.
The tide will turn in shā’ Allāh.
When Imam Ali RA was asked what the meaning of “tarteel” is he said:
تجويد الحروف ومعرفة الوقوف
“To pronounce the letters properly (tajweed) and to know where to stop (wuqūf).”
Stopping in particular spots connotes different meanings in Arabic just like it does in English:
“Let’s eat grandma.”
“Let’s eat, grandma.”
The knowledge of where to stop in the Quran in order to imply different meanings was codified into its own knowledge known as علم الوقف والابتداء (the knowledge of stopping and starting.)
تجويد الحروف ومعرفة الوقوف
“To pronounce the letters properly (tajweed) and to know where to stop (wuqūf).”
Stopping in particular spots connotes different meanings in Arabic just like it does in English:
“Let’s eat grandma.”
“Let’s eat, grandma.”
The knowledge of where to stop in the Quran in order to imply different meanings was codified into its own knowledge known as علم الوقف والابتداء (the knowledge of stopping and starting.)
It has always amazed me how easily the average person is swayed by propoganda, often to the point of undermining their own beliefs. Take the term religious fundamentalist, for example, which is often used with negative connotations. Someone can be a practicing conservative Christian yet, due to media propaganda, be against "Muslim fundamentalists," then go on to speak about how fundamentalism is bad in any religion. However, if you break down the term and look at what that person believes, you will find they are religious fundamentalists themselves, and they have undermined their own beliefs by the way in which they chose to attack Islam.
This is very normal with Christians specifically and probably the biggest reason almost no Christian appologist is particularly impressive or exciting in their critiques of Islam. They have been subtly condiitoned—psychopped—into essentially accepting atheism wrapped in Christian termonology. In reality, they're just cultural conservatives struggling with their shallow commitment to faith. They are wannabe fundamentalists.
This is very normal with Christians specifically and probably the biggest reason almost no Christian appologist is particularly impressive or exciting in their critiques of Islam. They have been subtly condiitoned—psychopped—into essentially accepting atheism wrapped in Christian termonology. In reality, they're just cultural conservatives struggling with their shallow commitment to faith. They are wannabe fundamentalists.
What are you studying for?
Alhamdulillah, over the past few years specifically, it seems like there is a steep rise in people with careers and degrees outside the Islamic Sciences who are studying traditionally using all mediums available to them: local teachers, online studies, and even traveling to sit at the feet of the masters of the sciences. After a few years, someone who was an average Muslim with a career all of a sudden finds that they may have studied Ibn Malik's Alfiyya, various sciences to an intermediate/advanced level, memorized a sizable amount of the Qur'an, and more all out of the passion to seek knowledge and nothing more.
For this group, it usually starts with a few classes in the masjid, then Arabic studies, and one thing leads to another. Eventually they are met with the question, "What is the end goal with all these studies?"
This usually causes this group to start reflecting. Yes, they sought knowledge for the sake of Allah and out of their passion for knowledge, but is there more they should think of?
Usually, those who have shown dedication to the uloom find that they process and speak about Islam much differently than before, and if they studied correctly, those around them see a positive change in them. Due to that and their unassuming position in the community, they have combined being a person of knowledge and being someone accessible to people who might not otherwise ask about matters of the religion. Therefore, they have become a valuable resource for those around them. The more accessible people with knowledge and connections to scholars that the wider community has access to, the more the community as a whole improves.
Those with doubts they are afraid to approach the masjid imam with; those with questions they are too embarrassed to ask; those who might be heedless but now have someone in their friend group who might inspire them to recommit to the religion. All of these people now have someone around them who they trust with these matters they did not have before.
So to all of those students of knowledge who are not serving the community in any official capacity, just keep being you. Be the same approachable friend and family member to people you always were—a day will come when you are in a position no one else can be in to help someone. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "People are upon the religion of their friends" (Sunnan Abi Dawud).
Imam al Haddad's dua for studying:
All praise to God, Lord of the Worlds. And salutations and greetings upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions. I intend to study and teach, take and give a reminder, take and give benefit, take and give advantage, to encourage the holding fast to the book of God and the way of His Messenger, and calling to guidance and directing towards good, hoping for the countenance of God and His pleasure, proximity and reward, transcendent is He.
Alhamdulillah, over the past few years specifically, it seems like there is a steep rise in people with careers and degrees outside the Islamic Sciences who are studying traditionally using all mediums available to them: local teachers, online studies, and even traveling to sit at the feet of the masters of the sciences. After a few years, someone who was an average Muslim with a career all of a sudden finds that they may have studied Ibn Malik's Alfiyya, various sciences to an intermediate/advanced level, memorized a sizable amount of the Qur'an, and more all out of the passion to seek knowledge and nothing more.
For this group, it usually starts with a few classes in the masjid, then Arabic studies, and one thing leads to another. Eventually they are met with the question, "What is the end goal with all these studies?"
This usually causes this group to start reflecting. Yes, they sought knowledge for the sake of Allah and out of their passion for knowledge, but is there more they should think of?
Usually, those who have shown dedication to the uloom find that they process and speak about Islam much differently than before, and if they studied correctly, those around them see a positive change in them. Due to that and their unassuming position in the community, they have combined being a person of knowledge and being someone accessible to people who might not otherwise ask about matters of the religion. Therefore, they have become a valuable resource for those around them. The more accessible people with knowledge and connections to scholars that the wider community has access to, the more the community as a whole improves.
Those with doubts they are afraid to approach the masjid imam with; those with questions they are too embarrassed to ask; those who might be heedless but now have someone in their friend group who might inspire them to recommit to the religion. All of these people now have someone around them who they trust with these matters they did not have before.
So to all of those students of knowledge who are not serving the community in any official capacity, just keep being you. Be the same approachable friend and family member to people you always were—a day will come when you are in a position no one else can be in to help someone. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "People are upon the religion of their friends" (Sunnan Abi Dawud).
Imam al Haddad's dua for studying:
All praise to God, Lord of the Worlds. And salutations and greetings upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions. I intend to study and teach, take and give a reminder, take and give benefit, take and give advantage, to encourage the holding fast to the book of God and the way of His Messenger, and calling to guidance and directing towards good, hoping for the countenance of God and His pleasure, proximity and reward, transcendent is He.