Mouldy food ( Chinese ) : aflatoxin
Salted / preserved food : nitrosamine
2g of plant sterols are most efficient one to reduce cholesterol in blood
Pregnancy ( iron / folate ) are doubled
But (( pregnant women - doesn't - eat for two instead increase slightly amount of calories ))
Vit E is the main antioxidant vitamin especially with ( lead and mercury )
Excessive Vegetables and high cereal diet cause gallstones
Wheat fiber is suggested to breast cancer
Copper and zinc for ( AMD )
Folic acid Is important for pregnancy
Selenium is highly toxic in large doses
B1 deficiency : beri beri
Early symptoms are weakness and depression
اشرب ماية قبل وأثناء وبعد التمرين
Ketosis ( prolonged lack of carb in diet )
Hyperphosphatemia cause calcification of organs specially kidney
Salt is direct to blood pressure
Potassium is indirect
Calcium is indirect
* اقرأها وانت جاي