Напоминание-تذكير is a unique Telegram channel that combines both Russian and Arabic languages to provide daily reminders and inspirational messages to its subscribers. The channel, managed by user @haniffffa, aims to bring positivity and motivation to its audience in both languages. Whether you are a native Russian speaker looking to learn Arabic or vice versa, this channel offers a great opportunity to immerse yourself in both languages while receiving daily reminders to uplift your spirits. With a focus on personal growth and self-improvement, Напоминание-تذكير is the perfect place to start your day on a positive note. Join us today and let us remind you of the beauty of both languages while inspiring you to be the best version of yourself!
01 Nov, 08:16
27 Oct, 05:01
26 Oct, 21:11
26 Oct, 21:10
26 Oct, 21:09
26 Oct, 20:51
23 Oct, 04:03