Haanasakam is a Telegram channel that offers daily doses of positivity and inspiration. The channel's name translates to 'My Hard Days' in English, reflecting a focus on overcoming challenges and finding strength. With a motto of 'First Half But Better,' Haanasakam aims to uplift and motivate its members to face each day with courage and optimism. The channel provides a mix of personal stories, quotes, and affirmations to encourage resilience and perseverance in the face of difficulties. Whether you're looking for a boost of motivation or a reminder that better days are ahead, Haanasakam is the perfect place to find support and inspiration. Join the community today and start your journey towards a brighter tomorrow! Follow Haanasakam on Instagram for even more uplifting content: https://instagram.com/haanasakam_
26 Jan, 14:21
25 Jan, 18:35
25 Jan, 14:21
24 Jan, 22:25
20 Jan, 22:03
18 Jan, 20:41
16 Jan, 18:03
02 Jan, 23:04
22 Dec, 23:51
20 Dec, 10:16
18 Dec, 10:55
17 Dec, 23:42
22 Nov, 20:43
06 Nov, 17:03
04 Nov, 23:14
30 Oct, 21:09
25 Oct, 21:55
22 Oct, 10:09
21 Oct, 08:24