obstetrical & gynecological OSCE @gynecologyosce Channel on Telegram

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE


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obstetrical & gynecological OSCE (Arabic)

تعتبر قناة obstetrical & gynecological OSCE والتي تحمل اسم المستخدم gynecologyosce على تطبيق تليجرام واحدة من أفضل القنوات المخصصة للطلاب والممارسين في مجال النساء والتوليد. تهدف هذه القناة إلى توفير موارد تعليمية عالية الجودة ومعلومات محدثة للمساعدة في استعداد الطلاب لاجتياز امتحانات OSCE في مجال طب النساء والتوليد.

من خلال الاشتراك في قناة obstetrical & gynecological OSCE، ستحصل على وصول غني ومتنوع إلى موارد تعليمية متخصصة تشمل نصائح حول كيفية التحضير لاختبارات OSCE، مقاطع فيديو توضيحية لإجراءات واختبارات سريرية، مراجعات للحالات السريرية الشائعة في مجال النساء والتوليد، والمزيد.

سواء كنت طالبًا يستعد لامتحانات الطب النسائي والتوليد أو ممارسًا يبحث عن موارد تعليمية مفيدة لتحسين مهاراته السريرية، فإن قناة obstetrical & gynecological OSCE هي الوجهة المثالية لك. انضم اليوم واستفد من المحتوى المفيد الذي سيساعدك على النجاح في مجال الطب النسائي والتوليد!

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

13 Dec, 03:27

#essay (2021)
Group D

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

12 Dec, 20:45

#OSCE (2021)
Group D

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

12 Dec, 20:40

#Minicex , (2021)

Group D

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:17


من هنا اسئله فاينل

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:16


البداية ... اسئله اوسكي

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:14

Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to pregnant women with epilepsy?
A. The rate of congenital malformation is increased in the offspring of women with epilepsy
B. Seizure frequency increases in approximately 70% of women
C. Breast feeding is safe with most anticonvulsants
D. Folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of neural tube defect

Correct answer : B. Seizure frequency increases in approximately 70% of women

Seizure frequency is increased in approximately 30% of women during pregnancy.

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:14

The most common pure germ cell tumor of the ovary is:
A. Choriocarcinoma
B. Dysgerminoma
C. Embryonal cell tumor
D. Malignant Teratoma

Correct answer : B. Dysgerminoma

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:14

In a case of Dysgerminoma of ovary one of the following tumor markers is likely to be raised.
A. Serum HCG
B. Serum alphafetoprotein
C. Serum lactate dehydrogenase
D. Serum inhibin

Correct answer : C. Serum lactate dehydrogenase

Dysgerminomas produce placental alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. Pure dysgerminomas do not produce AFP and HCG.

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:14

Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to pregnant women with epilepsy?
A. The rate of congenital malformation is increased in the offspring of women with epilepsy
B. Seizure frequency increases in approximately 70% of women
C. Breast feeding is safe with most anticonvulsants
D. Folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of neural tube defect

Correct answer : B. Seizure frequency increases in approximately 70% of women

Seizure frequency is increased in approximately 30% of women during pregnancy

obstetrical & gynecological OSCE

01 Dec, 08:14

Solid tumour with cystic areas in between filled with haemorrhagic fluid and accounting for about 20% of all ovarian cancers is?
A. Cystadenocarcinoma
B. Mesonephroid tumors
C. Endometrioid tumour
D. Brenner tumour

Correct answer : C. Endometrioid tumour

Ovarian cancer – CT scan

Endometrioid tumours account for about 20% of all ovarian cancers.
They are mostly malignant.
They are lined by glandular epithelium.
They are moderate sized solid tumours with cystic areas in between filled with haemorrhagic fluid.
Ovarian endometriosis coexist in 15% of cases.