Gst Updates (Gst Awareness) टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

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अंतिम अपडेट 11.03.2025 07:48
समान चैनल

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Gst Updates (Gst Awareness) द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
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सुख के दीप जले घर आंगन मे खुशहाली हो बड़ो का आशीर्वाद हो और अपनो का प्यार मिले ऐसी मंगलमय आप सबकी *दीपावली* हो...
✨🎆 शुभ दीपावली 🎆✨
✨🎆 शुभ दीपावली 🎆✨
CMP- 08 Composition (Taxpayers who either have registered as composition taxable person through Form GST REG-01 or taxpayers who have opted for composition levy through Form GST CMP-02, need to file Form GST CMP-08)
सभी कंपनियों के Q2 के नतीज़े पूरे *You Tube* पर सबसे पहले हमारे नए चैनल *Time to Invest* पर आएंगे । जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर लो -
Measures for facilitation of trade recommended at 50th GST Council meeting
1️⃣ GST Appellate Tribunal rules recommended.
2️⃣ Annual return relaxations continue; exemption for small taxpayers extended.
3️⃣ Clarity on ISD mechanism; amendments proposed. 4️⃣ Warranty replacement & repair services' GST liability clarified.
5️⃣ Circulars on refunds & TCS for E-commerce Operators.
6️⃣ Easier tax invoice requirements for services via ECOs.
7️⃣ Circulars on e-invoicing, interest calculation & securities taxation.
8️⃣ Input tax credit verification & manual appeal filing procedures proposed.
9️⃣ Amnesty schemes extended; due date extension for Manipur taxpayers.
1️⃣ GST Appellate Tribunal rules recommended.
2️⃣ Annual return relaxations continue; exemption for small taxpayers extended.
3️⃣ Clarity on ISD mechanism; amendments proposed. 4️⃣ Warranty replacement & repair services' GST liability clarified.
5️⃣ Circulars on refunds & TCS for E-commerce Operators.
6️⃣ Easier tax invoice requirements for services via ECOs.
7️⃣ Circulars on e-invoicing, interest calculation & securities taxation.
8️⃣ Input tax credit verification & manual appeal filing procedures proposed.
9️⃣ Amnesty schemes extended; due date extension for Manipur taxpayers.