Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn @growthlabz Channel on Telegram

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn


Build, grow, and monetize your audience.


Welcome to the BUILDERS CLUB! Are you looking to build, grow, and monetize your audience successfully? Look no further, because this Telegram channel is the perfect place for you. The BUILDERS CLUB, managed by the team at @growthlabz, is dedicated to helping individuals like you develop their online presence, expand their reach, and ultimately make money from their audience. Whether you are a content creator, an influencer, a blogger, or an entrepreneur, this channel provides valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you achieve your goals. From content creation and social media marketing to audience engagement and monetization techniques, the BUILDERS CLUB covers all aspects of building a successful online presence. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about growth and success. Together, we can learn, share, and support each other on our journey to success. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of a thriving community of builders and achievers. Join the BUILDERS CLUB today and start turning your audience into a profitable venture!

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

09 Aug, 15:45

wish I got this advice 10 years ago.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

08 Aug, 10:36

You've gone nowhere because you've never committed.

Other people’s opinions. Shiny object opportunities. Personal insecurities.

Each of these throw you back & forth in a turbulent doom loop because you lack an anchor to filter them through.

The solution?

Pick something. Literally anything. Commit, for once.

Business model, relationship, workout plan, nutrition protocol, content platform—wherever you’re currently waffling one foot in, one foot out.


It’s only once you’ve picked something that you can begin to build all the skills that come afterward.

Because the truth is, the direction you choose does not matter.

The only wrong choice is moving in no direction at all.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

03 Aug, 17:02

We’ve been told that money is the only type of wealth.

This is a lie.

The 4 types of wealth you MUST understand:

1 Financial
2 Social
3 Physical
4 Time

Most people prioritize 1 & 2 their whole life only to realize when they're old that 3 & 4 are the most important ones.

Let’s walk through each to form a more comprehensive view of wealth:

Financial Wealth

This is the most commonly understood type of wealth.

It's generally what people mean when they say someone is wealthy.

Financial wealth is all about money—the money or financial assets that an individual has accumulated.

Social Wealth

Social wealth is about our connection to others in our respective worlds—our relationships.

True social wealth wealth is built through the cultivation of meaningful relationships.

Spend time building a T-shaped web of connectivity—broad and deep.

Build an army of mentors and friends.

Cultivate deep relationships, but also embrace the power of weak ties.

Physical Wealth

Physical wealth is about your health, fitness, and vitality.

It is perhaps the most critical—and under-appreciated—type of wealth.

Without physical wealth, it is effectively impossible to experience and enjoy the benefits of any of the other types of wealth.

Physical health is built through the long-term compounding of daily actions.

There are 3 broad buckets:

• Exercise—daily movement
• Nutrition—mostly real foods
• Sleep—good sleep habits

It's never too late to start building—or restoring—physical wealth.

Health is wealth.

Time Wealth

Time wealth is about the freedom to choose:

• How to spend your time
• Who to spend it with
• Where to spend it
• When to trade it for other types of wealth

Time wealth is also about an appreciation for the precious nature of time—of its value and importance.

Too many people fail to realize the value of this precious asset until it is gone.

Treat time as your ultimate currency—it’s all you have and you can never get it back.

NEVER let the pursuit of financial wealth rob you of your time and physical wealth.

Want to take the first step to building your own business and creating wealth?

Here's your playbook:

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

02 Aug, 17:53

Sometimes, starting over seems like the scariest thing in the world.

But starting fresh might be exactly what you need.

Starting over is not a sign of failure or admitting failure, as many believe.

It’s about recognizing that you have potential and that you deserve more.

Think about the possibilities.

- You get to reinvent yourself
- Shape your own destiny
- Chase new goals

It’s exciting and, yes, a bit scary.

But nothing worthwhile comes easy, right?

Maybe it’s time to leave that job that’s draining you.

Or to finally start that business you’ve always dreamed about.

So don’t let fear or doubt hold you back.

- Take that leap
- Leave that 9-5
- Move to that city 
- Start that business


The rest of your life is a blank page.

Give yourself a chance to write a better story.

Want to start a business that enhances your life?

Here's how you start:

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

02 Aug, 17:53

Channel name was changed to «Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn»

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

17 Jul, 06:50

We spend too much time beating ourselves up about where we are today instead of focusing on where we could be tomorrow.

You've heard it before but it's true.

There are no magic bullets.

Focus on small, incremental changes daily. Over time, these small steps will add up to significant progress.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

22 May, 05:52

What book is so good you’ve read it more than three times?

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

16 May, 17:40

Your life is always trying to teach you something.

When life is hard, it’s teaching you what is broken.

When life is good, it’s teaching you what’s working.

There is always a lesson, a redirection, or an opportunity for growth.

Pay attention.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

20 Mar, 05:23

Reframe problems into challenges.

Usual Frame: Another problem! Why me?

Reframe: Ooh, a new puzzle to solve.

Problems are often seen as negative and difficult obstacles to overcome, but reframing them can be a powerful tool to push for progress.

Next time you run into a problem, loudly say “ooh a new puzzle to solve”.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

13 Mar, 02:28

Everyone can learn from this

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

08 Mar, 04:30

A powerful mindset shift that's helped me:

Failure is part of success.

We tend to think of success and failure as opposite ends of a spectrum, as if they exist independently of each other.

In reality, they work together.

Each "failure" is a building block that future success is stacked upon.

As legendary actor Mickey Rooney said, "You always pass failure on your way to success."

I used to view failure and success as separate events.

I've learned they're much more nuanced than that.

Failure is part of success.

Remember that the next time you stumble.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

25 Feb, 16:53

We all struggle with some degree of self-doubt and fear of failure.

It’s common among ambitious high-achievers, who, by definition, are constantly putting themselves in situations that are on the edge of their current competency level.

Here’s how you overcome it (read caption)👇

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

23 Feb, 16:12

What can the Chinese bamboo tree teach us about growth?

It has to be cared for every single day. It doesn’t break through the ground for 5 years, but once it breaks through, it can grow up to 100 feet in 5 weeks.

Lesson: Be patient. Everything will come to you at the right time.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

11 Feb, 14:36

When you’re young, you’re literally rich with time.

The Time Billionaire

Phrase coined by investor Graham Duncan:

“A billion seconds is slightly over 31 years…when I see, sometimes, 20-year-olds—the thought I had was they probably have two billion seconds left. But they aren’t relating to themselves as time billionaires.”

Most fail to realize the value of this asset until it’s gone.

To me, being a “time billionaire” isn’t necessarily about having the time, but about the awareness of the precious nature of the time you do have.

It is about embracing the shortness of life and finding joy in ordinary daily moments of beauty.

Treat time as your ultimate currency—spend it wisely, with those you love, in ways you’ll never regret.

Remember: The days are long but the years are short.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

31 Jan, 16:26

One thing I've learned in the last year: Your entire life can change with one year of focused daily effort.

If you bring the energy every single day, there are quite literally no limits to what you can achieve.

Consistency is the bedrock of success. It's not about being perfect every time, but about showing up, putting in the effort, and learning from each step.

Embrace progress over perfection!


Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

28 Jan, 15:36

The success checklist

You need to take risk.
You need discipline when getting no results.
You need to turn off procrastination.
You need to have a list of failures.
You need the patience of a saint.
You need no excuses.

And you need to sacrifice it all.

Check the post 👇

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

12 Jan, 14:42

Don’t join an easy crowd — you won’t grow.

Go where the expectations are high.

Go where the pressure is on.

Go where the push is on.

Make you scramble.
Make you change.
Get up early.
Stay up late.
Pour it on.
Read the books.
Challenge yourself.
Learn the skills.

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

02 Jan, 02:47

Picture this: it’s January 2025.

You’ve achieved your most ambitious 2024 goals.

What does your ideal future look and feel like?

Become this future self who is actively living your dream life.

You owe it to yourself to make it the year you’ve said the other years would turn out to be..

Happy New Year to you all 📈🫡❤️

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

25 Dec, 17:19

Merry Christmas 🎄

hope everyone had a wonderful day and can’t wait to see all you win in 2024 🙌

Join the “BUILDERS CLUB” #BuildYourIn

18 Aug, 12:15

it’s not easy to find ideas for your content strategy.

there are a number of tools online that can help with that. like:

- Answerthepublic
- Quora
- Google trends
- Google news
- Reddit
- Chatgpt
- Books
- Blogs

but here’s something creators often forget.


you can see how well other creators’ posts are doing—this doesn’t mean you should copy them.

apply your unique story, voice, tone to high-performing topics, styles, types.

it’s all there.