Growin Wealth @growinwealth Channel on Telegram

Growin Wealth


FiboDiveAction Trading.

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Growin Wealth (English)

Are you looking to grow your wealth through trading? Look no further than the Growin Wealth Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @growinwealth, is dedicated to FiboDiveAction trading, offering valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you navigate the world of trading.

Join our active discussion at to connect with like-minded individuals who are also on the journey to financial success. Additionally, check out our trading recap at to stay updated on the latest market trends and performance.

If you have any inquiries or need personalized assistance, feel free to contact @muhammadsyihab or @nfladibe. They are experienced traders who are ready to provide guidance and support to help you achieve your financial goals.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from experts and take your trading skills to the next level. Join Growin Wealth today and start your journey towards financial success!

Growin Wealth

05 Nov, 02:03

Koreksi ABC
Maap sempet hilang market lagi gabagus + lagi mau ada campaign tahunan kantor. Mending fokus di bisnis riil dulu daripada market ๐Ÿ˜

Growin Wealth

28 Oct, 01:49

7650 sebagai area yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk buyback saham2 yang sudah retrace

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:47

BRIS 3150 muncul lg, memang sedang fase reakumulasi lagi

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:10

my porto anyway

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:09

sisanya B aja ( TINS & BMRI ) Belum muncul lagi

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:09

PGAS 1570

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:08

BRIS 3110

Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:06


Growin Wealth

24 Oct, 02:03

UNVR SL hit :) I switch to TINS

Growin Wealth

23 Oct, 03:52

Masa masa kaya gini, saranku cari saham yang udah breakout dan lagi retrace.. retracenya pun dengan volume normal.
Kebiasaan orang2 kalo masa sepi gini malah menjauh dari market, justru ini saat yang tepat untuk cari saham, bukan saat FOMO beli saham2 breakout yang rame diomongin

Growin Wealth

23 Oct, 02:20

Porto belum ada banyak berubah le, GOTO udah bersih, PTPP sisanya kena TS BEP

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 06:36

UNVR Update, udah mulai bagus ya

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 05:07

PGAS update ada yang nongol dipucuk ๐Ÿ™„ 1600 !
Kopongnya blm muncul ya, takjadi masalah. Seharusnya bs tuk tutup gapnya di harga brp gitu lupa

Maapkan lewat mobile, lagi dijalan

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 03:14

nih yang masih nanya maksudnya tebal dan kopong tuh gimana ya.
ku jualan di 488 karena ini

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 03:14

PGAS 1550 & 1565 nya bisa dilihat
1550 paling tebal, 1565 paling tipis dibandingkan lot average offer

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 02:06

GOTO offer biasa saja, jd sy sell di 67
PTPP sudah buang sebagian 75% di 488. kalau dikasi kepala 5 ya syukur 1 tick 5 poin ๐Ÿ˜

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 02:04

BMRI 7400

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 02:03

BRIS masih dengan 3200nya

Growin Wealth

21 Oct, 02:02

PTPP Lunas ya
next 510, tapi tidak sekuat di 480 kemarin seharusnya

Growin Wealth

18 Oct, 03:25

Pgas volume analysis, ditarik dg volume, koreksi tanpa volume. Saat ini berlabuh di area orderblockny

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 08:34

jangan fomo, IHSG sdh di resist ya. Ku kasih kotak abu2 tuk tunggu harga balik kesitu. Kalo emang IHSG masih ngegas ya gpp masih ada barang ๐Ÿ˜

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 06:44

BRIS spotted 3200

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 05:02

Dan sekali lagi disini saya no ajak ajak tuk beli ya, saya cuma share2 bagaimana saya kelola saham menjadi bisnis sampingan saya, karena saya fulltime di perusahaan IT ๐Ÿ˜

Yaa disini diary saya saja yg bisa dibaca rame2

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 05:00

Yang blum ikut rombongan santai aja no fomo. Anggap aja ikut rombongan belajar ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 04:59

BRIS dah bayar utang pertama 3100, selanjutnya 3150. Kita ikuti aja

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 03:31


Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 02:19

PGAS 1600 spotted

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 02:09

BMRI update
7300 spotted

Growin Wealth

17 Oct, 02:07

BRIS 3110

Sejauh ini belum ada banyak perubahan dari hari hari sebelumnya ya. Yang masi bingung pelan2 aja kita belajar praktek bersama. Yang mau paham ya ikuti prosesnya dulu. Teori2 belakangan yg penting kita praktek dulu supaya saat terjun teori gampang pahamnya