Grammar + IELTS @grammar_plus Channel on Telegram

Grammar + IELTS


This channel is reliable and informative.
The tests that not only check your knowledge, but also teach you some grammar rules.
Tests: @grammarspotbot
Contact: @shomamatovbot
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Grammar + IELTS (English)

Are you looking to improve your grammar skills and prepare for the IELTS exam? Look no further than the Grammar + IELTS channel on Telegram! With the username @grammar_plus, this channel is a reliable and informative resource for English language learners.

The channel offers tests that not only check your knowledge but also teach you some essential grammar rules. By following the Tests bot at @grammarspotbot, you can practice your grammar skills and track your progress. Additionally, if you have any questions or need further assistance, you can contact the channel's support bot at @shomamatovbot.

In addition to grammar tests, the Grammar + IELTS channel also recommends other useful resources for language learners. If you enjoy vocabulary tests, be sure to check out @Vocabularytests. For those looking to improve their English language skills, don't miss @essentialuz and @essential_test.

Whether you are preparing for an English exam or simply want to enhance your grammar knowledge, the Grammar + IELTS channel is the perfect place to do so. Join today and take your English language skills to the next level!

Grammar + IELTS

16 Jan, 22:43

@yangiquizbot 👌You will love it!

Grammar + IELTS

11 Jan, 11:23

Sinab koʻring! Testlarni bajarib boring va har bir toʻgʻri javob uchun ball toʻplab reytingda birinchi oʻrinni egallang.
NB. Botga tez orada essential lugʻatlarini ham qoʻshamiz.

Grammar + IELTS

11 Jan, 10:46

@masteroftestsbot ushbu bot sizga spelling va lugʻatingizini kuchaytirishda yordam beradi

Grammar + IELTS

01 Oct, 13:26

Happy teacher's day

Grammar + IELTS

16 Apr, 00:14

e-tests for you

Grammar + IELTS

16 Apr, 00:14

e-tests for you

Grammar + IELTS

16 Apr, 00:14

exam tests for you

Grammar + IELTS

16 Apr, 00:14

grammar tests for you

Grammar + IELTS

16 Apr, 00:14

exam tests for you

Grammar + IELTS

15 Jan, 06:38

🎲 Quiz '"Movements" #picture_quiz'
Visit @essential_test for more quizzes with pictures.
🖊 20 questions · 10 sec

Grammar + IELTS

05 Jan, 13:23

When you don't know most common collocations 😂😂😂


Grammar + IELTS

28 Nov, 00:41

This is the population of the world.

Grammar + IELTS

09 Sep, 08:04

IELTS PRO o'quv markazi keyingi o'quv yili uchun nomzodlarni yig'ishni boshlab yubordi. Markazimiz asosan Ingliz tilini chuqurlashtirib o'rgatishga ixtisoslashgan bo'lib, yo'nalishlarimiz quyidagicha:

⭐️ IELTS FOUNDATION (3 to 6 months)
⭐️⭐️ IELTS GRADUATION (3 to 6 months)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ IELTS INTENSIVE (1 to 3 months)

⭐️ Pre-IELTS (3 to 6 months)

⭐️ GRAMMAR + VOCABULARY (3 to 6 months)

⭐️ English for KIDS

Asosiy tanlov Shomamatov Bahriddin (8.5) va Shomamatov Asliddin (8.0) tomonidan o'tkaziladi

Barcha darslar malakali va sertifikatga ega bo'lgan o'qituvchi/instructorlar tomonidan olib boriladi (from 8.5 to 7). Jamoamiz a'zolari bilan markazga tashrif buyurish orqali tanishishingiz mumkin.

Darslarga yozilish uchun quyidagi raqamga qo'ng'iroq qilishingiz mumkin:



Suhbat va sinov testlari uchun soat 14:00dan 19:00 gacha ofisimizga kelishingiz mumkin. Manzil va lokatsiya uchun keyingi postga qarang👇👇👇

Grammar + IELTS

22 Jul, 19:15

Really good website to improve your grammar.

Grammar + IELTS

05 May, 05:45 Subscribe to my channel on you tube!

Grammar + IELTS

29 Mar, 17:56

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Grammar + IELTS

29 Mar, 16:47

Live stream started

Grammar + IELTS

02 Mar, 15:17

🎲 Quiz 'True/False/Not Given 1 @grammar_plus Green Taxes in Britain'
🖊 4 questions · 1 min

Grammar + IELTS

02 Mar, 14:53

The diagrams show how houses can be protected in areas which are prone to flooding.