GORUCK News @gorucknews Channel on Telegram



Specifically designed to keep ruckers informed. Subscribe for news about sales, new products, events, interest stories & score updates during anomalies. Got news to add about your own rucking event? Send to @RuthHoang

GORUCK News (English)

Welcome to GORUCK News, your one-stop destination for all things related to rucking. Whether you're a seasoned rucker or just getting started, this channel is specifically designed to keep you informed and up-to-date on everything related to the world of rucking. From news about sales and new products to information about upcoming events and interest stories, GORUCK News has got you covered. But that's not all - GORUCK News also provides score updates during anomalies, so you can stay on top of all the latest developments in the rucking community. And if you have news to add about your own rucking event, simply send it to @RuthHoang and share it with fellow ruckers. Join us on GORUCK News to connect with like-minded individuals, stay informed, and be a part of the thriving rucking community. Subscribe now and never miss out on important updates and exciting announcements. Let's ruck together!


03 Sep, 16:25

You all wanted more GORUCK in Europe! We make it happen!
This October. Three Basic Challenges. One for East Berlin, one for West Berlin and one for the Berlin Wall! All on the German Unity Weekend!

Do one, two or do them all and earn the first ever special BBB Patch!

It can not get much better…, or can it?

Sign up now and don‘t forget to hit your local ruck club up for discounts:


02 Sep, 20:26

Big news from Jason:

All 2022 GORUCK Challenge and GORUCK Star Courses are now free for those who serve our county. The code to use is THANKYOU - registration here: https://www.goruckevents.com/

This code is valid for Police, Fire, Military (and their families), Veterans, EMT, LEO, frontline workers (Nurses), and teachers - and including Veterans of all of those jobs. If you ever served as a police officer, for instance, you’re good to go. (Sorry, no refunds on past registrations). Use of this THANKYOU code is on the honor system and our Cadre look forward to thanking you for your service in person at the start of your event. When in doubt, there’s no need to send us an email — do what you think is right.

WHY - We were always about building a bridge between the military and civilian worlds, and it worked then and it still works. That mission has broadened in support of all who serve, and we hope to inspire more people to choose the path of service with their lives. Not just abroad but right here at home. Not just online, but in the real world in this country we love.


02 Aug, 17:52

Exciting photos and video from the Munich Superposition GORUCK events! https://photos.app.goo.gl/cJELYGkBHtrseqTK8


12 May, 12:03

We heard you like GORUCK with your Anomaly.
Stealth Ops - Fri 29 July
Urban Ops - Sat 30 July
OCF - Sun 31 July
Stay tuned for more...


16 Dec, 19:26

Hey ruckers, it's been a long, crazy year! I hope you're holding out okay out there. I've (Ruth) taken most of the year off due to a difficult pregnancy and then to take care of a fabulous new baby boy. I will also be stepping down from GORUCK at the end of the year. This does mean that, for now, things like BannerRuck will no longer happen, although should events ramp back up, there's no telling what will happen. I've gotten requests for another BannerRuck event on your own timeline, so I'm making that available now. You're now able to preorder patches for your next event. These patches are the same purple cut-out design that we had at the beginning of the year, to accommodate those who haven't been able to ruck due to the pandemic. They won't be made again, and are limited to how many are available, so don't wait too long if you'd like to participate.

If you still haven't received your patches from the last event, please contact me on Telegram @RuthHoang to let me know so I can get out another batch to you!

Preorder form: https://forms.gle/7eT21TqgnSPpKGqP6


02 Nov, 22:18

BannerRuck 4.0 is CLOSED! Thank you to all 600+ agents who participated this round from all corners of the globe! Browse their galleries here: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bannerruck/

Embrace the XFAC patches are still available. Purchasing this patch for $5 helps continue the BannerRuck challenge for 2021! https://ontariocompany.ca/products/embrace-the-xfac-ruck-patch-shipping


24 Oct, 22:36

One more week left for BANNERRUCK! Over 800 agents have completed the event this round. Will you take up the 10k rucking challenge?


30 Sep, 17:53

Back in office!! Thanks for your patience ;)


17 Sep, 20:43

Hey #IngressGORUCK world! Your community manager will be out starting tomorrow through Sept 29 due to impending nuptials (Mawwiage is what brings us together Sept 26!). Send any issues or questions to [email protected] and I will answer them when I get back.. Take care and be safe out there! -Ruth


02 Sep, 15:26

Agents: There have been several mission approvals for BannerRuck stalled, however, you should be able to see approvals coming in within the next few days. To compensate for lost time, I am extending the event through the end of October. Happy rucking! -Ruth/GRHQ


01 Sep, 14:47

BannerRuck patches are in and will start going out to completed teams tomorrow! Doesn't it look great?


10 Aug, 15:31

If you are registered for an upcoming event, you may have received an email from GORUCK this morning asking you to sign a new waiver, you can ignore it. This was due to migrating our events into a new system/website and was not anticipated.


04 Aug, 15:30

It's SummerTime, Agents! Time for another GORUCK #BannerRuck Challenge (and a brand new patch!)! Here's how to earn the brand new #BannerRuck patch and beat the COVID-19 blues:

1. Grab some local agents or a friend that has never tried Ingress before, and schedule a date! The usual requirement is 5 people, but for safety reasons, you can now complete the event with just one buddy if you prefer.
2. Put at least 10 lbs in your ruck/backpack and load up that #Ingress mission banner you've always wanted to try. Or, make a new one! It should have at least 10km walking distance. There's no time limit as long as it's completed in the same day.
3. Post your completed adventure photos to Instagram before November 1st with the following hashes: #bannerruck #goruck #ingress Make sure to tag us @goruckingress. Include photos of the ruck, your completed banner screenshot, and proof of at least 10km walked from your tracking app of choice.
4. Fill out this form no later than November 1st (earlier is better)! https://forms.gle/HuzJcxT2Wpeu1iE69
5. An optional "Embrace the XFAC" patch is available for $5, check here for details! https://ontariocompany.ca/products/embrace-the-xfac-ruck-patch
6. It starts today! Go get those miles!

Fine print:
1. Due to current border restrictions, patch shipping fees have increased for some and will decrease for larger groups. See form for complete details.
2. Direct any questions to @RuthShepherd or [email protected]
3. You will receive an email when patches are sent, as well as updates pushed to the news channel here.
4. Patches will begin going out on Sept 1 at the earliest, and will continue through Nov 1st as submissions come in.
5. Obey all local ordinances, curfews, and safety precautions. Where a mask where it is recommended. Prioritize safety and practice social distancing!


24 Jun, 19:39

One Team, One Fight shirts are up for preorder: https://www.goruck.com/t-shirt-one-team-one-fight/


11 Apr, 12:31

Quarantine Ruck preorder items are now available for International shipment. Sorry about earlier confusion.


02 Apr, 16:17

Ruck your Dog is back for April! https://blog.goruck.com/rucking-training/now-more-than-ever-its-time-to-ruck-your-dog/


01 Apr, 15:46

Preorder links:


