Пока тут идут разговоры про возможную нехватку энергии для датацентров и AI и необходимость строить ядерные реакторы, некоторые смотрят глобальнее! Например, предлагают, как выйти за лимиты шкалы Кардашёва:
"Civilizations like this that consume stars, which we call 'stellivores,' would be able to expand in energy use beyond the luminosity limits of the Kardashev scale," said Haqq-Misra. "We are not at this level as a civilization on Earth yet, but we can at least think about the possibility that harvesting mass and converting it into energy (as Einstein's famous equation describes) provides a way for a civilization to reach energy use scales beyond those envisioned by the Kardashev scale."
New study examines how extraterrestrial civilizations could become 'stellivores'
Projections of Earth's Technosphere: Luminosity and Mass as Limits to Growth
Так что AI будет чем заняться. Может где-то уже и занимается. Вон, в 1952-м спёрли три звезды и так и не вернули...
In 1952, a group of three 'stars' vanished—astronomers still can't find them
A bright triple transient that vanished within 50 minutes
Blue Marble Space Institute of Science вообще отжигает. Вот вам ещё забористое:
Projections of Earth's technosphere. I. Scenario modeling, worldbuilding, and overview of remotely detectable technosignatures
Jacob Haqq-Misra, George Profitiliotis, Ravi Kopparapu