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Are you interested in mining cryptocurrency for free? Look no further than the '⛧..᭄.Free mining group.♡' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing its members with valuable information and resources on free cryptocurrency mining opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned miner or just starting out, this channel is the perfect place to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the world of cryptocurrency mining.

The channel username, '@ghulamnabimadninews', also invites you to subscribe to their new channel, Ghulam Nabi Madni. This channel promises to provide you with insightful news and updates on a variety of topics, keeping you informed and engaged.

Whether you are looking to learn more about cryptocurrency mining or stay up to date on the latest news and developments, these channels have got you covered. Join today and start your journey towards becoming a successful cryptocurrency miner and well-informed individual!

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16 Jan, 15:18


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14 Jan, 05:13

Bugün Gazze’de muhteşem bir olay oldu.

Terörist israile mensup bir grupun içinde olduğu bina patladı. 3 işgalci öldü, 10 yaralı var.

Patlamanın sebebini teyit etmeye çalışıyoruz. 🔥

Ebu Ubeyde bu patlamadan sonra açıklamada bulundu.

A spectacular incident occurred in Gaza today.

A building containing a terrorist group from Israel exploded. 3 occupiers died, 10 injured.

We are trying to confirm the cause of the explosion. 🔥

Abu Ubeyde made a statement after this explosion.

#AlAqsaFlood #AksaTufanı 🔥

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26 Dec, 06:30


İşgalci İsrail'in, Gazze'nin Nusayrat bölgesinde Kudüs Kanalı'na ait bir aracı vurmasının ardından 5 gazeteci şehit oldu.


After the occupying Israel hit a vehicle belonging to the Jerusalem Canal in the Nusayrat region of Gaza, 5 journalists were martyred.

#GazaGenocide 💔

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18 Dec, 02:59

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18 Dec, 02:56


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10 Dec, 03:01


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09 Dec, 03:01

🔻 Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

During a complex ambush on Friday, Al-Qassam fighters targeted 3 zionist Merkava 4 tanks with Al-Yassin 105 shells and an infantry force of 7 soldiers who had barricaded in a house with a TBG shell, killing and wounding them.

Immediately after the rescue force advanced, the fighters targeted a D9 military bulldozer with a tandem shell, setting it on fire near the Abed junction in the Al-Jeneina neighborhood, east of Rafah city.

🔻 Şehit İzzeddin El-Kassam Tugayları:

Cuma günü karmaşık bir pusuda, El-Kassam savaşçıları, El-Yasin 105 mermileriyle 3 Siyonist Merkava 4 tankını ve bir TBG mermisiyle bir eve barikat kuran 7 kişilik bir piyade kuvvetini hedef aldı ve onları öldürdü ve yaraladı.

Kurtarma gücü ilerledikten hemen sonra, savaşçılar bir D9 askeri buldozerini tandem mermiyle hedef aldı ve Rafah şehrinin doğusundaki El-Ceneina mahallesindeki Abed kavşağının yakınında ateşe verdi.

#AlAqsaFlood #AksaTufanı 🔥

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06 Dec, 03:04

Roooarr! Gather the LION Fam to roar together and earn more $LIONS and reward!🦁

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03 Dec, 18:51


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01 Dec, 02:35


Suriye'nin başkenti Şam'daki Esed rejimi milislerinden firar edenler var. Bazı milisler kara yoluyla Lübnan ve Irak'a, bazı milisler de hava yoluyla farklı ülkelere kaçıyor.


There are those who have escaped from the Assad regime militia in Damascus, the capital of Syria. Some militias are fleeing to Lebanon and Iraq by land, and some are fleeing to different countries by air.

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24 Nov, 09:40


Gazze'deki Kemal Advan Hastanesi'ni sürekli hedef alan İsrail, insanlığı ve uluslararası normları aşağılıyor.


Israel, which has been continuously targeting the Kamal Advan Hospital in Gaza, is insulting humanity and international norms.

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24 Nov, 09:40


Başkan Erdoğan :

Rabbim, Filistini özgürleştirmeyi bize nasip etsin!


President Erdoğan:

May Allâh, grant us the opportunity to liberate Palestine!

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24 Nov, 02:52


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22 Nov, 13:30


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19 Nov, 15:48

🗣️ Dünya İslam Alimleri Birliği Başkanı Ali Muhyiddin Karadaği, Türkiye'de konuştu:

- Aksa Tufanı şer'i açıdan gerekli bir şeydi. Bu harekat, İsrail'i rezil etmiştir.

- Gazze işgal altında. İnsanların topluca orası için seferber olmaları gerekiyor.

🗣️ World Union of Islamic Scholars President Ali Muhyiddin Karadagi spoke in Turkiye:

- The Al-Aqsa Flood was necessary from a religious perspective. This operation has disgraced Israel.

- Gaza is under occupation. People need to mobilize for it collectively.

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18 Nov, 15:01


- Yogev Fazi
- Noam Eitan

EX 🔥

#AlAqsaFlood #AksaTufanı

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18 Nov, 07:37


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18 Nov, 06:44

🎉 I just earn 90 $NOT!
👆 Click the link to help me get more rewards! You can also spin and earn $NOT! 💰

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17 Nov, 15:18



Turkey did not allow the plane of the occupying terror state of Israel, President Herzog, to pass through its airspace while he was on his way to visit Azerbaijan. Herzog returned to Israel!

#AlAqsaFlood #AksaTufanı

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17 Nov, 12:57

İşgalciler yine bir okulu bombaladı, bölgeden çok acı görüntüler var...

The occupiers bombed a school again, there are very painful images from the area...

#GazaGenocide 💔#WaitAndShot #QassamSniper

#AlAqsaFlood #AksaTufanı 🔥

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16 Nov, 22:02

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16 Nov, 14:57


🔻 Qassam Brigades:

"We shot an occupying Israeli soldier with a sniper shot in the Zeytun Neighborhood of Gaza."

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16 Nov, 13:11


Razan 6 yaşındaydı, ablukaya alınan Gazze'de açlık ve cilt hastalıkları sebebiyle, katil İsrail yönetimi tarafından öldürüldü!

57 İslam ülkesi ve diğer ülkeler bir şehir büyüklüğü kadar işgal ettiği topraklarda, Terör devleti kurmuş olan israilin ablukasını kıramadı!

Gazze'de, Razan gibi daha çok çocuk ve hasta var!


Razan was 6 years old, she was killed by the murderous Israeli government in the blockaded Gaza due to hunger and skin diseases!

57 Islamic countries and other countries could not break the blockade of Israel, which has established a terror state in the lands it occupied as big as a city!

There are many more children and patients like Razan in Gaza!

#GazaGenocide #GazzeSoykırımı 💔

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16 Nov, 03:13


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16 Nov, 02:59

Join me and earn RATS using this link!

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15 Nov, 16:48


Hammoud henüz bir çocuk, İsrail onu borbardımanda hedef aldı!

Elhamdülillah, 7 saat süren kurtarma çalışmaları sonrasında sağ salim enkazdan çıkarıldı.


Hammoud is just a child, Israel targeted him in a bombardment!

Alhamdulillah, after 7 hours of rescue efforts, he was pulled out of the rubble safely.

#GazaGenocide 💔

⛧..᭄.Free mining group.♡

15 Nov, 11:50

جن کا پورا چہرہ دیکھ کر مصر کی عورتیں اپنی انگلیاں کاٹ لیں وہ یوسفؑ ہیں
اور جن کی انگلیاں دیکھ کر خود چاند دو ٹکڑے ہوجائے وہ محمدﷺ ہیں

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15 Nov, 11:49

Hi everyone

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14 Nov, 11:02

Jews join a Palestine demonstration in front of pro-Israel protesters

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23 Oct, 13:58


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21 Oct, 15:05


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21 Oct, 14:21


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20 Oct, 06:50


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05 Oct, 02:10

Da join kay ton ba Dr kay free

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03 Oct, 06:28


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29 Sep, 18:46

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29 Sep, 00:36

Join me on Blum and let's earn together! Use my invite link to join the fun. 🌟

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28 Sep, 05:04

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28 Sep, 04:41

Join Cats or Dogs and get some $FOOD daily rewards. More $FOOD - more loot🐈🦮

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28 Sep, 01:37

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27 Sep, 03:36

Join W-Coin and get bonuses for each invited friend!🎁

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26 Sep, 17:27

Meow, lets see who is OG 😼

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26 Sep, 16:48

😺 بلیوں کے اہم اعلانات 4% اسٹریٹجک سرمایہ کاری - 2% میڈیا پارٹنرز - 1% ایڈوائزری سیزن 1 30% سپلائی - 180B سیزن 1 انعامات کے لیے۔ ایئر ڈراپ کا معیار: 1. OG پاس 2. روزانہ لین دین 3. ایپ کی سرگرمیوں میں (ٹاسک، دوست کی دعوتیں، AI کاشتکاری) = بڑا ڈراپ) + CATS پوائنٹس بیلنس کے لیے ضرب۔ - 30% فعال صارفین کے لیے جنہوں نے کمیونٹی میں تعاون کیا منفرد بلی PFP 🖤 سنیپ شاٹ اور سیزن 1 ایئر ڈراپ کیلکولیشن کے فوراً بعد شروع ہو رہا ہے 🧮 بلیوں پر، ہم ہوشیار بلیوں کی قدر کرتے ہیں چوہوں اور ہیمسٹروں سے زیادہ جو صرف تھپتھپانا چاہتے ہیں اور لاکھوں کی توقع کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ اگرچہ کچھ لوگوں کو یقین ہو سکتا ہے کہ وہ تھوڑی محنت سے بڑے انعامات حاصل کر سکتے ہیں، ہم ان لوگوں کو انعام دیتے ہیں جو کھیل کو صحیح معنوں میں سمجھتے ہیں اور اپنا وقت اور وسائل دانشمندی سے لگاتے ہیں۔ بڑے، رسیلی انعامات اصلی بلیوں کے لیے مخصوص ہیں — وہ لوگ جو اس منصوبے کی قدر کرتے ہیں اور اس کا حصہ بننے کے لیے تیار ہیں، ڈیجیٹل نشاۃ ثانیہ کے اس نئے دور میں کمیونٹی کے ساتھ مل کر بڑھ رہے ہیں 😼

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26 Sep, 16:48

This is for Cat

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26 Sep, 02:05

Join Cats or Dogs and get some $FOOD daily rewards. More $FOOD - more loot🐈🦮

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25 Sep, 02:12

Join me and earn RATS using this link!

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24 Sep, 17:15

Ye bohot strong project hy

⛧..᭄.Free mining group.♡

24 Sep, 17:10

*Sab members join karle ye telegram ka apna project haii dogs ki tarah*. 👆👆

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24 Sep, 17:10


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23 Sep, 06:49

*فرمانِ آخری نبیﷺ*

جو شخص تین (3) مرتبہ اللہ پاک سے جنت کا سوال کرتا ہے تو جنت کہتی ہے :*"اللّهُمَّ أَدْخِلْهُ الْجَنَّةَ"* اے اللہ اسے جنت میں داخل فرما دے
اور جو شخص تین (3)مرتبہ جہنم سے پناہ مانگتا ہے ہے تو جہنم کہتی ہے:*"اللّهُمَّ أَجِرْهُ مِنَ النَّارِ "* اے اللہ اسے جہنم سے پناہ عطا فرما دے

*سنن نسائی# 5521*

*اے اللہ پاک ہمیں جہنم سے پناہ عطا فرما اور جنت الفردوس میں آخری نبیﷺ کا پڑوس نصیب فرما آمین*

⛧..᭄.Free mining group.♡

23 Sep, 06:47

It's will also lunch

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23 Sep, 06:47

*Sab members join karle* 👆👆

*Abi start Howa hai speed ziada hai koyi b member miss na karii*





