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Welcome to the GESARA NESARA Telegram channel, where like-minded individuals come together to learn and discuss the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). For those who are unfamiliar, GESARA and NESARA are proposed economic reforms that are said to bring about financial freedom and stability on a global scale. This channel serves as a hub for fans of GESARA and NESARA to share information, insights, and updates related to these acts. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or new to the concept, everyone is welcome to join the conversation. Stay informed about the latest developments and connect with others who share a common interest in economic reform. Join @gesarafans today and be part of a community that is passionate about creating a better future for all.
28 Oct, 07:45
28 Oct, 06:45
28 Oct, 05:45
28 Oct, 04:40
28 Oct, 04:10
28 Oct, 03:40
28 Oct, 02:40
28 Oct, 02:10
28 Oct, 01:35
28 Oct, 00:30
27 Oct, 23:35
27 Oct, 22:33
27 Oct, 21:47
27 Oct, 21:05
27 Oct, 20:05
27 Oct, 19:05
27 Oct, 18:00
27 Oct, 17:01
27 Oct, 17:00
27 Oct, 16:00
26 Oct, 12:35
26 Oct, 11:36
26 Oct, 10:35
26 Oct, 09:35
26 Oct, 08:35
26 Oct, 07:35
26 Oct, 06:30
26 Oct, 05:30
26 Oct, 04:30
26 Oct, 03:30
26 Oct, 02:30
26 Oct, 01:30
26 Oct, 00:30
25 Oct, 23:39
25 Oct, 23:20
25 Oct, 22:21
25 Oct, 21:23
25 Oct, 20:20
25 Oct, 19:20
25 Oct, 18:15