Coretan Kata is a vibrant and engaging Telegram channel that provides a platform for creative expression and thought-provoking discussions. The channel, managed by the username @gamon_pridee, is a space for individuals who are passionate about writing, storytelling, and sharing their ideas with a like-minded community. Whether you are a seasoned writer or someone who simply enjoys exploring the power of words, Coretan Kata welcomes you to join in on the conversation. With a variety of content ranging from poetry, short stories, personal reflections, to thought-provoking quotes, there is something for everyone to enjoy and be inspired by. The channel also encourages feedback and interaction among its members, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment for writers of all levels. If you are looking to connect with fellow wordsmiths, explore new ideas, or simply appreciate the beauty of language, Coretan Kata is the perfect destination for you. Follow the channel on Telegram using the link provided, and don't forget to check out their Instagram page and other communication channels for more creative content and updates. Join Coretan Kata today and let your words flow freely!
05 Dec, 13:43
04 Dec, 12:20
04 Dec, 12:17
26 Nov, 14:03
18 Nov, 02:08
18 Nov, 02:06
15 Nov, 23:10
15 Nov, 23:08
10 Nov, 12:37
10 Nov, 12:35
05 Nov, 02:06
05 Nov, 02:04
04 Nov, 00:34
04 Nov, 00:32
02 Nov, 01:46
02 Nov, 01:30
01 Nov, 12:32
01 Nov, 12:31
30 Oct, 08:53
29 Oct, 11:48
28 Oct, 00:23
25 Oct, 10:51
23 Oct, 03:38
21 Oct, 02:36
20 Oct, 13:14
20 Oct, 01:17
20 Oct, 01:16
19 Oct, 02:45
19 Oct, 02:45
17 Oct, 07:39
17 Oct, 07:38
16 Oct, 10:56
15 Oct, 11:37
14 Oct, 04:25
13 Oct, 00:33
12 Oct, 06:35
11 Oct, 15:13
08 Oct, 11:30
08 Oct, 11:27
07 Oct, 15:07
06 Oct, 16:54
06 Oct, 16:49