منشورات G على Telegram

" There is no such thing as bad people, we're all just people who sometimes do bad things. "
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🖇 Cr : 75% Sosmed
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آخر تحديث 10.03.2025 03:44
أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة G على Telegram
Sometimes God will destroy our plans when He sees that our plans are going to destroy us.
Just a reminder life doesn't end when..
• you make mistakes
• you lose someone
• you feel overwhelmed
• you feel stuck in life
• you lose motivation
• you disappoint your parents
• you don't feel like your enough
• you repeat the same mistakes
• you don't achieve the goal you wanted
• you feel lost
• you miss an opportunity
You have to start over.
• you make mistakes
• you lose someone
• you feel overwhelmed
• you feel stuck in life
• you lose motivation
• you disappoint your parents
• you don't feel like your enough
• you repeat the same mistakes
• you don't achieve the goal you wanted
• you feel lost
• you miss an opportunity
You have to start over.
Kalau Tuhan bisa ambil sesuatu yang kamu gak nyangka bakal hilang,
Tuhan juga bisa kasih sesuatu yang kamu gak pernah sangka bakal punya.
Tuhan juga bisa kasih sesuatu yang kamu gak pernah sangka bakal punya.
Btw kabar kalian gimana?
Sudah lama gak ngobrol disini lagi.
Ayo yang mau cerita" boleh disini
Sudah lama gak ngobrol disini lagi.
Ayo yang mau cerita" boleh disini