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Or possibly contact me on my only Instagram
Or possibly contact me on my only Instagram
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最終更新日 06.03.2025 17:20

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FRENCH TRADER PUBLIC 🏦 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Put in the RIGHT work, trading isn't about just staring at the candles for hours, this is useless work.
Refine your edge, crunch the numbers, get some data, analyze yourself, this is the real work.
Refine your edge, crunch the numbers, get some data, analyze yourself, this is the real work.
Remember trading is a zero sum game...
For each winner, there are losers.
For each winner, there are losers.
I got so many tricks like this one, this is what 10+ years of refining an edge looks like. 🤫
Go backtest it, run some numbers.
See how that can help you to trade Fridays.
See how that can help you to trade Fridays.
Watch how NY session likes to do the opposite of London session on Fridays.