Food Forest Abundance (@foodforestabundance) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Food Forest Abundance टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Food Forest Abundance
Designing freedom into every landscape and empowering people to grow their own food.
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अंतिम अपडेट 05.03.2025 19:40

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Food Forest Abundance द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Food Forest Abundance

21 Feb, 13:40


Growing freedom… It’s all coming together!
Food Forest Abundance

18 Feb, 20:35


I would like to share this video with some groups… Just for fun… What would you name this video? In other words, what stands out to you? 🙏🏼
Food Forest Abundance

17 Feb, 16:46


My friends, I need a help with a few things…
1. We need a natural water filtering system to filter our well water.
2. We need a rainwater catchment system with filtering for our house.
These two systems will be separate
3. We need a portable battery to store the energy captured by our greenhouse solar.
Food Forest Abundance

17 Feb, 13:24


Stewardship of nature is the answer to all of the world‘s biggest problems…
Mass extinction
Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
Tyranny and war!
And all of your “yeah buts…” are programmed BS – belief systems. This is not a hypothetical solution. This is a demonstratable solution as you can see here.
Food Forest Abundance

16 Feb, 13:10


Centralized or decentralized AI plus reinvesting our surplus to People care and Earth care!
Food Forest Abundance

14 Feb, 12:23


In the flow… Service and stewardship. Abundance is ultimately the only way to defeat scarcity and in relative terms, it’s really easy to create!
Food Forest Abundance

13 Feb, 17:01


Why does this video relate to Yardenarchy?

Because with the money I’ve saved from keeping more of what I earn, I could afford to invest in my food forest.

It’s been a redistribution of wealth…of sorts. From funding wars and abortions for male trannies to abundant FOOD in my back yard.

Food Forest Abundance

13 Feb, 17:01


This is good stuff
Food Forest Abundance

13 Feb, 00:12

Food Forest Abundance

12 Feb, 18:34


Love this so much. Zach Bush on healing cancer by going deeper with patients.