Feruza Madrakhimova @fmadraximova Channel on Telegram

Feruza Madrakhimova

Feruza Madrakhimova
Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti rektori
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Last Updated 11.02.2025 09:21

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Feruza Madrakhimova: Leadership in Education at Urganch State Pedagogical Institute

Feruza Madrakhimova, the esteemed rector of the Urganch State Pedagogical Institute, represents a significant force in the educational landscape of Uzbekistan. With a robust background in pedagogy and extensive experience in academic leadership, she has been instrumental in shaping the educational policies and practices at the institute. Under her guidance, the Urganch State Pedagogical Institute has emerged as a hub of innovative teaching methodologies and progressive educational reforms, aiming to enhance the quality of education in the region. Her leadership has not only facilitated the development of academic programs but also fostered an environment that emphasizes research, community engagement, and the holistic development of students. Madrakhimova's vision includes equipping future educators with the necessary skills to succeed in an ever-evolving global educational landscape, thereby addressing both national and international educational standards.

What are the main responsibilities of Feruza Madrakhimova as the rector?

As the rector of the Urganch State Pedagogical Institute, Feruza Madrakhimova is primarily responsible for overseeing the academic operations of the institution. This includes managing the curriculum, faculty recruitment, and ensuring that the institute meets both national and international educational standards. Additionally, she plays a crucial role in strategic planning and decision-making processes that drive the institution towards achieving its educational goals.

Madrakhimova also focuses on fostering relationships with other educational institutions and stakeholders, both within Uzbekistan and abroad. By establishing partnerships, she aims to enhance research opportunities and improve the overall educational environment. Her responsibilities extend to ensuring that faculty and students are supported and engaged, which includes promoting professional development and student welfare programs.

How has Feruza Madrakhimova influenced educational reforms in Uzbekistan?

Feruza Madrakhimova has been a key advocate for educational reforms in Uzbekistan, emphasizing the need for modern pedagogical approaches and curricula that align with global standards. Her initiatives have encouraged the incorporation of technology in teaching and the development of critical thinking skills among students. By championing innovative teaching methods, she has significantly contributed to transforming traditional educational practices.

Moreover, her influence extends to policy-making, where she has engaged in discussions aimed at reforming the educational system to better serve the needs of students and society. By conducting workshops and seminars focused on pedagogical excellence, she inspires educators to adopt best practices that enhance learning outcomes. Her efforts are crucial in addressing the challenges faced by the education sector in Uzbekistan.

What initiatives has Urganch State Pedagogical Institute undertaken under her leadership?

Under Feruza Madrakhimova's leadership, the Urganch State Pedagogical Institute has launched several initiatives aimed at improving the quality of education and enhancing student engagement. One notable initiative includes the establishment of research centers that focus on educational innovations and pedagogical studies. These centers provide a platform for both faculty and students to collaborate on research projects that address pressing educational challenges.

Additionally, she has implemented community outreach programs that involve students in real-world educational practices. These programs not only benefit the community but also allow students to gain practical experience in their field of study. Through these initiatives, Madrakhimova emphasizes the importance of applying theoretical knowledge in practical settings, thus bridging the gap between education and application.

How does Feruza Madrakhimova empower future educators?

Feruza Madrakhimova empowers future educators by providing them with comprehensive training and development opportunities. She advocates for a curriculum that emphasizes not only academic excellence but also soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Through workshops and practical training sessions, students are equipped with the necessary tools to thrive in diverse educational settings.

Moreover, her emphasis on mentorship and guidance ensures that students receive personalized support as they navigate their educational journeys. By fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, she inspires future educators to be innovative and responsive to the needs of their students, ultimately contributing to a more dynamic educational environment.

What challenges has Feruza Madrakhimova faced in her role?

In her role as rector, Feruza Madrakhimova has encountered several challenges, particularly in the realm of resource allocation and infrastructure development. Ensuring that the institute has adequate facilities and resources to provide quality education is a persistent challenge. Additionally, she faces the task of aligning the curriculum with rapidly changing educational standards and societal needs.

Another significant challenge is managing faculty workloads and ensuring that educators are adequately supported. Balancing administrative responsibilities with the need for faculty to remain engaged in research and professional development requires careful planning and effective communication. Despite these challenges, Madrakhimova remains committed to her vision of an inclusive and forward-thinking educational institution.

Feruza Madrakhimova Telegram Channel

Salom, sevgan obodon! Sizga Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti rektori Feruza Madrakhimova tomonidan boshlangan Telegram kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanal orqali siz institutimizda olib borilayotgan yangiliklar, tadbirlar va qiziqarli faktlar haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Feruza Madrakhimova, bonu rektorimiz, institutimizdagi yangiliklarni tez va aniq holda sizga yetkazib berish uchun bu kanalni tashkil qilganlar. Kanalda o'zbek tilida maqolalar, fotosuratlar, videolar va audio-materiallar taqdim etiladi. Siz ham bu kanaldagi yangiliklardan xabardor bo'lib, institutimiz muvaffaqiyatlariga birgalikda aroqiy bo'lishingiz mumkin. Aytgancha, kanalni doimiy ravishda kuzatib boring va institutimiz haqidagi eng so'nggi ma'lumotlarga ega bo'ling! Yana bitta manzil: @FeruzaMadraximova_bot

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🤩 Rektorning Ota-onalar bilan uchrashuvlari davom etmoqda

Xabaringiz bor, Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti rektori, pedagogika fanlari doktori Feruza Madraximova fakultetlar kesimida institut talabalarining Ota-onalari bilan uchrashmoqda. Kuni kecha 8-fevral kuni rektor Aniq va amaliy fanlar fakulteti 1-bosqich talabalarining Ota-onalari bilan uchrashdi.

Uchrashuv davomida davlatimiz tomonidan ta’limga va yoshlarga qaratilayotgan e’tibor va sohani yanada rivojlantirishga bo‘yicha islohotlarga to‘xtalib o‘tildi. Rektor Ota-onalarning taklif-mulohazalarini tinglab, savollariga javoblar berdi.

Shundan so‘ng, Ota-onalar institutda talabalarga yaratilgan sharoitlar, xususan, TTJ, axborot-resurs markazi, sport zal, o‘quv xonalari, darslarni kuzatuv xonalari, oshxonalar bilan yaqindan tanishdilar.

* Rektorning keyingi uchrashuvi Pedagogika fakulteti talabalarining Ota-onalari bilan o‘tishi rejalashtirilgan.

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10 Feb, 05:50
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UrDPI tajribasi namuna sifatida eʼtirof etilmoqda

Talabalarning tashqi ko‘rinishlari, ayniqsa milliy liboslar bilan uyg‘unlik borasidagi Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti tajribasi namuna sifatida e’tirof etildi.

Shu munosabat bilan, bugun Xorazm viloyatidagi barcha davlat va nodavlat OTMlarining birinchi prorektorlari, bo‘lim boshliqlari va boshqa tegishli masʼullar UrDPIga kelib o‘quv va to‘garak jarayonlarini ko‘rdilar. Mehmonlar institut tajribasidan o‘z faoliyatlarida foydalanish uchun namunalar oldilar.

Talabalarning milliylik bilan uyg‘un holatdagi tashqi ko‘rinishlari har bir fakultet kesimida alohida ma’no va mazmun kasb etadi. O‘quv jarayonlarida ta’lim va tarbiyani uzviy bog‘liqligi aks etadi. Shuningdek, mehmonlar institutda "Jadidlar bog‘i" bilan tanishdilar, ular uchun milliy liboslar ko‘rgazmasi va madaniy dastur namoyish etildi.


07 Feb, 19:39
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👆 Юқоридаги постларда бугун институтимизда ўтказилган #миллий_либослар куни ёритилган.

Энг муҳими, бу борада институтимиз (УрДПИ) тажрибаси намуна сифатида олинмоқда.

Бугун Хоразм вилоятининг барча давлат ва нодавлат ОТМларининг тегишли масъул проректорлари ва ходимлари институтимизга келиб ўқув ва тўгарак жараёнларини кўрдилар, тажриба алмашинувлар бўлди.

Барча меҳмонларга ташаккур, биз келгусида ҳам ҳамкорликка тайёрмиз.

*Юқоридаги ҳар бир постда факультетлар кесимида талабаларнинг ташқи кўринишлари алоҳида маъно ва мазмун касб этган. Талабаларнинг ўқув жараёнларида таълим ва тарбияни узвий боғлиқлиги акс этган. Кўринг, завқланинг, миллийлигимизга ҳавас қилинг.

🤩 @fmadraximova

07 Feb, 13:48
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🤩 Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti tajribasi namuna sifatida eʼtirof etilmoqda

Bugun UrDPIda tashkil etilgan #milliy_liboslar_kunida Xorazm viloyatidagi barcha davlat va nodavlat OTMlarining birinchi prorektorlari, bo‘lim boshliqlari va boshqa tegishli masʼullar ishtirok etdilar.

Mehmonlar fakultetlar faoliyati va "Jadidlar bog‘i" bilan tanishgandan so‘ng, milliy liboslar ko‘rgazmasi va madaniy dasturda ishtirok etdilar. O‘tkazilgan tadbirlar davomida mehmonlar institut tajribasidan o‘z faoliyatlarida foydalanish uchun namunalar oldilar.

©️Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti matbuot xizmati

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07 Feb, 13:32