Welcome to 🍇 the denizens, a Telegram channel curated by florainth where poetry lovers can come together and immerse themselves in the beauty of words. This channel is a sanctuary for those who find solace in the art of poetry, where every corner of the city is filled with the splendor of exquisite blossoms in the form of poetic verses. Join us as we explore the essence of each poem and let their remembrance be ingrained in our hearts. Whether you are a seasoned poetry enthusiast or just beginning to dip your toes into the world of verse, 🍇 the denizens offers a welcoming space for all. Stay tuned for open/close location updates and engage with fellow poetry lovers in our community. For a more interactive experience, don't forget to check out @FlorainthBot and @ardormirty. Come join us on this poetic journey and let the beauty of words inspire your soul.
26 Dec, 11:23
26 Dec, 11:19
26 Dec, 11:19
26 Dec, 11:18
26 Dec, 02:35
08 Aug, 16:19
08 Aug, 16:19
08 Aug, 16:19
08 Aug, 16:12