همه چیز فیک و قلابی شده است.
روزی که پرده ها بیفتد انسانها متوجه عمق فاجعه میشوند.
مانند قسمتی از سیمپسون ها که نشان میدهد آن روز فاجعه بار برای انسانها را.
Hidden_facts2 🌺 is a Telegram channel dedicated to uncovering hidden facts and mysteries about various topics. One of the intriguing subjects explored on this channel is the theory of a flat Earth with water above. The channel username @flatearthpersian suggests a focus on Persian-speaking individuals interested in exploring alternative viewpoints and theories. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, Hidden_facts2 🌺 provides a platform for thought-provoking discussions and exploration of unconventional ideas. Join the community today to expand your horizons and delve into the unknown.
20 Nov, 05:43
20 Nov, 04:50
19 Nov, 22:59