Welcome to FlatEarth-News! This Telegram channel is dedicated to providing updates, discussions, and information related to the concept of a flat Earth. If you are curious about this alternative perspective on our planet and want to engage with like-minded individuals, this is the perfect community for you. Join us for enlightening conversations, share your thoughts, and stay informed on the latest news surrounding the flat Earth theory. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, there is room for everyone to participate and learn from each other. Stay connected with us by clicking on the link to join our channel: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEmn8hiGRen8Ups_yw. Let's explore the mysteries of the flat Earth together!
01 Jan, 21:11
14 Dec, 19:23
25 Oct, 06:22
19 Oct, 07:28
06 Sep, 11:01
18 Aug, 22:39
17 Aug, 11:41