Latest Posts from 2nd year med school (@firstyearwithnad) on Telegram

2nd year med school Telegram Posts

2nd year med school
Here I’m going to share with 1st year med students a bunch of PDF books, des QCM et des résumés. A9raw bark xp
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Last Updated 09.03.2025 03:08

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The latest content shared by 2nd year med school on Telegram

2nd year med school

06 Nov, 11:15


الطبيبة العامة لي رفضولها التصديق من رئاسة الجامعة
اسمعوا audio
2nd year med school

01 Nov, 20:28


Hello l’équipe j’espère que vous allez bien
Donc si vous voulez je peux organiser une séance de révision en ligne de physiologie ça vous intéresse ?
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 14:08


Voila I pinned everything so that it’s easier for you to find the docs
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 14:08

2nd year med school pinned an audio file
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 14:08

2nd year med school pinned an audio file
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 14:08

2nd year med school pinned an audio file
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 14:08

2nd year med school pinned an audio file
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 13:56


voilà comme ça vous pouvez prendre de l'avance (in exchange i need you kamel demain f la grève xP)
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 13:56


TD biophysique
2nd year med school

26 Oct, 13:55


Biophysique :ECG