Fine Dev | Official @finedev Channel on Telegram

Fine Dev | Official


“FineDev - Rivojlanish yo‘lida siz bilan birga!”

Azizbek’s Channel (English)

Are you looking for expert advice on social media marketing and development? Look no further than Azizbek's Channel, managed by the CEO of 'FineSMM', Azizbek himself. With a wealth of experience in the industry, Azizbek provides valuable insights and tips on how to enhance your online presence and reach your target audience effectively.

Stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in social media marketing by joining Azizbek's Channel on Telegram. You can also connect with Azizbek on other platforms such as Instagram, Threads, and X to get more personalized recommendations and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your online presence to the next level with the help of Azizbek and 'FineSMM'. Join the channel today and start your journey towards digital success!

Fine Dev | Official

14 Nov, 14:30

Live stream started

Azizbek’s Channel

01 Nov, 17:14

Qashqadaryo 100 yoshda

Azizbek’s Channel

28 Oct, 09:33


Azizbek’s Channel

27 Oct, 18:35

Blyat ko’cha namuncha sovuq 🥶

Azizbek’s Channel

27 Oct, 18:33

Saylov otmen 🗿

Azizbek’s Channel

27 Oct, 07:37

Vahima qilmaymiz kechgi 8 gacha vaqt bor ekan 🤬

Azizbek’s Channel

27 Oct, 07:20

Hali ham turmadim desam ishonasizlarmi 🤣

Azizbek’s Channel

27 Oct, 07:02

Bugun saylov ekan kimga ovoz bersam ekan 🍟

Azizbek’s Channel

26 Oct, 19:01


Azizbek’s Channel

26 Oct, 18:55

😈 CR7

Azizbek’s Channel

26 Oct, 16:15

Boldi jim bollar shuvqin qilmaymiz hammasini vaqt korsatadi 🤫

Azizbek’s Channel

26 Oct, 15:48

👍Real Madrid or 🇪🇸Barselona ?

Azizbek’s Channel

22 Oct, 15:00

Rain 🌧️

Azizbek’s Channel

22 Oct, 14:21

Azizbek’s Channel

22 Oct, 04:59

array = ["Qashqadaryo","Surxondaryo","Samarqand","Buxora","Xorazim","Qoraqalpog'iston Respulbekasi","Navoiy","Jizzax","Sirdaryo","Toshkent","Namangan","Andijon","Farg'ona"]
for i in range(len(array)):

Azizbek’s Channel

21 Oct, 18:29


Azizbek’s Channel

19 Oct, 11:49

"Ertaga maktabga boramiz-ku, hammasini o'sha yerda aytib beraman"- dan.

"Ertaga institutga boramiz-ku, hammasini o'sha yerda aytib beraman"- ga o'tganimni sezmay qoldim.

*Shunchalik tez ulg’aydikmi ?

Azizbek’s Channel

15 Oct, 08:34

🇺🇸 New York

Azizbek’s Channel

13 Oct, 15:19

Ko’z ochib - yumguncha xayr sentabr…

Azizbek’s Channel

11 Oct, 13:26


Azizbek’s Channel

07 Oct, 18:56


Fine Dev | Official

24 Sep, 13:00

Channel created