figmac ♥︎ ︎ [close] @figmac Channel on Telegram

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• kismet ┃• soulnets

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ❨ recorded by manuscript.
“ holiness with a folklore, sense of autumn heartbreak ; solemn amidst in soleil.. symphony melancholy- ost. ” @chbnnie, :


figmac ♥️ (English)

Are you a fan of deep and emotional music that touches your soul? Look no further than figmac ♥️, a Telegram channel that offers a unique blend of kismet and soulful tunes. Recorded by manuscript, this channel brings you a collection of songs that evoke a sense of autumn heartbreak and solemnity, creating a symphony of melancholy. If you appreciate music that resonates with your emotions, figmac ♥️ is the perfect place for you. Open only on weekends and holidays, this channel provides a curated selection of tracks that will transport you to a world of holiness and folklore. Join figmac ♥️ today and embark on a musical journey like no other.

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

24 Nov, 15:10

temen temen terimakasih banyaaak yang udah jajannn! lagi lagii aku mengingatkan kalo aku open weekend only yaaah jadii aku open lagi besok sabtu! buat yang mau ordal, bisa ditanyakan dulu ke sunny apakah avail atau enggaa. goodnight ol <3

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

24 Nov, 05:45

bacaa ini dulu yaah sayangsayangku sebelum isi form, aku udah jelasin detaaill

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

11 Nov, 09:17

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

12 Oct, 13:34

“est. 1981s” ..┃( SOLACE : 8/10/90.)
melancholic quotes conquest true love in rhythm's soul, unwritten poems in sonnets unfinished after heartache. “punishment a.t cout,”

ㅤㅤ CODE ........... OCEAN
ㅤㅤ PRICE ........... 13,000
ㅤㅤ LINK PREVIEW ........... 📂
ㅤㅤ FORM ........... 📠

“sorting sentences in beliefs, released in obsolescence.. the fertility of the ins and outs of poetry. recorded by hand in the eternity of history, whom? employee writer from writer.” journey paragraphs typed disputes within the eternal walls. i, timeless between semi-sentences a strand in midnight. (wrote, 31st.)
目录。 #whitelie
a solemnly
sheet, 38.

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

20 Sep, 05:35

“est. 1981s” ..┃( SOLACE : 8/10/90.)
melancholic quotes conquest true love in rhythm's soul, unwritten poems in sonnets unfinished after heartache. “punishment a.t cout,”

ㅤㅤ CODE ........... RECEIPT
ㅤㅤ PRICE ........... 14.000
ㅤㅤ LINK PREVIEW ........... 📂
ㅤㅤ FORM ........... 📠

“sorting sentences in beliefs, released in obsolescence.. the fertility of the ins and outs of poetry. recorded by hand in the eternity of history, whom? employee writer from writer.” journey paragraphs typed disputes within the eternal walls. i, timeless between semi-sentences a strand in midnight. (wrote, 31st.)
目录。 #whitelie
a solemnly
sheet, 38.

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

06 Sep, 07:05

temen temeeen. tolong dibaca sebentar yaaa.

recently, I noticed that some parts of my catalog have been used as inspiration without permission. aku ingin remind kalian kalau this is unacceptable, dan di regulasi store-ku sudah jelas, poin no 4, bahwa aku melarang keras untuk menjadikan katalog yang ada di @figmac sebagai inspo. apapun situasinya.

please understand that a lot of time and effort goes into creating these designs, so it’s essential to respect that work. tolong hargai aku sebagai seller, please learn to respecting people's hard work.

walaupun lagi kepepet, walaupun aku lagi close, tolong DON’T USE MY CATALOG FOR INSPO. dan buat seller, tolong kalau misal ada yang custom, better cari tau dulu itu katalog store lain atau bukan.

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

29 Jun, 06:27

“est. 1981s” ..┃( SOLACE : 8/10/90.)
melancholic quotes conquest true love in rhythm's soul, unwritten poems in sonnets unfinished after heartache. “punishment a.t cout,”

ㅤㅤ CODE ........... MOONLIGHT
ㅤㅤ PRICE ........... 12.000
ㅤㅤ LINK PREVIEW ........... 📂
ㅤㅤ FORM ........... 📠

“sorting sentences in beliefs, released in obsolescence.. the fertility of the ins and outs of poetry. recorded by hand in the eternity of history, whom? employee writer from writer.” journey paragraphs typed disputes within the eternal walls. i, timeless between semi-sentences a strand in midnight. (wrote, 31st.)
目录。 #whitelie
a solemnly
sheet, 38.

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

22 Jun, 10:58

temeeen temeeen aku izin nyampaiin sesuatu yaaaah =D

disclaimer duluu aku ngga ada nyinggung siapa siapa yaa aku cuman mau mengingatkan kaliaan aja biar engga keulang diaku atau di store lainn.

jadiii beberapa kali ini ada orang yang tanya tanya atau bilang “kak aku mau order dong”, terus hilang, bahkan ada yang udah kirim form, terus hilaaang. aku emang engga ada negur karena aku tau mereka bakalan ngerti sendirii, cuman makin kesini makin banyaak dan aku terpaksa buat nyampaiin ini ke channel. aku tuh ngga papa banget serius kalo kalian ngga jadi beli atau emang belum minat beli, seenggaknya kabarin aja gituu. aku juga gak pernah maksa kalian buat jajan di figmac 🥹

tolong jangan pernah sungkan ke aku yaaaa biar ngga terjadi miskom, loveyouol 😚

figmac ︎ ︎ [close]

08 Jun, 10:02

[#notes] temen temeen karenaa kayanya masih banyak yang bingung, aku mau jelasin sekali lagii terkait thumbnail. jadi kalau mau kirim form thumbnail, tolong dikirim terpisah sama form web nyaa yaaah, kaya di foto contohnyaa