Welcome to the Telegram channel titled 'أنتَظر ظَهُورك³¹³' created by the user @fhfh313. This channel is a space dedicated to sharing religious content related to the service of Imam Hussain. The channel description reads, 'I do not want anything except for you to pray for me. If you benefit from anything in the channel, pray for me with the testimony. 2023/4/11. For contact, reach out to @fhzabot.' The channel focuses on spreading knowledge and awareness about the teachings and principles of Imam Hussain and aims to create a community that engages in prayer and reflection. Followers can expect to find posts, videos, and discussions related to the significance of Imam Hussain's service and the lessons that can be learned from his life. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, historical knowledge, or simply looking to connect with others who share similar beliefs, 'أنتَظر ظَهُورك³¹³' is the perfect channel for you. Join us in this journey of faith, prayer, and enlightenment. Stay connected, stay inspired, and most importantly, remember to pray for the channel creator. 2023/4/11.
13 Jan, 15:57
13 Jan, 15:57
13 Jan, 15:57
10 Jan, 16:14
10 Jan, 16:13
10 Jan, 16:13
10 Jan, 16:01
10 Jan, 16:01
10 Jan, 16:00
06 Jan, 11:06
06 Jan, 09:45
06 Jan, 09:44
06 Jan, 09:41
03 Jan, 17:25
02 Jan, 21:45
02 Jan, 21:35
01 Jan, 12:52
31 Dec, 17:43
21 Dec, 15:22
20 Dec, 10:52
20 Dec, 10:51
18 Dec, 21:34
18 Dec, 16:54
17 Dec, 20:16
08 Dec, 15:57
06 Dec, 10:05
06 Dec, 09:52
05 Dec, 22:03
05 Dec, 22:03
05 Dec, 22:03
05 Dec, 12:39
04 Dec, 16:13
01 Dec, 03:46
30 Nov, 09:30
30 Nov, 09:29
29 Nov, 11:33
21 Nov, 12:33
21 Nov, 12:29
16 Nov, 11:17
16 Nov, 11:17
16 Nov, 11:17
16 Nov, 10:32
16 Nov, 10:31
15 Nov, 16:58
14 Nov, 18:22
14 Nov, 18:22
10 Nov, 21:28
10 Nov, 21:21
10 Nov, 21:19
08 Nov, 10:22
08 Nov, 10:21
06 Nov, 16:53
06 Nov, 16:46
31 Oct, 21:45
31 Oct, 20:41
30 Oct, 21:19
30 Oct, 21:18
30 Oct, 21:17
28 Oct, 16:16
28 Oct, 15:55
26 Oct, 12:35
26 Oct, 12:33
26 Oct, 10:57
24 Oct, 06:40
23 Oct, 14:27
23 Oct, 14:27
23 Oct, 14:27
21 Oct, 10:53
21 Oct, 10:52
21 Oct, 10:33
17 Oct, 21:53
17 Oct, 21:52
15 Oct, 13:46
15 Oct, 13:46
15 Oct, 13:46
12 Oct, 22:02
12 Oct, 22:02
12 Oct, 22:02
12 Oct, 11:12
12 Oct, 11:12
12 Oct, 11:12
11 Oct, 22:04
11 Oct, 17:47
10 Oct, 14:19