Oxygen | أوُڪسِجين is a Telegram channel dedicated to empowering women through self-expression and self-reflection. The channel's username, @female99, symbolizes the focus on women and the goal of reaching a wide audience of females looking for inspiration and motivation. The description 'أنت لا تعرف ما معنى أن تمسّك قلمًا، وتُـوثّق هزائِمك، وأنتِصاراتك أيضاً' emphasizes the importance of embracing one's own journey, including both the victories and defeats. The channel provides a platform for women to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings in a supportive and understanding community. Whether you are looking for a place to connect with like-minded individuals or seeking guidance on personal growth, Oxygen | أوُڪسِجين offers a space for women to explore, learn, and empower themselves. Join us today and be part of a community that values authenticity, vulnerability, and growth.
31 Dec, 09:00
14 Dec, 14:20
10 Dec, 13:28
07 Dec, 06:26
16 Nov, 17:39
13 Nov, 19:35
13 Nov, 17:43
13 Nov, 17:42
12 Nov, 10:51
07 Nov, 13:04
02 Nov, 09:37
31 Oct, 22:13
30 Oct, 19:16
30 Oct, 10:59
30 Oct, 01:56
27 Oct, 17:32
24 Oct, 09:33
14 Oct, 15:31
12 Oct, 08:23
08 Oct, 19:30
08 Oct, 19:29