Aziz Alqenaei
Welcome to the Philosophy Telegram Channel brought to you by @f44sq! Are you a lover of deep thinking, critical analysis, and existential pondering? Then this channel is perfect for you. Join a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy exploring the depths of the human mind and the mysteries of the universe.
At @f44sq, we share thought-provoking quotes, engage in stimulating discussions, and provide insights into various philosophical theories and concepts. Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or a curious beginner, there is something for everyone in this channel.
Not only do we delve into classic philosophical texts and ideas, but we also explore modern-day applications of philosophy in everyday life. From ethics to metaphysics, epistemology to aesthetics, there is no limit to the topics we cover.
In addition to @f44sq, we also invite you to check out our sister channels @f44dp and @f443V, where you can further explore different aspects of philosophy and engage with a diverse range of perspectives. Join us on this intellectual journey and unlock the secrets of the universe together. See you in the Philosophy Telegram Channel!
10 Feb, 14:15
09 Feb, 17:34
08 Feb, 17:25
07 Feb, 09:48
06 Feb, 16:48
05 Feb, 12:22
04 Feb, 13:33
02 Feb, 14:50
01 Feb, 12:37
31 Jan, 10:47
30 Jan, 11:15
29 Jan, 12:00
28 Jan, 12:14
27 Jan, 16:46
26 Jan, 11:17
25 Jan, 11:01
24 Jan, 14:00
23 Jan, 13:26
21 Jan, 17:30
20 Jan, 12:30
19 Jan, 12:27
18 Jan, 12:37
17 Jan, 08:37
16 Jan, 15:49
14 Jan, 18:46
12 Jan, 12:27
10 Jan, 07:51
08 Jan, 12:28
05 Jan, 15:06
02 Jan, 15:34
31 Dec, 15:47
29 Dec, 13:05
26 Dec, 11:51
24 Dec, 12:11
20 Dec, 19:20
18 Dec, 17:04
17 Dec, 20:03
16 Dec, 17:16
14 Dec, 15:01
13 Dec, 15:53
12 Dec, 20:28
10 Dec, 17:37
09 Dec, 15:54
06 Dec, 12:12
05 Dec, 14:27
26 Nov, 14:00
24 Nov, 05:24
23 Nov, 09:41
22 Nov, 08:20
21 Nov, 05:41
20 Nov, 06:51
19 Nov, 06:11
18 Nov, 04:24
17 Nov, 05:20
16 Nov, 05:32
14 Nov, 06:12
13 Nov, 05:46
12 Nov, 07:59
11 Nov, 07:19
10 Nov, 09:37
09 Nov, 07:38
08 Nov, 07:00
05 Nov, 21:13
04 Nov, 18:13
02 Nov, 17:23
31 Oct, 20:19
30 Oct, 16:42
29 Oct, 17:07
28 Oct, 14:27
26 Oct, 21:21
26 Oct, 14:48
24 Oct, 21:57
23 Oct, 20:25
22 Oct, 15:51
21 Oct, 09:24
19 Oct, 21:02
18 Oct, 21:13
17 Oct, 21:22
16 Oct, 21:15
15 Oct, 21:12
14 Oct, 21:20
13 Oct, 20:11
12 Oct, 17:13
10 Oct, 12:44
09 Oct, 20:44
09 Oct, 12:50
08 Oct, 15:13
06 Oct, 17:48
04 Oct, 13:38
18 Sep, 07:23
05 Sep, 10:16
31 Aug, 17:50