EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES @exammonke Channel on Telegram

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES


For any help /guidance/Study material/ mentorship /query regarding BPSC PRE and MAINS EXAM mobile number:9433814311

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES (English)

Are you preparing for the BPSC PRE and MAINS EXAM and looking for guidance, study material, mentorship, or help with your queries? Look no further than the EXAM MONK Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @exammonke, specializes in providing assistance specifically for those taking the BPSC exam with Maithili optional and general studies. Whether you need study materials in Maithili literature, guidance on general studies topics, mentorship to help you navigate the exam process, or have any queries related to the BPSC exam, this channel is here to support you. The channel is dedicated to helping students succeed in their exam preparation by offering valuable resources, expert advice, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. If you want to excel in the BPSC exam, having access to the right resources and guidance can make all the difference. Join the EXAM MONK Telegram channel today to connect with experienced mentors and fellow exam takers who can help you achieve your academic goals. For any assistance, guidance, study material, mentorship, or queries regarding the BPSC PRE and MAINS EXAM, you can also contact them directly via mobile number: 9433814311. Don't let exam preparation overwhelm you; let EXAM MONK be your trusted companion on your journey to success. Join the channel today and take the first step towards acing your BPSC exam! Good luck with your preparations!

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

16 Feb, 15:15

Live stream finished (21 minutes)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

16 Feb, 14:53

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

16 Feb, 08:54

Live stream finished (1 minute)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 08:47

Live stream finished (7 minutes)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 08:40

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 07:45

Live stream finished (39 seconds)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 07:44

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 07:34

Live stream finished (1 minute)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

08 Feb, 07:32

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

02 Feb, 08:48

Live stream finished (57 seconds)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

02 Feb, 08:47

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

25 Jan, 13:37

बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा
एकीकृत 70वीं संयुक्त (प्रारंभिक) परीक्षा के परिणामों के संबंध में दिनांक 24.01.2025 को आयोजित प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस की प्रेस विज्ञप्ति।

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

25 Jan, 09:03

मैंने 69वें बीपीएससी मैथिली प्रश्न पत्र की समीक्षा की है, जिसमें 100 प्रश्न थे। सौभाग्य से, उनमें से 70 सरल और सिलेबस कवर करने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए आसानी से उत्तर देने योग्य थे। शेष 30 प्रश्न तथ्यात्मक और कुछ चुनौतीपूर्ण थे। मुख्य परीक्षा के लिए उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए, केवल 40 प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर देना आवश्यक है, इसलिए अब यह आपके ऊपर है कि आप कौन सा वैकल्पिक पेपर चुनना चाहते हैं।"

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

25 Jan, 09:00

I've reviewed the 69th BPSC Maithili question paper, which consisted of 100 questions. Fortunately, 70 of them were straightforward and easily answerable by anyone who has covered the syllabus. The remaining 30 questions were factual and somewhat challenging. To qualify for the mains examination, one needs to answer only 40 questions correctly, so now it's up to you to decide which optional paper to choose."

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

25 Jan, 04:51

Join this group only if you are appearing for 70th mains with maithili optional

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

25 Jan, 04:50


EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 15:29

Live stream finished (10 minutes)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 15:19

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 14:32

Live stream finished (31 minutes)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 14:00

Live stream started

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 13:40

Live stream finished (2 minutes)

EXAM MONK: Maithili optional मैथिली साहित्य AND GENERAL STUDIES

24 Jan, 13:40

If you are interested in MAINS EXAM GUIDANCE FOR MAITHILI OPTIONAL FOR 70TH BPSC, call on my number





