Welcome to the COE Office BBDITM(054) Telegram channel, also known as @examcellbbditm054! This channel has been specifically created to bridge the gap and facilitate effective communication between the institute, students, and parents. Here, you will find important updates, announcements, and information regarding academic activities and events happening at BBDITM(054).
Who is it?
COE Office BBDITM(054) is the official Telegram channel of the Chief of Examinations at BBDITM(054), dedicated to keeping students and parents informed about all academic matters. From exam schedules to result announcements, this channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to academics.
What is it?
@examcellbbditm054 serves as a platform for seamless communication between the institute, students, and parents. Whether you need to stay updated on important dates, deadlines, or academic events, this channel has got you covered. It aims to ensure that everyone stays informed and prepared for any academic activities that come their way.
Stay connected with the COE Office BBDITM(054) Telegram channel to never miss out on any crucial updates or information. Join us today and be a part of our academic community!
25 Jan, 10:20
15 Jan, 06:09
11 Jan, 05:21
10 Jan, 03:59
10 Jan, 03:57
07 Jan, 08:20
07 Jan, 05:49
06 Jan, 03:44
06 Jan, 03:32
06 Jan, 03:31
30 Dec, 04:47
24 Dec, 03:41
24 Dec, 03:41
24 Dec, 03:38
23 Dec, 13:39
23 Dec, 13:36
23 Dec, 11:13
23 Dec, 04:36
20 Dec, 07:25
20 Dec, 06:21
19 Dec, 09:01
19 Dec, 07:44