ئەوێن تو بەس ب دەمی دفێی.. //🥺🫂'🤎"
Welcome to the '᷂𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐍' Telegram channel! This channel, managed by user '@evlenl', is a place where you can find daily doses of positivity and motivation. The title '᷂𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐍' translates to 'Sunshine' in English, symbolizing the radiant and uplifting content you can expect to see here. If you need a boost of energy, inspiration, or just a friendly reminder to start your day with a smile, this channel is perfect for you. Every morning, a new message will be waiting for you to brighten your day and set a positive tone for the hours ahead. Make sure to follow the channel and join the community of like-minded individuals who believe in spreading light and warmth to others. For more updates, you can also follow the channel owner '@agha0000'. Let '᷂𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐍' be your daily source of sunshine and let positivity shine through your life!
30 Jan, 00:16
27 Jan, 19:46
27 Jan, 12:24
25 Jan, 10:51
23 Jan, 20:41
22 Jan, 22:30
22 Jan, 14:23
18 Jan, 21:00
18 Jan, 17:10
17 Jan, 19:14
16 Jan, 10:02
15 Jan, 23:24
15 Jan, 16:36
02 Jan, 07:54
29 Dec, 22:53
29 Dec, 17:48
28 Dec, 10:26
26 Dec, 11:39
19 Dec, 18:20
18 Dec, 15:55
03 Dec, 16:29
02 Dec, 15:52
01 Dec, 21:45
01 Dec, 15:13
30 Nov, 17:40
30 Nov, 10:40
30 Nov, 09:25
29 Nov, 21:29
29 Nov, 20:57
29 Nov, 18:44
29 Nov, 12:05
23 Nov, 15:28
23 Nov, 11:10
21 Nov, 15:25
20 Nov, 21:42
20 Nov, 17:59
18 Nov, 10:23
18 Nov, 07:41
17 Nov, 20:47
17 Nov, 07:52
16 Nov, 22:37
16 Nov, 09:48
15 Nov, 08:46
14 Nov, 21:51
14 Nov, 19:19
14 Nov, 05:13
13 Nov, 19:59
13 Nov, 15:18
13 Nov, 13:59
12 Nov, 23:31
01 Nov, 17:58
01 Nov, 17:54
01 Nov, 13:00
31 Oct, 16:40
31 Oct, 12:25
31 Oct, 12:23
29 Oct, 10:21
28 Oct, 22:25
28 Oct, 22:21