Introducing the Telegram channel 'beauty that happens to the world. extremely gorgeous women are like an unreal eternity ; beauty is like unreal. โ', also known as @etheraiady. This channel is dedicated to celebrating the timeless beauty of women and the ethereal essence that they bring to the world. Through captivating images and inspiring quotes, 'beauty that happens to the world' seeks to uplift and empower its subscribers to appreciate the beauty that surrounds them every day. Who is behind this channel? The creator of @etheraiady is a passionate individual who believes in the power of beauty to inspire and bring joy to people's lives. By curating a collection of stunning visuals and thought-provoking phrases, they aim to create a space where beauty is celebrated in all its forms. What can you expect to find on this channel? From striking portraits of breathtaking women to poetic reflections on the nature of beauty, 'beauty that happens to the world' offers a unique blend of visual and literary inspiration. Whether you are looking for a moment of contemplation or simply want to admire the beauty that exists in the world, this channel is sure to captivate your senses. Join @etheraiady today and immerse yourself in a world where beauty knows no bounds. Let the images and words shared on this channel remind you of the everlasting allure of beauty and the impact it has on our lives. Embrace the beauty that surrounds you and let it inspire you to see the world in a new light. Subscribe to 'beauty that happens to the world. extremely gorgeous women are like an unreal eternity ; beauty is like unreal. โ' on Telegram and start your journey towards a deeper appreciation of the beauty that exists all around us.