که تو باشی و من ...
در کنار هم ، تو سکوت کنی
و من هم گوش کنم ...
من آرام بگویم دوستت دارم ..
و تو بگویی من هم .
عــشــق ℓᵒ𝓥Ⓔ پــنــهــان is a Telegram channel dedicated to the theme of hidden love. With the username @eshghepenhanma, this channel explores the idea of how one can conceal a heart that is so full of love. Loving someone secretly is often described as one of the most bittersweet pains in the world. This channel aims to provide a platform for individuals to express their feelings of love and longing in a safe and discreet environment. Whether you want to share your own experiences or seek advice on how to navigate the complexities of hidden love, this channel offers a supportive community where you can connect with others who understand your emotions. Join عــشــق ℓᵒ𝓥Ⓔ پــنــهــان today and be part of a community that celebrates the beauty and complexity of hidden love.
09 Dec, 21:02
09 Dec, 21:01
09 Dec, 21:00
09 Dec, 20:58
09 Dec, 20:31
09 Dec, 20:31
09 Dec, 20:31
09 Dec, 20:31
09 Dec, 19:58
09 Dec, 19:53
09 Dec, 19:48
03 Dec, 04:06
03 Dec, 04:06
02 Dec, 22:13
02 Dec, 22:13
02 Dec, 22:13
02 Dec, 22:13
02 Dec, 20:33
02 Dec, 19:39
02 Dec, 19:03
02 Dec, 18:51
02 Dec, 17:58
18 Nov, 14:11
18 Nov, 13:42
18 Nov, 13:41
18 Nov, 13:41
18 Nov, 13:38
18 Nov, 13:30
18 Nov, 13:28
26 Oct, 16:02
26 Oct, 16:02
26 Oct, 16:02
26 Oct, 10:48
26 Oct, 09:11
26 Oct, 09:10
26 Oct, 09:10
26 Oct, 09:10
26 Oct, 09:09
26 Oct, 08:48
24 Oct, 07:55
24 Oct, 06:57
24 Oct, 06:56
23 Oct, 22:52
23 Oct, 22:52
23 Oct, 22:51
23 Oct, 22:51
23 Oct, 21:49
23 Oct, 21:37
23 Oct, 21:37
23 Oct, 21:32
23 Oct, 21:24
23 Oct, 21:23