کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان


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کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

28 Sep, 15:50

Aboriginal /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl/   (adj, n)
SYN: being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native

Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals.


مطالعات او در حوزه اقسام هنر باستانیِ سرخپوستان بومی به صورت گسترده در نشریات علمی منتشر شد.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

28 Sep, 15:40

Abolish /əˈbɑːlɪʃ/   (v)
SYN: cancel; put an end to

The president of the college refused to abolish the physical education requirement.

متوقف کردن، بر انداختن، از میان بردن؛ منسوخ کردن، لغو کردن

رییس کالج نپذیرفت که پیش نیاز تربیت بدنی لغو شود.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

23 Sep, 06:04

Abbreviate /əˈbriːvɪeɪt/   (v)
SYN: shorten

Because we were running out of time, the lecturer had to abbreviate her speech.

کوتاه کردن، مختصر کردن، خلاصه کردن

چون وقتمان داشت به اتمام می رسید، سخنران مجبور شد صحبتش را خلاصه کند.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

21 Sep, 14:03

Abate /əˈbeɪt/   (v)
SYN: subside, moderate

Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.

فرو نشستن، فروکش کردن، کاهش یافتن

به جای اینکه فورا آنجا را ترک کنند، صبر کردند تا طوفان فروکش کند.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

12 Sep, 07:39

🟤Aberration /ˌæbəˈreɪʃn/   (n)
SYN: abnormality, departure from the norm; mental irregularity or disorder

It remains the consensus among investors on Wall Street that current high oil prices are a temporary aberration and that we shall soon see a return to cheap oil.

نابهنجاری؛ گمراهی، انحراف، اشتباه، خبط، کجراهی؛ اختلال ذهنی_روانی، انحراف روانی

در بین سرمایه گذاران وال استریت این اتفاق نظر وجود دارد که قیمت های بالای فعلی نفت تنها یک انحراف موقت است و اینکه به زودی شاهد بازگشت به نفت ارزان خواهیم بود.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

11 May, 18:38


💢The difference between" On " & "About"

👉The both are the prepositions of Connection that Mean "Relating to" = "Concerning" = "Referring to".

🔶When we use "About" , it means that the Topic is More General and Ordinary.

🔶When we use "On", it means that the Topic is More Serious and Used for Specialists.

🔸About 👉 More General
🔸On 👉 More Specialized

👨There is a well-written book about Money.(the topic is More General and Ordinary.)

🧑 I like Lectures on Economics.(The Topic is More important and Specialized.)


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

27 Apr, 16:42


⭕️The difference between
Accomplish & Complete

👉The both mean to finish doing something and get something done.

🔶 When you Complete doing something, The quality of task you've done is not Important. The important factor is to finish it.

🔶 When you accomplish doing something, it means that you after a lot of efforts you've finished it and you Succeeded in doing it.

👉When you Complete a task, you may not accomplish it but when you accomplish it, You definitely complete it successfully.

👨‍🦰I accomplished my mission after 4 years restless nights. My manager's compliment showed that I've done it successfully.(I completed it successfully and after a lot attempts.)

🧑‍🦰Finally I completed doing my homework and I didn't want to spend a lot of time on it.( I just finished doing it and the quality of doing it wasn't important and I just wanted to finish it anyway.)


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

23 Mar, 10:17

10 Ways to Say 'I'm Sad' 😢

1️⃣ I'm downhearted 💔
2️⃣ I'm upset 😥
3️⃣ I'm gloomy ☁️
4️⃣ I'm dejected 🙍‍♂️
5️⃣ I'm despondent 🌧️
6️⃣ I'm melancholic 🍂
7️⃣ I'm sorrowful 😞
8️⃣ I'm disheartened 💔
9️⃣ I'm mournful 🕊️
🔟 I'm heartbroken 💔


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

13 Aug, 07:59

Use the following words instead of " beautiful":


Any words to add to the list?


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

13 Aug, 06:17

Collocation of the day

Turn a blind eye

• To ignore or overlook something intentionally.

• چشم‌پوشی کردن

Example: He usually turns a blind eye to the employees' mistakes.

مثال: او معمولا از اشتباهات کارمندان چشم‌پوشی میکند.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

31 Jul, 14:10


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

31 Jul, 14:09

♦️ The difference between:


✔️ Murder: the act or crime of deliberately killing sb
قتل عمد

🔹 New York paid tribute to the thousands of innocent people murdered on September 11th.

🔸 Ronny Jones was found guilty of the murder of a 15 year old girl.

🔷 Collocations:
1⃣ commit murder(=to murder sb)
2⃣ attempted murder(=the crime of unsuccessfully trying to kill someone)

✔️ Manslaughter: the crime of killing sb by accident, or while you are trying to defend yourself
قتل غیر عمد و یا بواسطه ی دفاع

🔹 She denied murdering her husband, but pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

🔸 The court decided there was insufficient evidence for a manslaughter charge.

🔹 The driver of the train was charged with the manslaughter of 13 people.


کانال آموزش لغات انگلیسی آسان

30 Jul, 05:11

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