English with AP Sir


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English with AP Sir

23 Oct, 06:43


English with AP Sir

08 Oct, 02:55


English with AP Sir

07 Oct, 04:10

Idioms & Phrases
1. Above board - honest and open
2. At an arm’s length - to keep at a distance
3. At daggers drawn - to be sworn enemies
4. At the eleventh hour - at the last stage
5. All and sundry - everything without exception
6. At one’s wits end - confused; not knowing what to do
7. ( Have) An axe to grind - with selfish purpose
8. At a pinch - in a case of necessity
9. At a stone’s throw - very near
10. At sixes and sevens - in a disordered manner

English with AP Sir

07 Oct, 03:56

11. A Semanticists is
a grammarian
a literary artist
a lover of fine phrases
a student of word-meanings
12. Optometry refers to
Measurement of vision
Measurement of heights
Recording of the heart-beat
None of these
13. Chiropody refers to
Analysis of skull contours
Treatment of the mind
Treatment of foot ailments
14. Treatment based on theory of pressure on blood vessels
A bellicose is a person who
Eats much
Always criticizes others
Does not care for the sentiments of others
Always looks for quarrels
15. An egregious fellow is
Without conscience
Without morals
Viciously bad
Notoriously known
16. A fundamentalists is a person who
Believes in the literal interpretation of the religious books.
Is wild in his religious opinions
Doubts the existences of God
Preaches against other religions
17. A chronic patient is one
Whose disease has become incurable
Who remains victim of a disease for a long time
Who suffers from a particular disease
Who gets occasional attacks of a disease

18. A reticent is a person who
Talks much
Makes unnecessary show of his learning
Is reserved in his speech
Is utterly miser
19. Gluttony is the habit of
Drinking much
Passing unnecessary remarks
Eating much
20. A carcass is
The dead body of an animal
The dead body of a human being
The heap of litter
The heap of bones

English with AP Sir

20 Sep, 06:53

1. Even in the modern world we can find some Obscurants.
Who is opposed to scientific progress
Who is opposed to religious progress
Who is opposed to intellectual progress
None of the above
2. Erudite work more, talk less.
Who possesses extensive knowledge
Who has vast experience in a field
Who has a serious nature
Who has a sweet temper
3. He is in the habit of passing ignominious remarks against those whom he does not like.
That gives irritation
That is disgraceful and humiliating
That results in provocation
None of the above
4. Sororicide is the murder of
A neighbor
An enemy
The sister
The sister-in-law
5. A paramour is
The beloved of an aged person
The beloved of a soldier
The beloved of an unmarried person
The beloved of a married person
6. Stoicism is the philosophy of
Total detachment
Deep materialism
Indifference to worldly relations
Indifference to pain or pleasure
7. Bigotry is
Religious intolerance
Social injustice
Political corruption
Economic inequality
8. A philanderer is a lover
Who loves passionately
Who loves sincerely
Who loves insincerely
None of the above
9. Cassock is the gown of
A king
A Priest
A clown
A juggler
10. Myopia is an eye-disease. It causes
Short- sightedness