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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

13 Jan, 16:10

➡️  13 January New Vocabulary

1. UNDERPIN (VERB): (बढ़ावा देना): promote
Synonyms: nurture, encourage
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:The theme of honour underpinning the two books.

2. FAIRLY (ADVERB): (युक्तिपूर्वक): reasonably
Synonyms: passably, satisfactorily
Antonyms: insufficiently
Example Sentence:I was fairly certain she had nothing to do with the affair.

3. WARY (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): cautious
Synonyms: careful, circumspect
Antonyms: unwary
Example Sentence:His expression was wary, but he said nothing.

4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.

5. REPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): oppressive
Synonyms: authoritarian, despotic
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:It was clear that he could not continue the repressive tactics of his predecessor.

6. ASSUAGE (VERB): (राहत देना): relieve
Synonyms: ease, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate
Example Sentence:The letter assuaged the fears of most members.

7. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.

8. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly
Example Sentence:Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.

9. IMPENDING (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): imminent
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in impending danger of being swept away.

10. EMPATHY (NOUN): (समवेदना): affinity with
Synonyms: rapport with, togetherness
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:She'd been incapable of empathy or remorse.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

12 Jan, 12:25

➡️  12 January New Vocabulary

1. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.

2. SCURRY (NOUN): (हड़बड़ी): rush
Synonyms: race, dash
Antonyms: stroll
Example Sentence:I was in such a scurry.

3. INCLINE (VERB): (तैयार होना): disposed
Synonyms: minded, willing
Antonyms: disinclined
Example Sentence:He was inclined to accept the offer.

4. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on
Synonyms: assault on, raid on
Antonyms: retreat
Example Sentence:Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.

5. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): impassioned
Synonyms: passionate, intense
Antonyms: apathetic
Example Sentence:I am a fervent supporter of the revolution.

6. LIBERAL (ADJECTIVE): (उदार): generous
Synonyms: magnanimous, open-handed
Antonyms: miserly
Example Sentence:Sam was too liberal with the wine.

7. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (सविचार): careful
Synonyms: cautious, unhurried
Antonyms: hasty
Example Sentence:I have always been a conscientious and deliberate worker.

8. EXTRICATE (VERB): (मुक्त कर देना): extract
Synonyms: free, release
Antonyms: entangle
Example Sentence:He was trying to extricate himself from official duties.

9. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe
Antonyms: success
Example Sentence:His plans turned into a fiasco.

10. ALLY (VERB): (जोड़ना): combine
Synonyms: marry, couple
Antonyms: split
Example Sentence:He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

10 Jan, 18:09

➡️  10 January New Vocabulary

1. STOCKPILE (VERB): (भंडार लगाना): store up
Synonyms: amass, accumulate
Antonyms: dissipate
Example Sentence:They stockpiled weapons and ammunition that will last several months.

2. INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable
Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable
Antonyms: avoidable
Example Sentence:Jessica drew out the inevitable by taking her time to select her food.

3 .REQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (आवश्यक): necessary
Synonyms: required, prerequisite
Antonyms: optional
Example Sentence-The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid.

4. CAPITULATE (VERB): (हथियार डाल देना): surrender
Synonyms: give in, yield
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.

5. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence:He asked an intrusive question.

6. RESTITUTION (NOUN): (वापसी): return
Synonyms: restoration, replacement
Antonyms: seizure
Example Sentence:The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.

7. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:The pickets induced many workers to stay away.

8 .TURMOIL (NOUN): (अशांति): confusion
Synonyms: turbulence, tumult
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:There was turmoil in her pale blue eyes.

9. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (मामूली): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It made only a marginal difference.

10. VARY (VERB): (पृथक होना): differ
Synonyms: range, extend
Antonyms: agree
Example Sentence:The properties vary in price.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

09 Jan, 06:58

➡️  09 January New Vocabulary

1. INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आविष्कारशील): inventive
Synonyms: creative imaginative
Antonyms: unimaginative
Example Sentence:He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.

2. DEVASTATING (ADJECTIVE): (विध्वंसकारक): devastating
Synonyms: ruinous, disastrous
Antonyms: non-violent
Example Sentence:The power of weapons is very destructive.

3. RESOLVE (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:He received information that strengthened her resolve.

4. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चौंकानेवाला): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence:Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

5. AVOIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (परिहार्य): preventable
Synonyms: needless, unnecessary
Antonyms: inescapable, inevitable
Example Sentence:Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.

6 EMBARK (VERB): (प्रारंभ करना): begin
Synonyms: start, commence
Antonyms: end
Example Sentence:She embarked on a new career.

7. RUGGED (ADJECTIVE): (टिकाऊ): durable
Synonyms: robust, sturdy
Antonyms: flimsy
Example Sentence:The binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged.

8. FEROCITY (NOUN): (क्रूरता): savagery
Synonyms: brutality, barbarity
Antonyms: gentleness
Example Sentence:The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

9. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): passionate
Synonyms: avid, impassioned
Antonyms: half-hearted
Example Sentence:I am an ardent admirer of modern art.

10. ASSENT (VERB): (सहमत होना): accept
Synonyms: approve, bless
Antonyms: refuse
Example Sentence:The Prime Minister assented to the change.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

05 Jan, 15:35

➡️  05 January New Vocabulary

1. ACQUITTAL (NOUN): (दोषमुक्ति): absolution
Synonyms: clearing, exoneration
Antonyms: conviction
Example Sentence:The trial resulted in an acquittal.

2. REVOLUTIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (संपूर्ण): thoroughgoing
Synonyms: thorough, complete
Antonyms: conventional
Example Sentence:He invented a revolutionary new drug.

3. ALLIANCE (NOUN): (संबंध): affinity
Synonyms: relationship, association
Antonyms: distance
Example Sentence:An alliance between medicine and morality needs to be established.

4. COUP (NOUN): (तख्तापलट): overthrow
Synonyms: takeover, ousting
Antonyms: election
Example Sentence:He was overthrown in an army coup.

5. DISSOLVE (VERB): (रद्द करना): disperse
Synonyms: disband, break up
Antonyms: join
Example Sentence:Their marriage has been dissolved.

6. SCRAP (VERB): (फेंक देना): throw away
Synonyms: throw out, get rid of
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence:A bold decision was taken to scrap existing plant.

7 DISPROPORTIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अकारण): unreasonable
Synonyms: inordinate, excessive
Antonyms: proportional
Example Sentence:People on lower incomes spend a disproportionate amount on fuel.

8. DISINTEREST (NOUN): (निष्पक्षता): impartiality
Synonyms: neutrality objectivity
Antonyms: bias
Example Sentence:I do not claim any scholarly disinterest with this book.

9. WITHDRAW (NOUN): (समाप्त करना): abolish
Synonyms: cancel, lift
Antonyms: introduce
Example Sentence:The party threatened to withdraw its support for the government.

10. EQUITY (NOUN): (न्याय संगतता): fairness
Synonyms: justice, fair play
Antonyms: inequity
Example Sentence:Equity of treatment should be ensured everywhere.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

03 Jan, 15:43

➡️  03 January New Vocabulary

1. UNRAVEL (VERB): (समाधान करना): solve
Synonyms: resolve, work out
Antonyms: complicate
Example Sentence:They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.

2. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence:She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.

3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुला भेजना): summon
Synonyms: call, order
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.

4. INDOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (आलसी): lazy
Synonyms: idle, slothful
Antonyms: industrious
Example Sentence:They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure.

5. PEDESTRIAN (ADJECTIVE): (उबाऊ): dull
Synonyms: plodding, boring
Antonyms: inspired, exciting
Example Sentence:Disenchantment goes along with their pedestrian lives.

6. PERIPHERAL (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रधान): secondary
Synonyms: subsidiary, incidental
Antonyms: central
Example Sentence:She will see their problems as peripheral to her own.

7. DISPASSIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अभावुक): unemotional
Synonyms: non-emotional, unsentimental
Antonyms: emotional
Example Sentence:She dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way.

8. OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): weird
Synonyms: queer, offbeat
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:They were three wise, outlandish kings.

9. UNSETTLED (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): restless
Synonyms: restive, fidgety
Antonyms: settled
Example Sentence:She felt edgy and unsettled.

10. COMPLIANCE (NOUN): (अनुपालन): acquiescence
Synonyms: agreement, assent
Antonyms: defiance
Example Sentence:The compliance with government views shown by the commission.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

24 Dec, 03:47

➡️  22 December New Vocabulary

1. INTRANSIGENT (ADJECTIVE):(हठी): uncompromising
Synonyms: inflexible, unbending
Antonyms: compliant
Example Sentence:Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent.

2. CUTTING-EDGE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक उन्नत): highly advanced
Synonyms: innovative, pioneering
Antonyms: outdated
Example Sentence:The firm introduced some cutting-edge technology.

3. ANGST (NOUN): (उत्कंठा): anxiety
Synonyms: fear, dread
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence:The middle classes go through existential angst.

4. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्य करना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.

5. INDIGENOUS (NOUN): (स्वदेशी): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians. 

6. SCANDALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानपूर्ण): discreditable
Synonyms: disreputable, dishonourable
Antonyms: seemly
Example Sentence:The magazine published scandalous pictures of the movie star.

7. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve
Synonyms: clear, exonerate
Antonyms: convict
Example Sentence:One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted.

8. RETROGADE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिगामी): regressive
Synonyms: negative, downhill
Antonyms: positive
Example Sentence:To go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step.

9. PERSEVERANCE (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence
Synonyms: tenacity, determination
Antonyms: irresolution
Example Sentence:His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness.

10. BANKRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (दिवालिया): insolvent
Synonyms: bankrupted, failed
Antonyms: solvent
Example Sentence:His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

22 Dec, 05:22

➡️  21 December New Vocabulary

1. REBUT (VERB): (खंडन करना): refute
Synonyms: deny, disprove
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.

2.EXTRANEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (बाहरी): external
Synonyms: outside, exterior
Antonyms: intrinsic
Example Sentence:When the transmitter pack is turned off no extraneous noise is heard.

3. DELIBERATE (ADJECTIVE): (जानबूझकर): intentional
Synonyms: calculated, conscious
Antonyms: accidental
Example Sentence:He made a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict.

4. UBIQUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सर्व-भूत): omnipresent
Synonyms: ever-present, everywhere
Antonyms: extraordinary
Example Sentence:His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.

5. ALLEGIANCE (NOUN): (निष्ठा): loyalty
Synonyms: faithfulness, fidelity
Antonyms: disloyalty
Example Sentence:Those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic.

6. VILIFY (VERB): (कलंक लगाना): disparage
Synonyms: denigrate, defame
Antonyms: commend
Example Sentence:He has been vilified in the press.

7.IMBECILE (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्खतापूर्ण): stupid
Synonyms: foolish, idiotic
Antonyms: intelligent
Example Sentence:Try not to make imbecile remarks.

8. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक): shocking
Synonyms: disgraceful, scandalous
Antonyms: acceptable
Example Sentence:It was an outrageous act of bribery.

9. COMPASSION (NOUN): (दया): pity
Synonyms: sympathy, feeling
Antonyms: indifference
Example Sentence:The victims of any calamity should be treated with compassion.

10. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (संभावित): probable
Synonyms: likely, conceivable
Antonyms: impossible
Example Sentence:He gave the most feasible explanation.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

20 Dec, 06:10

➡️  20 December New Vocabulary

1. DISENGAGE (VERB): (अलग करना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:I disengaged his hand from mine.

2. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former
Synonyms: old, past
Antonyms: present
Example Sentence:The erstwhile president of the company was loved by all.

3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement
Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding
Antonyms: provocation
Example Sentence:He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.

4. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:Jenny heard him stride away slamming him for his behaviour.

5. UPHEAVAL (NOUN): (उथल-पुथल): disruption
Synonyms: upset, disturbance
Antonyms: stability
Example Sentence:Major upheavals have hit the financial markets this year.

6. NEGATE (VERB): (अमान्य करना): invalidate
Synonyms: nullify, neutralize
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.

7. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमत्ता): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.

8. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशज): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.

9. WOE (NOUN): (शोक): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:If we do not find her safe and well, woe to the man who has harmed her.

10. DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (बरख़ास्त करना): disband
Synonyms: decommission, discharge
Antonyms: conscript
Example Sentence:He was demobilized in February 1946.

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𝐄nglish 𝐒tudy 𝐌aterial

19 Dec, 11:45

➡️  19 December New Vocabulary

1. OVERTURN (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: reverse, rescind
Antonyms: allow
Example Sentence:The results completely overturned previous findings.

2 RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पभाषी): reserved
Synonyms: withdrawn, introverted
Antonyms: expansive
Example Sentence:She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.

3. STRIFE (NOUN): (कलह): conflict
Synonyms: friction, discord
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:With this civil strife the importance and prosperity of Louvain declined.

4. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनभिज्ञ): unaware
Synonyms: unconscious, heedless
Antonyms: aware
Example Sentence:She became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time.

5. IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): (अनौचित्य): wrongdoing
Synonyms: misconduct, dishonesty
Antonyms: propriety
Example Sentence:She was scandalized at the impropriety of the question.

6. AMITY (NOUN): (मित्रता): friendship
Synonyms: friendliness, peace
Antonyms: animosity
Example Sentence:The presence of French troops in Scotland had produced hostility rather than amity.

7. ORNATE (ADJECTIVE): (अलंकृत): elaborate
Synonyms: over-elaborate, flowery
Antonyms: plain
Example Sentence:His language was strangely ornate.

8. OPULENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy
Synonyms: rich, affluent
Antonyms: poor
Example Sentence:His tenants are quite opulent.

9. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:A dog should have an unbridled passion for food.

10. RESOLVE (NOUN): (संकल्प): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:She received information that strengthened her resolve.

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28 Nov, 14:14

➡️  28 November New Vocabulary

1. BELITTLE (VERB): (अपयश फैलाना): disparage 
Synonyms: denigrate, run down 
Antonyms: run down 
Example Sentence: She belittled my riding skills whenever she could. 

2. SUSCEPTIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (अतिसंवेदनशील): impressionable 
Synonyms: credulous, gullible 
Antonyms: sceptical 
Example Sentence: They only do it to tease him—he's too susceptible. 

3. PATRONIZE (VERB): (नीचा करना): look down on 
Synonyms: talk down to, put down 
Antonyms: friendly 
Example Sentence: He hated being patronized and pitied by those who didn't believe his story. 

4. HERCULEAN (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यंत कठिन): arduous 
Synonyms: gruelling, laborious 
Antonyms: easy 
Example Sentence: I have a herculean task in trying to paint an extraordinary picture in half an hour. 

5. RESILIENCE (NOUN): (लचीलता): flexibility 
Synonyms: pliability, plasticity 
Antonyms: rigidity 
Example Sentence: Nylon has great abrasion and resilience. 

6. THWART (VERB): (विफल करना): foil 
Synonyms: frustrate, balk 
Antonyms: assist 
Example Sentence: She did all she could to thwart his plans. 

7. COMMENSURATE (ADJECTIVE): (समकक्ष): equivalent 
Synonyms: equal, corresponding 
Antonyms: disproportionate 
Example Sentence: Salary will be commensurate with age and experience. 

8. MULTIFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विविध): diverse 
Synonyms: many, numerous 
Antonyms: homogeneous 
Example Sentence: I work at a vast multifarious organization. 

9. FIERY (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): passionate 
Synonyms: impassioned, ardent 
Antonyms: bland 
Example Sentence: She is a fiery, imaginative Aries. 

10. ALIENATE (VERB): (विमुख करना): estrange 
Synonyms: turn away, set apart 
Antonyms: unite 
Example Sentence: Even where we least like him we find nothing mean to alienate him from us. 

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28 Nov, 10:19

➡️  27 November New Vocabulary

1. EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभावोत्पादक): effective 
Synonyms: successful, effectual 
Antonyms: inefficacious 
Example Sentence: The treatment was just not efficacious. 

2. UNSETTLE (VERB): (अस्थिर करना): discompose 
Synonyms: unnerve, upset 
Antonyms: reassure 
Example Sentence: The crisis has unsettled financial markets. 

3. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional 
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem 
Antonyms: permanent 
Example Sentence: An interim arrangement was made at the end. 

4. DISMANTLE (VERB): (विघटित करना) : take apart 
Synonyms: pull apart, deconstruct 
Antonyms: assemble 
Example Sentence: The mechanic dismantled the engine to repair it. 

5. GRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (निष्कारण): unjustified 
Synonyms: unwarranted, unprovoked 
Antonyms: justifiable 
Example Sentence: The gratuitous killing of dolphins must be stopped. 

6. CONGRUENCE (NOUN): (अनुरूपता): compatibility 
Synonyms: consistency conformity 
Antonyms: conflict 
Example Sentence: The results show quite good congruence with recent studies. 

7. SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (तीखा): devastating 
Synonyms: withering, blistering 
Antonyms: mild 
Example Sentence: She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister. 

8. UNSUNG (ADJECTIVE): (विस्मृत): unacknowledged 
Synonyms: uncelebrated, unhonoured 
Antonyms: famous 
Example Sentence: Tanhaji is one of the unsung heroes. 

9. BRAZEN (ADJECTIVE): (निर्लज): bold 
Synonyms: shameless, as bold as brass 
Antonyms: timid 
Example Sentence: He was brazen about his illegal business. 

10. DELETERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): harmful 
Synonyms: damaging, detrimental 
Antonyms: beneficial 
Example Sentence: Divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children. 

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26 Nov, 12:56

➡️  26 November New Vocabulary

1. RAVAGE (VERB): (विध्वंस करना): devastate
Synonyms: ruin, destroy
Antonyms: conserve
Example Sentence:Southern Florida was entirely ravaged by the hurricane.

2. COPIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचुर): abundant
Synonyms: superabundant, plentiful
Antonyms: sparse
Example Sentence:She took copious notes of the lesson.

3. ANNULMENT (NOUN): (विलोपन): voiding
Synonyms: repeal, cancellation
Antonyms: restoration
Example Sentence:The applicant sought the annulment of the decision.

4. PREDOMINANT (ADJECTIVE): (सर्वाधिक): main
Synonyms: chief, principal
Antonyms: subsidiary
Example Sentence:The predominant colour in the painting was white.

5. STAGNATE (VERB): (कुछ नहीं करना): do nothing
Synonyms: languish, decline
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:Teaching can easily stagnate into a set of routines.

6. SOMBER (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर): solemn
Synonyms: earnest, serious
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:He looks at her with a somber expression.

7. VETO (NOUN): (पदच्युति): rejection
Synonyms: vetoing, dismissal
Antonyms: approval
Example Sentence:His casual attitude on veto infuriated her.

8. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.

9. GRATUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (निःशुल्क): free
Synonyms: gratis, complimentary
Antonyms: paid
Example Sentence:Solicitors provide a form of gratuitous legal advice.

10. CURTAIL (VERB): (घटाना): reduce
Synonyms: cut, cut down
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:Civil liberties were further curtailed.

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25 Nov, 17:44

➡️  25 November New Vocabulary

1. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:The new TV soap was slammed as being cynical and irresponsible.

2. UNENVIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अवांछनीय): disagreeable
Synonyms: unpleasant, undesirable
Antonyms: enviable
Example Sentence:I have the unenviable job of announcing the dismissals.

3. INSULARITY (NOUN): (संकीर्णता): parochialism
Synonyms: provincialism, localism
Antonyms: tolerance
Example Sentence:The insularity of Greenland might again give rise to the suppressed argument.

4. GAILY (ADVERB): (सुखपूर्वक): merrily
Synonyms: cheerfully, cheerily
Antonyms: miserably
Example Sentence:All the young soldiers smiled gaily as they watched him.

5. DRUDGERY (NOUN): (कठिन श्रम): hard work
Synonyms: donkey work, toil
Antonyms: relaxation
Example Sentence:Women see domestic drudgery everyday.

6. QUOTIDIAN (ADJECTIVE): (दैनिक): daily
Synonyms: everyday, day-to-day
Antonyms: unusual
Example Sentence:His story is an achingly human one, mired in quotidian details.

7. GAMELY (ADVERB): (वीरता से): bravely
Synonyms: enthusiastically, fearlessly
Antonyms: cowardly
Example Sentence:He battled gamely but was outclassed by his more experienced opponent.

8. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): (दृढ़): persistent
Synonyms: continuing, constant
Antonyms: short-lived
Example Sentence:We faced the relentless heat of the desert.

9. LEISURE (NOUN): (फुर्सत): time off
Synonyms: free time, spare time
Antonyms: work
Example Sentence:People have less leisure time these days.

10. SCRUPULOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सूक्ष्म): careful
Synonyms: meticulous, painstaking
Antonyms: careless
Example Sentence:The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail. 

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23 Nov, 13:50

➡️  23 November New Vocabulary

1. VANQUISH (VERB): (जीतना): conquer 
Synonyms: trounce, annihilate 
Antonyms: lose 
Example Sentence: 
He successfully vanquished his rival. 

2. CESSATION (NOUN): (समापन): end 
Synonyms: ending, termination 
Antonyms: start 
Example Sentence: 
The hostilities finally came to a cessation. 

3. OBSCURE (VERB): (ढांकना): hide 
Synonyms: conceal cover 
Antonyms: reveal 
Example Sentence: 
Grey clouds ten to obscure the sun.

4. SEVER (VERB): (अलग करना): break off 
Synonyms: discontinue suspend 
Antonyms: maintain 
Example Sentence: 
The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy. 

5. EPHEMERAL (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पकालिक): transitory 
Synonyms: transient, fleeting 
Antonyms: long-lived 
Example Sentence: 
Fashions are ephemeral as new ones regularly drive out the old. 

6. OUTCRY (NOUN): (शिकायत): complaints 
Synonyms: objections, indignation 
Antonyms: indiffference 
Example Sentence: 
The public outcry over the bombing has had solid ramifications. 

7. PETRIFY (VERB): (डराना): terrify 
Synonyms: horrify, scare 
Antonyms: reassure 
Example Sentence: 
Her icy controlled quietness petrifies me all the time. 

8. TACIT (ADJECTIVE): (निहित): implicit 
Synonyms: understood, implied 
Antonyms: explicit 
Example Sentence: 
He gave his tacit approval in letters to the media. 

9. WRATH (NOUN): (रोष): anger 
Synonyms: rage, fury 
Antonyms: happiness 
Example Sentence: 
He hid his pipe for fear of incurring his father's wrath. 

10. RELUCTANCE (NOUN): (अनिच्छा): unwillingness 
Synonyms: disinclination, hesitation 
Antonyms: willingness 
Example Sentence: 
She sensed his reluctance to continue. 

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23 Nov, 13:49

In the following passage some of the words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Pumpkins contain high levels of …….(1)_________ . These are molecules that fight harmful free radicals, a ………(2)_______ of unstable molecule that can sometimes ……..(3)_______ damage to our cells, which may cause ageing and contribute to ……(4)________ diseases over time. While some antioxidants occur ……..(5)________ in our bodies, others we get from fruits and vegetables.

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22 Nov, 18:30

➡️  22 November New Vocabulary

1. DENOUEMENT (NOUN): (उपसंहार): outcome
Synonyms: upshot, consequence
Antonyms: origin
Example Sentence:I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement.

2. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (अरूचिकर): stern
Synonyms: forbidding, uninviting
Antonyms: amiable
Example Sentence:He gave a grim expression to me.

3. ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण): repudiation
Synonyms: revocation, repeal
Antonyms: institution
Example Sentence:The abrogation of the bogus constitution was very necessary.

4. DEBILITATE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): weaken
Synonyms: enfeeble, enervate
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:Hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities.

5. ADVERSARY (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): opponent
Synonyms: rival, enemy
Antonyms: ally
Example Sentence:I beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals.

6. BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): (सौम्य): kindly
Synonyms: kind, warm-hearted
Antonyms: unfriendly
Example Sentence:His mannerisms are firm yet benign.

7. RECALCITRANT (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): uncooperative
Synonyms: intractable, unmanageable
Antonyms: amenable
Example Sentence:It is a class of recalcitrant ten-year-olds.

8. BREAKTHROUGH (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advance
Synonyms: development, step forward
Antonyms: setback
Example Sentence:It was a major breakthrough in DNA research.

9. DECEPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (भ्रामक): misleading
Synonyms: illusory, illusive
Antonyms: honest
Example Sentence:He put the question with deceptive casualness.

10. BOHEMIAN (ADJECTIVE): (अपरंपरागत): unconventional
Synonyms: nonconformist, unorthodox
Antonyms: conventional
Example Sentence:As an artist, you live a bohemian lifestyle. 

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22 Nov, 12:38

➡️  21 November New Vocabulary

1. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना): linger 
Synonyms: dally, take one's time
Antonyms: hurry
Example Sentence:She mustn't dawdle—she had to make the call now.

2. WRETCHED (ADJECTIVE): (मनहूस): miserable
Synonyms: unhappy sad
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again.

3. SHORTLY (ADVERB): (एकाएक): sharply
Synonyms: abruptly, bluntly
Antonyms: patiently
Example Sentence:Do you like cricket?’ ‘I do not,’ she said shortly.

4. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (निरावरण): bare
Synonyms: exposed, desolate
Antonyms: lush
Example Sentence:It was nothing but a bleak moor.

5. SUCCUMB (VERB): (अधीन होना): yield
Synonyms: give in, give way
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:We cannot merely give up and succumb to despair.

6. SORDID (ADJECTIVE): (नीच): sleazy
Synonyms: seedy, seamy
Antonyms: high-minded
Example Sentence:The story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams.

7. STRINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): strict
Synonyms: firm, rigid
Antonyms: lenient
Example Sentence:Stringent guidelines are necessary on air pollution.

8. TACIT (ADJECTIVE): (निहित): implicit
Synonyms: understood implied
Antonyms: explicit
Example Sentence:Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.

9. LOPSIDED (ADJECTIVE): (असममात्रिक): asymmetrical
Synonyms: unsymmetrical, uneven
Antonyms: even
Example Sentence:He showed a lopsided grin.

10. CONSTRAINT (NOUN): (बाधा): inhibition
Synonyms: uneasiness, embarrassment
Antonyms: openness
Example Sentence:They are able to talk without constraint. 

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22 Nov, 12:37

In the following passage some of the words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and a (1)_______ of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path (2)__________ a crowd of rowdy children. An older man follows, weatherworn but still (3)_________ a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to (4)________ the flock. Behind him are two women on horses: I guess (5)_______ are his wife and daughter.

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20 Nov, 15:10

➡️  20 November New Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (VERB): (करीब आना): crowd 
Synonyms: gather, throng 
Antonyms: disperse 
Example Sentence: Both of them huddled under the blanket, watching the flames grow. 

2. STARK (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्टवादी): blunt 
Synonyms: bald, bare 
Antonyms: disguised 
Example Sentence: His position is in stark contrast to that of his brother. 

3. DAUNT (VERB): (भयभीत करना): intimidate 
Synonyms: abash, shake 
Antonyms: encourage 
Example Sentence: Most of the elderly people are daunted by technology. 

4. VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): workable 
Synonyms: feasible, practicable 
Antonyms: impracticable 
Example Sentence:The proposed investment was of economically viable nature. 

5. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कड़ा): harsh 
Synonyms: severe, strict 
Antonyms: mild 
Example Sentence: The Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws. 

6. DELECTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्वादिष्ट): delicious 
Synonyms: mouth-watering, appetizing 
Antonyms: inedible 
Example Sentence: We love delectable handmade chocolates. 

7. CAUSTIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यंग्यपूर्ण): sarcastic 
Synonyms: cutting, biting 
Antonyms: kind 
Example Sentence: The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing. 

8. CONTENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial 
Synonyms: disputable, debatable 
Antonyms: uncontroversial 
Example Sentence: We are dealing with a contentious topic. 

9. SPARE (ADJECTIVE): (अतिरिक्त): extra 
Synonyms: supplementary, additional 
Antonyms: principal 
Example Sentence: Few people had spare cash for essentials. 

10. IMPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आज्ञसूचक): peremptory 
Synonyms: commanding, imperious 
Antonyms: submissive 
Example Sentence: The bell pealed again, a final imperative call. 

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16 Nov, 18:30

➡️  16 November New Vocabulary

1. LURE (VERB): (प्रलोभित करना): tempt
Synonyms: entice, attract
Antonyms: deter
Example Sentence:The child was lured into a car but managed to escape.

2. GRIEVOUS (ADJECTIVE): (संगीन): serious
Synonyms: severe, grave
Antonyms: slight
Example Sentence:His death was a grievous blow to the entire family.

3. DETRIMENT (VERB): (हानि पहुँचाना): harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:All the tests were a detriment to good education.

4. VILIFICATION (NOUN): (तिरस्कार): condemnation
Synonyms: criticism, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:The politicians seldom face widespread vilification.

5. DISSIPATE (VERB): (अपव्यय करना): squander
Synonyms: misspend, waste
Antonyms: save
Example Sentence:
He inherited, but then dissipated, his father's fortune.

6. BETRAY (VERB): (प्रकट करना): reveal
Synonyms: disclose, divulge
Antonyms: conceal
Example Sentence:Many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets.

7 DISMAL (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): gloomy
Synonyms: glum, mournful
Antonyms: gloomy
Example Sentence:His dismal mood was not dispelled by finding the house empty.

8. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): plunge
Synonyms: drop, collapse
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:The company saw a slump in profits.

9. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): speed up
Synonyms: accelerate, hurry
Antonyms: delay
Example Sentence:She promised to expedite economic reforms.

10. DOOM (VERB): (नियत होना): destine
Synonyms: fate, predestine
Antonyms: happy
Example Sentence:All of her plans were doomed to failure.

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15 Nov, 15:25

➡️  15 November New Vocabulary

1. EXACERBATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): aggravate 
Synonyms: worsen, inflame 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence:The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem. 

2. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तुच्छ): slight 
Synonyms: insubstantial, flimsy 
Antonyms: convincing 
Example Sentence: The tenuous link between interest rates and investment. 

3. LACKLUSTRE (ADJECTIVE): (निरुत्साही): uninspired 
Synonyms: uninspiring, unimaginative 
Antonyms: inspired 
Example Sentence: No excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance. 

4. CONTENTION (NOUN): (तकरार): disagreement 
Synonyms: dispute disputation 
Antonyms: agreement 
Example Sentence: The captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries. 

5. PLETHORA (NOUN): (बहुतायत): excess 
Synonyms: abundance, overabundance 
Antonyms: dearth 
Example Sentence: She always has a plethora of bad jokes. 

6. RETICENCE (NOUN): (अल्पभाषिता): reserve 
Synonyms: introversion, restraint 
Antonyms: expansiveness 
Example Sentence: She paused, as if hesitating to confide, until her anger overcame her reticence. 

7. SURMISE (VERB): (अंदाज़ा लगाना): guess 
Synonyms: conjecture, suspect 
Antonyms: know 
Example Sentence: I surmised that something must be wrong. 

8. FALLACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (ग़लत): erroneous 
Synonyms: false, untrue 
Antonyms: true 
Example Sentence: His argument is based on fallacious reasoning. 

9. VEIL (VERB): (ढंक देना): covert 
Synonyms: surreptitious, hidden 
Antonyms: overt 
Example Sentence:Cold mists veiled the mountain peaks. 

10. TRASH (NOUN): (बकवास): nonsense 
Synonyms: drivel, pap 
Antonyms: logic 
Example Sentence: If they read at all, they read trash.

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14 Nov, 10:20

➡️  14 November New Vocabulary

1. ALIENATE (NOUN): (पृथक करना): estrange 
Synonyms: turn away, set apart 
Antonyms: unite 
Example Sentence: We live in an urban environment which alienates its own inhabitants. 

2. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (नीचतापूर्ण): wicked 
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous 
Antonyms: noble 
Example Sentence: While the town is sleeping, the mafia is out doing dastardly deeds. 

3. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भीषण): shocking 
Synonyms: appalling, horrific 
Antonyms: marvellous 
Example Sentence: Copyright faces egregious abuses. 

4. CALLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): heartless 
Synonyms: unfeeling uncaring 
Antonyms: kind 
Example Sentence: His callous comments about the murder made me shiver. 

5. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence 
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity 
Antonyms: transparency 
Example Sentence: We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act. 

6. CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen 
Synonyms: secure, stabilize 
Antonyms: weaken 
Example Sentence: The company consolidated its position in the international market. 

7. DESPISE (VERB): (घृणा करना): detest 
Synonyms: hate, loathe 
Antonyms: like 
Example Sentence: He despised himself for being selfish. 

8. UNRAVEL (VERB): (सुलझाना): solve 
Synonyms: resolve, work out 
Antonyms: complicate 
Example Sentence: They were attempting to unravel the cause of death. 

9. PATCHY (ADJECTIVE): (असम): uneven 
Synonyms: bitty, varying 
Antonyms: uniform 
Example Sentence: There was patchy fog in the sky. 

10. DISMANTLE (VERB): (विघटित करना): take apart 
Synonyms: pull apart, deconstruct 
Antonyms: assemble 
Example Sentence: The engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap. 

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14 Nov, 10:19

In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank

The British king, Charles I, had (1) ______ a very difficult financial situation from his father. His period saw a very high rate of inflation. He wanted to (2) ______ money. Therefore, he (3) ______ creating the title of Baronet and selling it to (4) ______ candidates. However, his decision was (5) ______ by the British parliament.

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13 Nov, 13:24

➡️  13 November New Vocabulary

1. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दण्डविराम करना): pardon
Synonyms: spare, acquit
Antonyms: charge
Example Sentence:Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.

2. UTILITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): (उपयोगी): practical
Synonyms: functional, serviceable
Antonyms: decorative
Example Sentence:I went inside a utilitarian building.

3. CREDIBILITY (NOUN): (विश्वसनीयता): plausibility
Synonyms: believability acceptability
Antonyms: implausibility
Example Sentence:The book's anecdotes have scant regard for credibility.

4. MALIGN (VERB): (नुकसान पहुंचाना): defame
Synonyms: slander libel
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:He is trying to malign her in even in my presence.

5. AVERSION (NOUN): (घृणा): disinclination
Synonyms: abhorrence, hatred
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:They made plain their aversion to the use of force.

6. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक): absurd
Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence:He gave me a preposterous suggestion.

7. BARE (ADJECTIVE): (मात्र): mere
Synonyms: no better than, simple
Antonyms: comfortable
Example Sentence:All you need to get started with this program is a bare 10k bytes of memory.

8. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (पतला): thin
Synonyms: thin as a rake, lean
Antonyms: fat
Example Sentence:He is a tall, meagre man.

9. FLAG (VERB): (थकाना): tire
Synonyms: weaken, falter
Antonyms: revive
Example Sentence:If you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you.

10. PRUDENT (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकी): wise
Synonyms: well judged, judicious
Antonyms: unwise
Example Sentence:She agreed it had been prudent to warn her.

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13 Nov, 13:24

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13 Nov, 03:29

➡️  12 November New Vocabulary

1. EMBLEMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतीकात्मक): symbolic 
Synonyms: representative, demonstrative 
Antonyms: representational 
Example Sentence:My case is emblematic of a larger issue. 

2. PAROCHIAL (ADJECTIVE): (संकीर्ण): narrow-minded 
Synonyms: small-minded, provincial 
Antonyms: cosmopolitan 
Example Sentence:Parochial attitudes seldom lead to distress. 

3. ENTANGLE (VERB): (जाल में फंसना/ फंसाना): involve 
Synonyms: implicate, embroil 
Antonyms: steer clear of 
Example Sentence:They were suspicious of becoming entangled in a civil war. 

4. EXQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (अति सुंदर): beautiful 
Synonyms: lovely, elegant 
Antonyms: crude 
Example Sentence: She makes exquisite, jewel-like portraits. 

5. EXTRAVAGANT (ADJECTIVE): (फ़िजूल ख़र्च): spendthrift 
Synonyms: profligate, unthrifty 
Antonyms: thrifty 
Example Sentence: It was rather extravagant to buy both.

6. OBLITERATE (VERB): (नष्ट करना): destroy 
Synonyms: wipe out, annihilate 
Antonyms: create 
Example Sentence: The memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind. 

7. ARTICULATE (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट): eloquent 
Synonyms: fluent, communicative 
Antonyms: inarticulate 
Example Sentence: He made an articulate account of his and her experiences. 

8. IMPETUS (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): motivation 
Synonyms: stimulus incitement 
Antonyms: discouragement 
Example Sentence:The ending of the Cold War gave new impetus to idealism. 

9. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चौंका देने वाला): shocking 
Synonyms: appalling, horrific 
Antonyms: marvellous 
Example Sentence: Egregious abuses of copyright take place. 

10. SPLENDOUR (NOUN): (भव्यता): magnificence 
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence 
Antonyms: modesty 
Example Sentence:The tiles of these roofs are of deep-blue colour adding an element of splendour. 

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12 Nov, 06:04

➡️  11 November New Vocabulary

1. STRICTURE (NOUN): (परिसीमन): constraint 
Synonyms: restriction, limitation 
Antonyms: freedom 
Example Sentence: The strictures imposed by the British Board of Film Censors. 

2. DISBURSE (VERB): (चुकाना): pay out 
Synonyms: lay out, spend 
Antonyms: claim 
Example Sentence:$67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed. 

3. ANIMOSITY (NOUN): (बैर): antipathy 
Synonyms: hostility, friction 
Antonyms: goodwill 
Example Sentence: He no longer felt any animosity towards her. 

4. ARTICULATE (VERB): (साफ़ साफ़ बोलना): express 
Synonyms: voice, give voice to 
Antonyms: bottle up 
Example Sentence:They were unable to articulate their emotions. 

5. INFANTILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish 
Synonyms: babyish, immature 
Antonyms: mature 
Example Sentence:Everyone is fed up of his infantile jokes. 

6. DEMARCATE (VERB): (हदबंदी करना): separate 
Synonyms: divide, delimit 
Antonyms: join 
Example Sentence:Art was being demarcated from the more objective science. 

7. IMPUGN (VERB): (बहस करना): challenge 
Synonyms: question, dispute 
Antonyms: support 
Example Sentence:The father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother. 

8. OSTENSIBLY (ADVERB): (जाहिरा तौर पर): apparently 
Synonyms: seemingly, on the face of it 
Antonyms: genuinely 
Example Sentence: The party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health. 

9. INFURIATE (VERB): (क्रुद्ध करना): enrage 
Synonyms: incense, anger 
Antonyms: please 
Example Sentence: I was infuriated by your article. 

10. DEFER (VERB): (झुक जाना): yield 
Synonyms: submit, give way 
Antonyms: stand up to 
Example Sentence:I deferred to his supreme efficiency. 

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10 Nov, 17:25

➡️  10 November New Vocabulary

1. PROTRUDE (VERB): (बाहर निकलना): stick out
Synonyms: jut, project
Antonyms: sunken
Example Sentence:It was something like a fin protruded from the water.

2. SHAMBOLIC (ADJECTIVE): (अव्यवस्थात्मक): chaotic
Synonyms: disorganized muddled
Antonyms: efficient
Example Sentence:The department's shambolic accounting led to company’s downfall.

3. ALACRITY (NOUN): (उत्सुकता): eagerness
Synonyms: willingness, readiness
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence:She accepted the invitation with pure alacrity.

4. ABJECT (ADJECTIVE): (बिना गर्व या गरिमा के): obsequious
Synonyms: grovelling, crawling
Antonyms: proud
Example Sentence:An abject apology came from his end today.

5. STIFLE (VERB): (दबाव बनाना): constrain
Synonyms: hinder, hamper
Antonyms: encourage
Example Sentence:High taxes were stifling private enterprise.

6. CUMBERSOME (ADJECTIVE): (दुष्कर): unwieldy
Synonyms: unmanageable, awkward
Antonyms: manageable
Example Sentence:Diving suits are usually cumbersome.

7. DECIPHER (VERB): (गूढ़लेख पढ़ना): decode
Synonyms: decrypt, break
Antonyms: encode
Example Sentence:Authorized government agencies can decipher encrypted telecommunications.

8. SCURRILOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक): abusive
Synonyms: vituperative, derogatory
Antonyms: praising
Example Sentence:It was a scurrilous attack on his integrity.

9 MUFFLE (VERB): (धीमा करना): deaden
Synonyms: dull, dampen
Antonyms: loud
Example Sentence:His voice was muffled due to the distance.

10. TRANSGRESS (VERB): (दुर्व्यवहार करना): misbehave
Synonyms: err lapse
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:She had transgressed an unwritten social law.

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04 Nov, 14:32

➡️  02 November New Vocabulary

1. COHERE (VERB): (एकीकृत करना): stick 
Synonyms: together hold, together bind 
Antonyms: fall apart 
Example Sentence: He made the series of fictions cohere into a convincing sequence. 

2. UNTENABLE (ADJECTIVE): (असमर्थनीय): indefensible 
Synonyms: undefendable, unarguable 
Antonyms: tenable 
Example Sentence: This argument which he gave in his defense was clearly untenable. 

3. BLUNT (VERB): (शिथिल करना): dull 
Synonyms: deaden, dampen 
Antonyms: intensify 
Example Sentence: Their determination had completely been blunted. 

4. PRECARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनिश्चित): uncertain 
Synonyms: insecure unreliable 
Antonyms: safe 
Example Sentence: He has made a precarious living as a painter. 

5. SOPHISTICATED (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advanced 
Synonyms: trailblazing, revolutionary 
Antonyms: crude 
Example Sentence: The institute provides highly sophisticated computer systems. 

6. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase 
Synonyms: add to, supplement 
Antonyms: decrease 
Example Sentence: He augmented his summer income by painting houses. 

7. ALLEVIATE (VERB): (कम करना): reduce 
Synonyms: ease, relieve 
Antonyms: aggravate 
Example Sentence: He was able to only alleviate her pain. 

8. DISENGAGE (VERB): (छुड़ाना): remove 
Synonyms: detach, disentangle 
Antonyms: attach 
Example Sentence: I disengaged his hand from mine. 

9. AMELIORATE (VERB): (सुधरना): improve 
Synonyms: better, enhance 
Antonyms: worsen 
Example Sentence: The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. 

10. ENTRENCHED (ADJECTIVE): (आरोपित हुआ): ingrained 
Synonyms: established, well established 
Antonyms: superficial 
Example Sentence: I have an entrenched resistance to change. 

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04 Nov, 14:30

➡️  01 November New Vocabulary

1. CULMINATION (NOUN): (परिणति): climax
Synonyms: peak, pinnacle
Antonyms: nadir
Example Sentence:The deal marked the culmination of years of negotiation.

2. PEER (NOUN): (सहकर्मी): fellow
Synonyms: co-worker, compeer
Antonyms: commoner, junior
Example Sentence:He has got criticism from his peers.

3. CODIFY (VERB): (संहिताबद्ध करना): organize
Synonyms: systematize, arrange
Antonyms: expunge, abrogate
Example Sentence:The statutes have codified certain branches of common law.

4. ACCOMMODATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अनुग्राही): corrupt
Synonyms: adaptative, adaptive
Antonyms: maladaptive
Example Sentence:She was understanding, accommodative, and always had a solution to all problems.

5. PROSPECT (NOUN): (संभावना): hope
Synonyms: likelihood, expectation
Antonyms: viewlessness, dimness
Example Sentence:There was no prospect of a better day.

6. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): unexpected
Synonyms: unmatched, unequalled
Antonyms: normal, common
Example Sentence:The government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence.

7. FORBEARANCE (NOUN): (सहनशीलता): patient self-control
Synonyms: tolerance, patience
Antonyms: impatience
Example Sentence:His unfailing courtesy and forbearance under great provocation.

8. NASCENT (ADJECTIVE): (नवजात): budding
Synonyms: growing, developing
Antonyms: developed, mature
Example Sentence:The Indian space industry is nascent at the moment.

9. KUDOS (NOUN): (प्रशंसा): applause
Synonyms: esteem, praise
Antonyms: dishonour, denunciation
Example Sentence:The hockey team was given kudos during a celebratory pep rally after they won.

10. CONSENT (NOUN): (सहमति): assent
Synonyms: agreement, permission
Antonyms: dissent, disagreement
Example Sentence:Change was made without the consent.

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04 Nov, 14:29

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🔥 ⃝➥ Idioms and Phrases MCQs 🔶
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31 Oct, 14:20

➡️  30 October New Vocabulary

1. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): attack on 
Synonyms: assault on, raid on 
Antonyms: retreat 
Example Sentence: Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion. 

2. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (निराशात्मक): unpromising 
Synonyms: unfavourable, unpropitious 
Antonyms: promising 
Example Sentence: He paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way. 

3. SLACKEN (VERB): (मंद करना): slow 
Synonyms: slow down, decelerate 
Antonyms: speed up 
Example Sentence: The pace of trade never slackens. 

4. BENEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (दयालू): kind 
Synonyms: kindly, kind-hearted 
Antonyms: unkind 
Example Sentence: He was something of a benevolent despot. 

5. TACIT (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्निहित): implicit 
Synonyms: understood, implied 
Antonyms: explicit 
Example Sentence: Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement. 

6. ERECT (VERB): (निर्माण करना): build 
Synonyms: construct, put up 
Antonyms: demolish 
Example Sentence: The guest house was erected in the eighteenth century. 

7. PERIL (NOUN): (विपत्ति): danger 
Synonyms: jeopardy, risk 
Antonyms: safety 
Example Sentence: The hour of peril for the Latin kingdom had now at last struck. 

8. AMASS (VERB): (एकत्र करना): gather 
Synonyms: collect, assemble 
Antonyms: dissipate 
Example Sentence: He amassed a fortune estimated at close to a million pounds. 

9. BRINK (NOUN): (कगार): edge 
Synonyms: verge, margin 
Antonyms: middle 
Example Sentence: This woman could bring me to the brink of insanity. 

10. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रेरणा): stimulus 
Synonyms: incentive, encouragement 
Antonyms: disincentive 
Example Sentence: Wars act as a spur to practical invention. 

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31 Oct, 14:20

Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blanks out of the four alternatives.
The causes of bipolar disorder aren't completely understood, but it often (1) ________ to be hereditary. The first manic or depressive episode of bipolar disorder usually (2) ________ in the teenage years or early adulthood. The symptoms can be subtle and confusing; many people with bipolar disorder are overlooked or misdiagnosed-resulting in unnecessary (3) ________. Since bipolar disorder tends to worsen without treatment, it's important to learn (4) ________ the symptoms look like. Recognizing the problem is the first step to feeling better and getting your life back on (5) ________.

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29 Oct, 17:22

➡️  29 October New Vocabulary

1. ESPOUSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): adopt
Synonyms: embrace, take up
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:She espoused the causes of justice and freedom for all.

2. AVARICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (लालची): grasping
Synonyms: acquisitive, covetous
Antonyms: generous
Example Sentence:He showed none of the avaricious temper so common among the politicians.

3. MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): (असंख्य): innumerable
Synonyms: countless infinite
Antonyms: countable
Example Sentence:He gazed at the myriad lights of the city.

4. CONTENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): controversial
Synonyms: disputable, debatable
Antonyms: uncontroversial
Example Sentence:The socio-economic plan had been the subject of contentious debate.

5. TRIVIALITY (NOUN): (तुच्छता): unimportance
Synonyms: insignificance, pettiness
Antonyms: importance
Example Sentence:There is mediocrity and triviality in the current popular culture.

6. NARCISSISTIC (ADJECTIVE): (आत्ममुग्ध): vain
Synonyms: self-absorbed, self-obsessed
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:She is a narcissistic actress.

7. LINGER (VERB): (क़ायम रहना): persist
Synonyms: continue, remain
Antonyms: vanish
Example Sentence:The tradition seems to linger on.

8. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): extortionate
Synonyms: extremely, high
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence:Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.

9. DUBIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): equivocal
Synonyms: ambiguous, indeterminate
Antonyms: decisive
Example Sentence:He holds the dubious distinction of being lowered by every club he has played for.

10. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:He flouted all the rules and regulations. 

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28 Oct, 18:25

➡️  28 October New Vocabulary

1. UBIQUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सर्वव्यापक): omnipresent 
Synonyms: ever-present, everywhere 
Antonyms: rare 
Example Sentence: His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family. 

2. FUSS (NOUN): (गड़बड़): bother 
Synonyms: trouble, inconvenience 
Antonyms: convenience 
Example Sentence: They settled in with very little fuss. 

3. CONVOLUTED (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): complicated 
Synonyms: complex, involved 
Antonyms: simple 
Example Sentence: The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens. 

4. AFFINITY (NOUN): (सहानुभूति): empathy 
Synonyms: rapport, sympathy 
Antonyms: dislike 
Example Sentence: He had a special affinity with horses. 

5. RETRACT (VERB): (वापस लेना): take back 
Synonyms: withdraw, unsay 
Antonyms: assert 
Example Sentence: He was forced to retract an opinion too liberal for the time. 

6. GHASTLY (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): terrible 
Synonyms: frightful, horrible 
Antonyms: pleasant 
Example Sentence:It was one of the most ghastly crimes ever committed. 

7. SCARCELY (ADVERB): (कठिनता से): rarely 
Synonyms: seldom, infrequently 
Antonyms: often 
Example Sentence: Scarcely a day goes by when they don't see or talk to each other. 

8. CONTINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक): chance 
Synonyms: accidental, fortuitous 
Antonyms: predictable 
Example Sentence: The nature of the job that I do is contingent. 

9. SUPERFLUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अति अधिक): surplus 
Synonyms: redundant, unneeded 
Antonyms: necessary 
Example Sentence: The purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information. 

10. COMPETENCE (NOUN): (योग्यता): capability 
Synonyms: ability, competency 
Antonyms: incompetence 
Example Sentence: Courses were launched to improve the competence of staff. 

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27 Oct, 16:02

➡️  27 October New Vocabulary

1. VAUNT (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: esteem, revere 
Antonyms: criticize 
Example Sentence: He was initially vaunted by the West for his leadership of the country. 

2. UNSEEMLY (ADJECTIVE): (अनुचित): indecorous
Synonyms: improper, inappropriate 
Antonyms: seemly 
Example Sentence:The discussion led to nothing but an unseemly squabble. 

3. CATHARSIS (NOUN): (शुद्धिकरण): purging 
Synonyms: purgation, purification 
Antonyms: repression 
Example Sentence: Music is a means of catharsis for many of us. 

4. INFANTILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish 
Synonyms: babyish, immature 
Antonyms: mature 
Example Sentence: The point about fairies etc. is so infantile in logic I can barely contain my disbelief. 

5. INGRAINED (ADJECTIVE): (दीर्घस्थायी): entrenched 
Synonyms: established, fixed 
Antonyms: transient 
Example Sentence: She wanted to wake up with his scent ingrained in her skin. 

6. CELLAR (NOUN): (तहखाना): basement 
Synonyms: vault, crypt 
Antonyms: attic 
Example Sentence: The servants led us down into a cellar. 

7. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): threatening 
Synonyms: menacing, baleful 
Antonyms: promising 
Example Sentence:My ominous tone didn’t register with him. 

8. MALAISE (NOUN): (अप्रसन्नता): unhappiness 
Synonyms: restlessness, uneasiness 
Antonyms: comfort 
Example Sentence: An infected person will feel a general malaise. 

9. STRICKEN (ADJECTIVE): (तंग): troubled 
Synonyms: affected, afflicted 
Antonyms: unaffected 
Example Sentence: The pilot landed the stricken aircraft. 

10. OSTENSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (ख़याली): apparent 
Synonyms: seeming, outward 
Antonyms: real 
Example Sentence: The real dispute which lay behind the ostensible complaint.

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26 Oct, 13:44

➡️  26 October New Vocabulary

1. RELEGATE (VERB): (नीचा दिखाना): downgrade 
Synonyms: lower, put down 
Antonyms: upgrade 
Example Sentence: They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role. 

2. PERFUNCTORY (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): cursory 
Synonyms: desultory quick 
Antonyms: careful 
Example Sentence: He did nothing and just kept on giving a perfunctory nod. 

3. INVOKE (VERB): (आह्वान करना): cite 
Synonyms: adduce, instance 
Antonyms: waive 
Example Sentence: The antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England. 

4. EXTREMISM (NOUN): (अतिवाद): fanaticism 
Synonyms: radicalism, zealotry 
Antonyms: moderation 
Example Sentence: The dangers of racist extremism are present everywhere. 

5. ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): (बेतरतीब): capricious 
Synonyms: whimsical, random 
Antonyms: rational 
Example Sentence: He just ends up taking arbitrary decisions. 

6. QUESTIONABLE (ADJECTIVE): (शंकास्पद): controversial 
Synonyms: contentious, doubt 
Antonyms: certain 
Example Sentence: It is questionable whether any of these exceptions is genuine. 

7. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience 
Synonyms: buoyancy, cheerfulness 
Antonyms: gloom 
Example Sentence: He has a sense of youthful exuberance. 

8. CHOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): rough 
Synonyms: turbulent, heavy 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: Sea conditions are often very choppy. 

9. DISTORT (VERB): (बिगाड़ना): twist 
Synonyms: misrepresent, pervert 
Antonyms: accurate 
Example Sentence: Many facts in the newspaper were distorted. 

10. RESOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): (दृढ़): determined 
Synonyms: purposeful purposive 
Antonyms: irresolute 
Example Sentence: She was resolute and unswerving.

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25 Oct, 14:06

➡️  25 October New Vocabulary

1. SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना): Follow 
Synonyms: pursue, supersede 
Antonyms: retreat, precede 
Example Sentence: Team members supervene their leaders. 

2. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): Harsh 
Synonyms: cruel, oppressive 
Antonyms: easy, gentle 
Example Sentence: Your master is a draconian man. 

3. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना) :Waste time 
Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate 
Antonyms: hasten, hurry 
Example Sentence: The teacher warned the student that he will be punished if he dawdled again. 

4. PILLAGE (VERB): (लूटना): Plunder, destroy 
Synonyms: ravage, ransack 
Antonyms: protect, construct 
Example Sentence: The terrorists pillaged the city. 

5. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): Deadly, injurious 
Synonyms: destructive, harmful 
Antonyms: helpful, kind 
Example Sentence: This is a noxious chemical. 

6. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तीक्ष्ण-बुद्धि) :Observant, perceptive 
Synonyms: alert, aware 
Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant 
Example Sentence: The CID officers are always perspicacious with their case. 

7. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): Enthusiastic 
Synonyms: zealous, ardent 
Antonyms: apathetic, dull 
Example Sentence: He is a fervent child. 

8. FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): (चंचल): Spasmodic 
Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating 
Antonyms: continuous, perpetual 
Example Sentence:As long as his breathing is fitful, he will continue to need an oxygen machine. 

9. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): Show contempt for 
Synonyms: defy, disregard 
Antonyms: honour, praise 
Example Sentence: One should not flout the traffic rules. 

10. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): Practicable 
Synonyms: possible, doable 
Antonyms: impossible, implausible 
Example Sentence: This seems to be a feasible solution

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23 Oct, 10:28

➡️  23 October New Vocabulary

1. GARGANTUAN (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल): enormous
Synonyms: massive, huge 
Antonyms: tiny 
Example Sentence: Tigers and lions have a gargantuan appetite. 

2. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative 
Synonyms: respective, comparable 
Antonyms: absolute 
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known. 

3. SUBSTANTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): sturdy 
Synonyms: solid, stout 
Antonyms: insubstantial 
Example Sentence: He lives near the row of substantial Victorian villas. 

4. EFFICACY (NOUN): (प्रभावोत्पादकता): effectiveness 
Synonyms: success, potency 
Antonyms: inefficacy 
Example Sentence: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment. 

5. INTRIGUE (VERB): (दिलचस्प बनाना): interest 
Synonyms: fascinate, attract 
Antonyms: bore 
Example Sentence: The whole class was intrigued by his unique question. 

6. ESCALATION (NOUN): (वृद्धि): rise 
Synonyms: hike, advance 
Antonyms: plunge 
Example Sentence: A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable. 

7. UNACCEPTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वीकार्य): intolerable 
Synonyms: insufferable, unsatisfactory 
Antonyms: acceptable 
Example Sentence: His behaviour was unacceptable. 

8. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (ध्यान देने लायक़): distinguished 
Synonyms: noteworthy, noted 
Antonyms: insignificant 
Example Sentence: Snow was a limited, but still considerable, novelist. 

9. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten 
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil 
Antonyms: friendly 
Example Sentence: Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching. 

10. VACANT (ADJECTIVE): (भावशून्य): blank 
Synonyms: expressionless, deadpan 
Antonyms: expressive 
Example Sentence: I came across a vacant stare.

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22 Oct, 18:26

➡️  22 October New Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (VERB): (भीड़ लगाना): crowd
Synonyms: gather, throng
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:They huddled together for ensuring warmth.

2. BANDY (ADJECTIVE): (झुका हुआ): bowed
Synonyms: curved, bent
Antonyms: straight
Example Sentence:She had legs that were bent and slightly bandy.

3. MARSHAL (VERB): (क्रमबद्ध करना): gather
Synonyms: assemble, collect
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:The general marshalled his troops for an important task.

4. FIERCE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचण्ड): powerful
Synonyms: strong, violent
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:Fierce storms lashed throughout the country.

5. SHED (VERB): (बरखास्त करना): dismiss
Synonyms: let go, discharge
Antonyms: hire
Example Sentence:Many firms use relocation as an opportunity to shed jobs.

6. ILLICIT (ADJECTIVE): (अवैध): illegal
Synonyms: unlawful, illegitimate
Antonyms: licit
Example Sentence:She was in possession of illicit drugs.

7. DESTRUCTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): negative
Synonyms: hostile, antagonistic
Antonyms: constructive
Example Sentence:One should never practice destructive criticism.

8. REPREHENSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (खेदजनक): deplorable
Synonyms: disgraceful discreditable
Antonyms: creditable
Example Sentence:His complacency and reprehensible laxity.

9. ZEAL (NOUN): (जोश): passion
Synonyms: ardour, love
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence:He has a lot of zeal for privatization.

10. INTERDICT (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: forbid, ban
Antonyms: permit
Example Sentence:Society will never interdict morality. 

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22 Oct, 18:25

🔶 Mixed Questions 🔶

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21 Oct, 07:53

➡️  21 October New Vocabulary

1. BLIGHT (NOUN): (यातना): affliction 
Synonyms: scourge, bane 
Antonyms: blessing 
Example Sentence: The vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood. 

2. COMPLACENT (ADJECTIVE): (आत्मसंतुष्ट): smug 
Synonyms: self-satisfied, self-approving 
Antonyms: dissatisfied 
Example Sentence: You can't afford to be complacent about security. 

3. WRANGLE (NOUN): (तकरार): argument 
Synonyms: dispute, disagreement 
Antonyms: agreement 
Example Sentence: An insurance wrangle is holding up compensation payments. 

4. INCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (समावेशी): all-in 
Synonyms: all-inclusive comprehensive 
Antonyms: exclusive 
Example Sentence: They have menus stating fully inclusive prices. 

5. IMPLICIT (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्निहित): implied 
Synonyms: indirect, inferred 
Antonyms: explicit 
Example Sentence: Comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies. 

6. COLLISION (NOUN): (टकराव): clash 
Synonyms: conflict, opposition 
Antonyms: coalescence 
Example Sentence: When she married an NRI, collision of two diverse cultures took place. 

7. EFFICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभावोत्पादक): effective 
Synonyms: successful, effectual 
Antonyms: inefficacious 
Example Sentence: The treatment was efficacious in some cases. 

8. OFFENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आपत्तिजनक): insulting 
Synonyms: rude, derogatory 
Antonyms: complimentary 
Example Sentence: The allegations made are deeply offensive to us. 

9. ABRIDGE (VERB): (संक्षेप करना): shorten 
Synonyms: cut, curtail 
Antonyms: lengthen 
Example Sentence: It was abridged from the original work. 

10. TANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): real 
Synonyms: actual, solid 
Antonyms: abstract 
Example Sentence: The emphasis is now on tangible results. 

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21 Oct, 07:53

Directions (1 – 5): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out and replaced by a blank represented by an alphabet. First read the passage and try to understand what it is about. Then, from the given options choose the one that fits in the respective blank making the passage correct both grammatically and contextually correct.

Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities. It is a set of values ______________ (A) on importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Social entrenchment of this value is considered to ____________ (B) character through hard work that is respective to an individual's field of work. ______________ (C) of a strong work ethic consider it to be vital for achieving goals, that it gives strength to their orientation and the right mindset. A work ethic is a set of moral principles a person uses in their job. People who possess a strong work ethic ______________ (D) certain principles that guide their work behaviour, leading them to produce high-quality work consistently and the output motivates them to stay on track. A good work ethic fuels an individual's needs and goals, it is related to the initiative by a person for the objectives. It is considered to be a _____________ (E) of self-respect, satisfaction, and fulfilment.

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20 Oct, 19:54

➡️  20 October New Vocabulary

1. SPUR (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): stimulate 
Synonyms: encourage, prompt 
Antonyms: discourage 
Example Sentence: Her sons' passion for computer games spurred her to set up a software business. 

2. COMPLACENCY (NOUN):(शालीनता): smugness 
Synonyms: self-satisfaction, self-approval 
Antonyms: dissatisfaction 
Example Sentence: The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency. 

3. DESCEND (VERB): (उतरना): drop 
Synonyms: go down, come down 
Antonyms: ascend 
Example Sentence: The aircraft began to descend. 

4. ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (मुखर): confident 
Synonyms: forceful, self-confident 
Antonyms: retiring 
Example Sentence:The job may call for assertive behavior. 

5. SLOPPY (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): careless 
Synonyms: slapdash, slipshod 
Antonyms: careful 
Example Sentence:We gave away a goal through sloppy defending. 

6. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish 
Synonyms: prosper burgeon 
Antonyms: increase 
Example Sentence:Education groups tend to thrive on organization. 

7. CONVENTIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (मानक): normal
Synonyms: standard, regular 
Antonyms: original 
Example Sentence:A conventional morality had dictated behavior. 

8. SABOTAGE (VERB): (नुक़सान पहुंचाना): wreck 
Synonyms: vandalize, destroy 
Antonyms: strengthen 
Example Sentence: Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces. 

9. DISPENSE (VERB):(मुक्त होना): waive 
Synonyms: omit, drop 
Antonyms: include 
Example Sentence:Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we?" 

10. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): crucial 
Synonyms: vital, essential 
Antonyms: unimportant 
Example Sentence:Temperature is a critical factor in successful fruit storage. 

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19 Oct, 07:07

➡️  19 October New Vocabulary

1. UNBRIDLED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained
Synonyms: unconstrained, uncontrolled
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:He had a moment of unbridled ambition.

2. HUMILIATE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): embarrass
Synonyms: mortify, humble
Antonyms: aggrandize
Example Sentence:You'll humiliate me in front of the whole school!

3. BARBARIC (ADJECTIVE): (निर्दयी): cruel
Synonyms: brutal, barbarous
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:He carried out barbaric acts in the name of war.

4. ABRIDGE (VERB): (संक्षेप करना): shorten
Synonyms: cut, curtail
Antonyms: lengthen
Example Sentence:The introduction is abridged from the author's afterword to the novel.

5. ABEYANCE (ADJECTIVE): (निलम्बन): suspension
Synonyms: remission, suspense
Antonyms: in hand
Example Sentence:Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquiries.

6. OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, nasty
Antonyms: delightful
Example Sentence:They overthrew the chancellor who was very obnoxious to them.

7. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:A simple bomb could also annihilate a lot of things.

8. CONFER (VERB): (प्रदान करना): bestow on
Synonyms: present with/to, grant to
Antonyms: withhold
Example Sentence:The Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament.

9. VEX (VERB): (खीझाना): annoy
Synonyms: irritate, infuriate
Antonyms: mollify
Example Sentence:The memory of the conversation still vexed him.

10. DEEM (VERB): (मानना): consider
Synonyms: judge, adjudge
Antonyms: mis-judge
Example Sentence:The event was deemed a great success.

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18 Oct, 09:51

➡️  18 October New Vocabulary

1. TRAUMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (दर्दनाक) : disturbing
Synonyms: shocking, distressing
Antonyms: soothing
Example Sentence:She was going through a traumatic divorce.

2. CONVICTION (NOUN): (दोषसिद्धि): sentence
Synonyms: judgement
Antonyms: acquittal
Example Sentence:She had a previous conviction for a similar offence.

3. BOLSTER (VERB): (मजबूत बनाना): strengthen
Synonyms: support, reinforce
Antonyms: avoid
Example Sentence:The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence.

4. DISORIENTED (ADJECTIVE): (गुमराह): confused
Synonyms: bewildered, perplexed
Antonyms: oriented
Example Sentence:She was so disoriented that Joe had to walk her to her room.

5. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:He augmented his summer income by painting.

6. FLAWED (ADJECTIVE): (त्रुटिपूर्ण): unsound
Synonyms: defective, faulty
Antonyms: sound
Example Sentence:It was absolutely a fatally flawed strategy.

7. DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:She is a woman who defies convention.

8. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यंत गंभीर): terrible
Synonyms: dreadful, appalling
Antonyms: excited
Example Sentence:Misuse of drugs have dire consequences.

9. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (रोक): embargo
Synonyms: ban, prohibition
Antonyms: permission
Example Sentence:A moratorium has been put on the use of drift nets.

10. INDISPENSABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): essential
Synonyms: crucial necessary
Antonyms: dispensable
Example Sentence:He made himself indispensable to the parish priest.

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18 Oct, 09:51

🔶 Mixed Vocab 🔶

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17 Oct, 14:37

➡️  17 October New Vocabulary

1. ZEALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): fervent 
Synonyms: ardent, fervid 
Antonyms: apathetic 
Example Sentence: The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. 

2. APPEALING (ADJECTIVE):(आकर्षक): attractive 
Synonyms: engaging, alluring 
Antonyms: off-putting 
Example Sentence: Village life is somehow more appealing than city's. 

3. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (युद्ध): fighting 
Synonyms: conflict, combat 
Antonyms: peace 
Example Sentence: He called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 

4. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative 
Synonyms: respective, comparable 
Antonyms: absolute 
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known. 

5. AGITATE (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): upset 
Synonyms: perturb, fluster 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: The thought of questioning Tony agitated him extremely. 

6. TIRESOME (ADJECTIVE): (थकानेवाला): boring 
Synonyms: dull, tedious 
Antonyms: interesting 
Example Sentence: Weeding is a tiresome but essential job. 

7. GLORIFY (VERB): (महिमामंडन करना): ennoble 
Synonyms: exalt, elevate 
Antonyms: dishonour 
Example Sentence: A football video went viral glorifying violence. 

8. ABATE (VERB): (घटना): subside 
Synonyms: lessen, let up 
Antonyms: intensify 
Example Sentence: In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave. 

9. FLEETING (ADJECTIVE): (क्षणभंगुर): brief 
Synonyms: transient, short-lived 
Antonyms: lasting 
Example Sentence: For a very fleeting moment I saw his face. 

10. GLOSSY (ADJECTIVE): (सतही आकर्षक): expensive 
Synonyms: high-quality, stylish 
Antonyms: cheap 
Example Sentence: That is just another glossy TV miniseries.

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16 Oct, 09:53

➡️  16 October New Vocabulary

1. REQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (अपेक्षित): necessary 
Synonyms: required, prerequisite 
Antonyms: optional 
Example Sentence: The application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid. 

2. PSYCHE (NOUN): (मानस): soul 
Synonyms: spirit, life force 
Antonyms: body 
Example Sentence: My childhood made me understand the human psyche and to help others. 

3. ADVERSE (NOUN): (प्रतिकूल): unfavourable 
Synonyms: disadvantageous, inauspicious 
Antonyms: favourable 
Example Sentence:Taxes are having an adverse effect on production.

4. CONFRONT (VERB): (सामना करना): challenge 
Synonyms: square up to, oppose 
Antonyms: avoid 
Example Sentence: He confronted the robbers as they were trying to leave. 

5. POISED (ADJECTIVE): (शांतचित्त): self-possessed 
Synonyms: self-assured composed 
Antonyms: excited 
Example Sentence: Not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed. 

6. DESPITE (PREPOSITION): (के बावजूद ): in spite of 
Synonyms: notwithstanding, in the face of 
Antonyms: because of 
Example Sentence: He remains a great leader despite age and infirmity. 

7. CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen 
Synonyms: secure, stabilize 
Antonyms: weaken 
Example Sentence: The company consolidated its position in the international market. 

8. FLIPPANT (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुद्र): frivolous 
Synonyms: superficial, shallow 
Antonyms: serious 
Example Sentence: He made a flippant remark. 

9. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): impassioned 
Synonyms: passionate, intense 
Antonyms: apathetic 
Example Sentence: I am a fervent supporter of the revolution. 

10. MENACE (VERB): (ख़तरे में डालना): threaten 
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil 
Antonyms: friendly 
Example Sentence: Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching. 

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