Learn English @english4y Channel on Telegram

Learn English


This channel is created for English learners who are eager to improve their English writing skills, reading as well as listening.
🔊 Listening
📖 Reading
🖊 Writing
🗣 Speaking

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For questions

Learn English (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English skills and become more proficient in listening, reading, writing, and speaking? Look no further than the 'Learn English' Telegram channel, created specifically for English learners who are eager to improve their language abilities.

This channel, with the username @english4y, offers a variety of resources and exercises to help learners of all levels improve their English proficiency. Whether you are looking to practice your listening skills, enhance your reading comprehension, work on your writing abilities, or improve your speaking fluency, this channel has got you covered.

With regular updates and engaging content, the 'Learn English' channel is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the language and take your English skills to the next level. In addition to educational content, the channel also provides opportunities for feedback and support. If you have any questions or need guidance on your English learning journey, you can reach out to the admins at @ieltstea or @CEFRteach.

Join the 'Learn English' Telegram channel today and start your journey towards English proficiency and fluency. Let's learn, grow, and improve together!

Learn English

14 Feb, 18:52


Bu yerda kitobni boshqa mavzuga ham moslab yuborsa bo'ladi!

Ozgina fikrlash kerak, chigal, hal!

Learn English

14 Feb, 18:49

Letter of Apology Eng zo'r 5 ta Introduction va Closing sentence lar.

Main body 1 va Main body 2 moslab yozib tashlasangiz bo'ldi.

Hamma niyatiga yetadi!!!

Learn English

30 Jan, 15:31

Mind your language Episode 2


Learn English

26 Jan, 08:54

Mind your language Episode 1

Learn English

10 Jan, 11:37

Useful words:

🔹 sleep - uyqu.
🔹 recover - tiklanmoq
🔹 repair - tuzatmoq
🔹 immune system – immun tizimi
🔹 illnesses - kasalliklar
🔹 memories - xotira
🔹 irritable – jig’ibiyron
🔹 chronic diseases – surunkali kasalliklar

Learn English

10 Jan, 11:27

The day of the word:
Pace – temp, jadallik.

The pace of technological advancement is accelerating, making it challenging for businesses to keep up.


Learn English

23 Dec, 19:39

Recent IELTS question

Which dish from your country would you describe?

Adjectives 1:
- traditional
- authentic
- iconic
- regional
- unique to
- distinctive for
- famous for
- representative of
- characteristic of

Adjective 2:

- hearty
- savory
- comforting
- nutritious
- mouth-watering
- rustic
- spicy
- tasty / delicious
- to die for (idiom)

Learn English

08 Dec, 17:14


Can you describe a memorable dining experience you have had at a restaurant?


Learn English

08 Dec, 16:08



Learn English

08 Dec, 14:09

Speakingda ishlatishni yoqtiradigan til vositam bu METAFORAlardan foydalanish.

Metafora - o'xshatish (bundan bir narsaga xos bo'lgan jihat boshqa bir narsani tasvirlashga olib o'tiladi. M: Oltin kuz - kuz fasli aslida oltin emas, oltinning chiroyli tovlanishi daraxtlarning kuz faslida go'zal sariq rangga bo'yalishiga o'xshatma sifatida ko'chma ma'no beradi.)

Metafora uchun sevimli serialim "Doctor House" ni ko'rishni tavsiya qilaman.

🩸Face shines - yuz porlaydi (quvonchdan)

🩸Eyes shine – ko’zlar yonadi (baxtdan)

🩸Face lights up – yuz yorishadi (baxt, quvonch)

🩸Eyes light up – ko’zlar porlaydi (quvonch, baxt)

🩸Atmosphere lightens – davra qizidi (to’planganlar hursand ma’nosida)

🩸Mood lightens – kayfiyat ko’tarildi

🩸Dark thoughts – yomon fikrlar

🩸Dark days – yomon kunlar

🩸Dark times – yomon davrlar

🩸Face darkens – kayfiyati buzildi

🩸Eyes darken – jahli chiqdi

🩸Expression darkens – jahli chiqidi

🩸Ideas flow - fikrlar quyila boshladi

🩸Conversation flows – suhbat qizidi

🩸A flood of tears – duv duv ko’z yoshlar

🩸In floods of tears – ko’zidan duvillab yosh oqdi

🩸People pour – odamlar to’plana boshladi

🩸People trickle – odamlar sekin asta bir yerga kela boshladi

🩸A stream of visitors – odamlarning to’planishi

🩸A stream of traffic – tirband yo’l (mashinalar oqimi uzilmaydigan yo’l)

🩸Heated debate – qizg’in bahs

🩸Heated discussion – qizg’in muhokama

🩸 Heated conversation – qizg’in suhbat


🩸Fiery temper – qiziqqon harakter

🩸Tempers flared – to’satdan jahli chiqmoq

🩸Violence flares up – zo’ravonlik to’satdan kuchayib ketdi (Old conflict flares up.)

🩸Troubles flare up – muammolar to’satdan avj oldi

🩸Cheeks burn with embarrassment – uyatdan yanoqlar qizarib ketdi

🩸Blaze of glory – ajoyib yakun

🩸Blaze of publicity - omma nigohi, ko’pchilik diqqat markazidagi hodisa


Learn English

08 Dec, 13:31

Useful collocations for learning


Learn English

25 Nov, 16:00

CEFR Speaking level features

Qualitative aspects of spoken language use


Learn English

25 Nov, 14:40

Ingliz tilini o'rganish uchun qancha vaqt kerak? Jadvalga qarang.


Learn English

25 Nov, 14:36


Learn English

25 Nov, 14:31

Ingliz tili menga nima uchun kerakligini qanday tushunishim mumkin?

Meni tushunishning hojati yo‘q. Meni sevish va jadval bo‘yicha "boqish" kerak.

Ingliz tilini o‘rganishda hozircha aniq maqsad bo‘lmasligi mumkin. Ammo ingliz tili bilan aniq maqsadga ega bo‘lish shart emas. Bu bilan aqliy faoliyat sifatida shug‘ullanish mumkin. Men shug‘ullanaman, chunki miyam zanglamasligi kerak va bu tabiiy hol. Maqsad esa o‘z-o‘zidan paydo bo‘ladi.

Har qanday chet tilini o‘rganish uzoq vaqt talab etishini hammamiz yaxshi bilamiz. Va har safar u sizga kerak bo‘lganda, uni kechayoq o‘rganish kerak edi deb o‘ylaysiz va hozirgi darajangiz yetarli emasdek tuyuladi. Shuning uchun bu jarayon kelajakka yo‘naltirilgan faoliyat hisoblanadi. Bu o‘zini qachon oqlashini bilmasangiz ham, o‘zini oqlaydigan sarmoya. Hozirda eng yaxshi sarmoya - bu o‘zingizga qo‘ygan sarmoya deyish urfga aylangan. Xuddi shunday, ingliz tili ham kafolat va aniq natijalar bermaydigan ko‘plab sarmoyalar kabi, qachon va qanday o‘zini oqlashi noma’lum, ammo bu aynan o‘zingizga qo‘ygan sarmoya. Bu sizning eng yaxshi sarmoya jamg‘armangiz.


Learn English

25 Nov, 14:20

🩸The mayors of Santorini, Serifos and Lefkada have raised the banner of despair over the effects of hypertourism on the sustainability of resources on the Greek islands.

🩸The most delicate parts of the ancient island of Zanzibar are suffering from the deplorable phenomenon of hypertourism.


Learn English

25 Nov, 13:58

I recommend you take the test to check your level.

Good luck!

Learn English

24 Nov, 13:32

Phrasal verb

"to make out" fe'lli iborasi biror narsani tushunmoq, anglamoq ma'nosida ishlatiladi. Misol uchun, xunuk yozilgan yozuvni yoki nutqni anglamoq, tushunmoq ma'nosida.

M: I couldn’t make out what he was saying because of the noise.

Tarjimasini izohda yozing.



Learn English

24 Nov, 13:28

Try to write what you listen in the audio.


She set up the meeting so that everyone could attend.


Learn English

23 Nov, 17:00

What animal is hidden in the picture?


Learn English

23 Nov, 03:13

Get prepared for the speaking test


Learn English

21 Nov, 11:19


Learn English

16 Nov, 11:19

6.700.000 mingga shunday sharoitda IELTS test topshirishga tayyormisiz?

Learn English

16 Nov, 11:15


When you book for an IELTS Premium experience, you will benefit from:
A dedicated Relationship Manager: You will receive personalised registration assistance for test booking and payment.
A comprehensive test preparation support including: 
Complimentary IELTS Essential Guidebook for all test takers.
Access to our IELTS Counselling Service if your test is at least 2 weeks away.
A special offer to enrol in a one to one 4 hour IELTS preparation course.*

A 5-star luxury venue in the heart of the city: Your test will take place at JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, Dubai, with valet parking.
Complimentary food and beverages: You will have a buffet lunch included at Kitchen6 and a variety of refreshments like tea, coffee, juices and snacks available on arrival to the venue in the welcome lounge.  
Same day testing: Same day Speaking test will give you the ability to take all tests in one go.
The experience is priced at AED 1910 for IELTS on Computer.
*Terms and conditions apply: A special 50% discount applies to the one-to-one course and you will need to have enrolled at least 5 days before the test day. A minimum level of English is required to be able to take it. 

Learn English

09 Nov, 07:00

Fishing (again..🤣🤷‍♀️)

Which words to teach?
🎣Go fishing/Catch fish⠀⠀
🎣An angler /ˈæŋ.ɡlər/ = a person whose hobby is to catch fish with a rod/line.⠀⠀⠀
🎣Professional fishermen - fishing is their bread and butter = sourse of income⠀
🎣Angling = the sport of ⠀
catching fish with a rod, line, hook ⠀

🐟I caught several fish (fish is singular).
🎏My favourite moment is when the fish takes the lure.⠀⠀
🎣Special gear:⠀
A fishing rod, a net, a lure, a hook⠀

🐡Fishing could be a sport or a hobby.⠀
🐡Big game fishing is tough on the muscles and takes strength to catch monster-sized fish.⠀
🐡Leisure fishing⠀

🍥Some people are hooked on fishing.⠀
🍥The serenity and calmness that you feel while sitting on the bank of the river catching fish makes you forget it all.⠀

🎏Fishing is a recreation where even the worst day, when you catch no fish at all, is better than the time spent at home doing chores. ⠀

🎏Fishing gives you the pleasure of self-fulfillment.⠀
🎏Some people are into catch and release fishing.⠀
🎏They love photographing their catch and then release it back into the water.⠀
🎏Catch and release fishing is an increasingly popular practice among many anglers. ⠀

🐠You can contemplate nature.⠀
🐠It helps you unwind = relax ⠀
🐠Fishing could be fun and thrilling.⠀
🐠You can get away from it all.⠀
🐠Get some peace and quiet.⠀

🐟It is dull and a real waste of time.⠀
Pinning insects in your hooks, putting them in water for hours and waiting.

🐡A school of fish (=group of fish)⠀
Freshwater fish/Salt-water fish⠀
Species of fish⠀

🐠 Cod (треска)⠀
Trout (форель)⠀
Herring (селёдка)⠀
Sturgeon (осётр)⠀

🌊You can see fish in rivers, ponds, lakes, in the sea⠀
At the fish stall (прилавок)⠀
In the fish market⠀
In a fishtank⠀
In a fishbowl⠀
In an aquarium⠀

🍤I’m not a big fan of eating fish.⠀
Fish is really nutritious! ⠀
It’s loaded with essential nutrients like protein and Omega 3.⠀

🍱I can't stand fish.The smell makes my stomach turn. I'm allergic to fish/seafood.⠀

🥡Deep fried fish, Grilled fish⠀
Baked fish (in the oven wrapped in foil)⠀

Learn English

09 Nov, 04:00

Natural Time Buyers for IELTS Speaking:

1. Oh, you put me on the spot with this one...
2. I'm not an expert, but if I were to guess...
3. It's hard to say with any certainty...
4. I have absolutely no idea...
5. Well, to be honest, I have never thought about that...
6. Well, that's not a difficult question at all, is it?
7. If I could see the statistics...
8. I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to say, to be honest with you...

They help us react naturally to stupid or horrid questions especially in Speaking Part 3.

You should make sure your students pronounce them naturally and with accurate intonation.


Learn English

08 Nov, 15:30

🔹How well your writing is organised
🔹How easily the reader can understand it
🔹Paragraphs or no? 🔹Do your ideas flow from one to the other?
🔹Can I understand all your sentences?
🔹Are they too looong and hard to understand?

🔹How well your ideas are connected 🔹Topic sentences = the introductory sentences at the start of the body paragraphs. Do you have them?
🔹How are the body paragraphs connected to each other?
🔹Cohesive devices/Linking words

📍What is Referencing?
It's when we replace the words with other words to avoid repetition.
We usually use: it, they, this, those etc.

❗️Without Referencing = 5.0 Coherence/Cohesion❗️

📍What's Substitution?

“It is important that young people are given limits when it comes to screen-based activities. To do so, parents should focus on setting limits on recreational screen time.
"To do so" is substitution.


Learn English

08 Nov, 14:05

Must read for teachers

Learn English

08 Nov, 11:00


Mike and Bob Bryan, for example: “We’re very particular with our racket specifications”, they say. “All our rackets are sent from our manufacturer to Tampa, Florida, where our frames go through a . . . thorough customisation process”. They explain how they have adjusted not
only racket length, but even experimented with different kinds of paint. The rackets they use now weigh more than the average model and also have a denser string pattern (i.e. more crosses and mains)

Learn English

08 Nov, 10:09


Learn English

08 Nov, 09:31


Food for thought!

Learn English

06 Nov, 16:00

"t" harfi ingliz so'zlarida ba'zida talaffuz qilinmaydi. Yo tarixdan shunday talaffuz qilingan bo'ladi, boshqa tildan kirib kelgan so'z bo'ladi yoki maxsus fonetik qoidaga binoan "t" o'qilmaydi.

1. Ohiri "stle" bilan tugagan so'zlarda va "s" keyin kelgan "t" talaffuz qilinmaydi:

Castle 🏰
Whistle 😙

2. "tch" harf birikmasida kelgan "t" o'qilmaydi:


3. Fransuz tilidan kirib kelgan so'zlardagi "t" o'qilmaydi, silent 😶 turadi:

ballet: /bæˈleɪ/
gourmet: /ˈɡʊrmeɪ/
depot: /ˈdɛpoʊ/

4. Va ba'zi so'zlarda "t" o'qilmaydi:



Learn English

27 Oct, 16:10

How could I start to speak in English?

1) Keep it simple
In most everyday situations, for example at a café, we use simple, short sentences when we speak.

2) Forget your first language
Translating is hard and stops you thinking directly in English.

3) Practice Speaking
The only way to learn how to speak is to speak. Try to communicate your ideas, thoughts to your partner. No worries, if you have some grammar mistakes. Make it simple.

4) Listen
The second-best way to practice speaking is to listen to other people speaking English.

You can listen to English podcasts to practice understanding different accents. That is a great way to make your speech perfect.

5) Have a clear objective
Everyone has individual needs and preferences for studying, which is why you need a flexible solution that can adapt to you.

6) Take a risk!
To learn anything new you need to make mistakes.

7) Challenge yourself!
Bet yourself that you can speak for at least one minute about a certain topic you like.


Learn English

27 Oct, 08:34

Savollarga javobni video ostidagi kommentga yozsangiz bo'ladi.

Learn English

27 Oct, 08:34

Listening lesson

Task 2

Hozir video ko'rasiz va quyidagi 3 savolga javob yozasiz.

1 What causes climate change?

2 Why is climate change a problem?

3 What can humans do to prevent it?

Learn English

27 Oct, 08:26

Listening lesson

Task 1

Iqlim isishi haqida video tomosha qilasiz. Videoni ko'rishdan avval quyidagi so'zlarni lug'atingizga yozib oling.

🩸 atmosphere - atmosfera
🩸 carbon diocide - karbonad angidrid gazi
🩸 climate - iqlim
🩸 ecosystem - ekotizim
🩸 extinct - qirilib ketgan
🩸 fossil fuel - qazin olinadigan yoqilg'i (neft, gaz, ko'mir)
🩸 greenhouse gases - issiqlik ushlovchi gazlar ( metan, karbonad angidrid, azot oksidi, suv bug'lanishi)
🩸 risk factor - havf omili
🩸 global warming - global isish
🩸 solar energy - quyosh energiyasi

Learn English

26 Oct, 17:57

Listening podcast "What if you are the problem" - Tinglang, Multileveldan 75, IELTS dan 9 olasiz.

O'ta ma'noli podcast!!!


Learn English

26 Oct, 17:07

Yana bitta sentence pattern bermasam, uyqum kelmaydiganga o'xshaydi.

From ..... to....., S+ V+ ravish + from + miqdor soni + to + miqdor soni.

M: From 1960 to 1980, fish sales increased sharply from 25 tons to 75 tons.

O'z misolingizni yozib qoldirasiz, C2chi bo'lmoqchi bo'lsangiz. 😂


Learn English

26 Oct, 16:59

Line graflarni yozayotgan juda qo'l keladigan sentence pattern:

There + be + adjective + noun (in).


There was a slight dip in meat consumption.

Task: Yuqoridagi formulaga solib ko'ringchi!

Siz uddalaysiz!

Meat consumption rose steadily.


Learn English

26 Oct, 16:00

16 asrda oddiy aholi tomlarini poxol, somon bilan yopishardi. Bu esa uyning tomini mushuk va daydi itlar uchun ko'payish uchun zo'r imkoniyat edi. Kuchli yomg'ir yoqqan paytda poxol orasida bolalagan mushuk va kuchuklar uyga sirg'anib tushishardi. Shu sabab inglizlarda "It is raining cats and dogs" - "kuchli yomg'ir yog'yapti" iborasi paydo bo'ladi.

Learn English

26 Oct, 12:02

Ibora: His name is mud
Bu ibora buzilgan obro‘-e’tiborni anglatadi (so‘zma-so‘z - "uning ismi - ifloslik"). Biroq, bu iborani paydo bo'lishiga bir odamning familiyasi shunchaki Mudd ekanligi yetarli edi.

AQShning 16-prezidenti Avram Linkoln
1865-yilda Jon Uilks But tomonidan o‘ldiriladi. But prezidentga qarab o‘q uzdi va zudlik bilan jinoyat joyini tark etdi. Uning aynan qaysi paytda oyog‘ini sindirib olgani haligacha noma’lum, lekin bu biz uchun unchalik muhim emas. Shunisi muhimki, uni davolashga Semyuel Madd ismli shifokor kirishgan, u bemorining nima qilganini bilmagan. Semyuel Butning kimligini tushunganidan so‘ng, u hokimiyatni xabardor qildi, ammo behuda: uni sherik sifatida hibsga olishdi va umrbod qamoq jazosiga hukm qilishdi. Ammo u keyinroq avf etiladi.


Learn English

05 Oct, 16:00

Request Letter task:

Write a letter to the manager of a cinema (movie theatre) about a jacket you have left behind after a film. In your letter:

Describe the jacket
Describe where you were seated
Explain what you want to be done

Xatni yozish bo'yicha ko'rsatma:


1. I am writing to inquire about... (A formal and polite way to start your letter.)
2. I am writing to you today regarding... (Another polite option for starting the letter.)

Describing the Jacket:

3. I left behind a... (Describe the type of jacket, e.g., leather jacket, denim jacket, etc.)
4. It is... (Describe the color, size, and any distinctive features of the jacket.)
5. It has... (Mention any specific details like pockets, zippers, or a logo.)

Describing Your Location:

6. I was seated in... (Mention the row and seat number.)
7. I was in... (Mention the auditorium or screen number.)
8. I believe I left it... (Mention the time and the film you watched.)

Requesting Action:

9. I would be grateful if you could... (Ask for the manager to check for the jacket.)
10. Could you please check... (A direct request for them to look for your jacket.)
11. I would appreciate it if you could... (Another polite request.)
12. Please contact me at... (Provide your phone number or email address.)
13. If found, I would be happy to... (Offer to collect the jacket or pay for postage.)


14. Thank you for your time and assistance. (A polite way to end the letter.)
15. Sincerely, (A formal closing for the letter.)

Learn English

05 Oct, 14:14

Siz qiladigan ish essayni yozish va shaxsiydan yuborish.
Bu imkoniyat faqat shu kanalda.
Plagiarism check qilinadi.

Learn English

05 Oct, 14:11

Essayni yozing, tekshirish bepul.
Sizga alohida Feedback beriladi.
Multilevelchilar gazini bosing!!

Learn English

05 Oct, 13:00

Essay task:

In the modern world, more and more emphasis is being placed on acquisition of practical skills rather than knowledge from text books of other sources.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.


1 emphasis - ta'kid
2 acquisition - egallash
3 practical skills - amaliy ko'nikmalar
4 rather than - ga nisbatan, - gandan ko'ra


practical skills - deganda biz quyidagilarni tushunishimiz kerak:

A) ovqat pishirish
B) mashina haydash
C) uy tozalash
D) birinchi tibbiy xizmat ko'rsata olish (isitmada, oyoq lat yeganda, singanda, qo'l kesib olinganda, vhkz....)
E) tikish, ta'mirlash
F) kompyuter, printerdan foydalana olish
G) pulni tejash, yig'ish, sarmoya kiritish
H) jamoada kelishib ishlash, nizoli vaziyatlarni hal qilish
I) vaqtni to'g'ri tashkil qilish, vaqtni rejalashtirish

Learn English

05 Oct, 11:10

Listening task

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract One
You hear two people talking about public speaking.

1. Both speakers refer to a feeling of
A over-confidence.
В embarrassment.
C achievement.

2. The two speakers agree that a big problem with speaking in public is
A losing the audiences attention during a speech.
В choosing the wrong content for a speech.
C feeling nervous at the thought of giving a speech.

Extract Two
You hear part of a radio programme about the London Underground.

3. The poster campaign came at a time when
A various aspects of life in London were changing.
В many people were reluctant to travel on the Underground.
C the use of posters for advertising was increasing.

4. What does Zoe say about the content of the posters?
A It only appealed to a certain type of person.
В It contrasted with real life for many people.
C It influenced the lifestyles of some people.

Extract Three
You hear two people discussing the news media.

5. What opinion does the man express about the news media?
A It doesn’t deserve its reputation.
В It has become more influential.
C Its standards have risen.

6. The woman mentions medical stories
A to explain her attitude to the news media.
В to illustrate the importance of the news media.
C to describe why people dislike the news media.

Learn English

22 Sep, 08:40

Reading task

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

The Tyrannosaurus rex, also known as T-rex, was one of the largest land animals to have ever lived. The T-rex could grow to 12 metres in length. If we compared it now, it would be a little longer than a bus. It lived in what is now western North America and may have even been partly covered in feathers. The T-rex was a hungry meat eater and the best hunter with strong mouth and had up to 60 teeth. Some of these teeth could grow to be almost thirty centimetres long. The T-rex was a carnivore, meat eater, and hunted other dinosaurs. Scientists aren't sure how fast the T-rex could run, or if it could even run at all. In 1990, a man found the most complete skeleton of a T-rex ever found. It was sold to a museum for eight million dollars, the highest amount ever paid for dinosaur bones.


Learn English

15 Sep, 09:03

How I Improve IELTS Speaking

I want to share how I work with the speaking section. I mostly work with students who have to take the exam in a month or two, so I'm talking about intensive preparation. I despise any so-called universal templates and schemes and try to focus on my students' individual problems in my teaching.

What problems do I usually see?

1) "I have a language barrier / I'm afraid to speak."

Here, practice is needed, and it's also important to have a real conversation. I don't have any psychological education, but I love people, I've interacted with many different types of people in my life – this helps me understand students with diverse backgrounds, from school children to company owners, and find the right words.

2) "I don't have any ideas and don't know what to say."

Here, we usually start with a simple phrase/monologue with the student and then add details to it. "I live in a flat in Moscow" can be enriched with details like "my flat is spacious" and "the best thing about it is its location; I live close to 3 underground stations, a huge mall, and a park." The same principle works for monologues – you need to provide more details and be able to tell stories.

Tricky questions in the third part can be challenging – you need to be able to explain why you don't know what to say and offer your own assumptions. If there is time, reading Wikipedia articles on complex topics in English is very helpful.

3) "My English is bad, my grammar is terrible, and my vocabulary is small."

I correct grammar and vocabulary, suggesting better ways to say things. Unfortunately, it's impossible to drastically improve a language in a short period – the most you can do is work through a few topics, often something like crime and punishment or space exploration. So I don't turn lessons into long excursions into English grammar or vocabulary.

If we need to tackle specific topics, we definitely do various exercises (I often give them as homework) and then repeat them, otherwise they're quickly forgotten. Ideally, you should also work with articles to develop ideas, but this isn't always possible due to time constraints.

Overall, when there is little time before the exam, the main focus of preparation is learning how to work as best as possible with what you have. And this is exactly practice, understanding the format and criteria, the ability to "expand" on ideas and talk more even in simple language and with mistakes!

I have had countless cases where students with not very good English, but who are quick-witted and good at talking, easily get 6.5 for speaking. It's more difficult to get 7.0, and if we're talking about 7.5 and above, then of course, very good language and a broad outlook are essential (keep in mind the idea of an educated native speaker).


Learn English

15 Sep, 04:00


10 T
11 F
12 T
13 NG
14 T
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