EmergIAS Channel @emergias Channel on Telegram

EmergIAS Channel


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EmergIAS Channel (English)

Are you interested in staying informed about the latest emergency situations and incidents around the world? Look no further than the EmergIAS Channel on Telegram! As the go-to source for real-time updates on emergencies, this channel provides vital information on natural disasters, accidents, health alerts, and other critical events. Whether you want to be prepared for emergencies in your area or simply stay informed about global incidents, EmergIAS Channel has got you covered. With a dedicated team of experts curating and sharing verified information, you can trust that you are receiving accurate and timely updates. Join the EmergIAS Channel today and be part of a community that values safety and preparedness above all else.

EmergIAS Channel

13 Jun, 00:28

CSP-2023 Results

EmergIAS Channel

28 May, 12:10

# CSAT will be deciding factor this year and 66 marks will be pure 🥇

EmergIAS Channel

28 May, 12:00

# The level of paper was as previous years level.40 Easy 30 Medium 30 Difficult.So the cutoff will fall in same range of 90-100 Marks.
So start preparation for mains from the word go.
Only change this year was that guess work or तुका was reduced by changing the option to only one or two or three.

UPSC listens to what is happening in market and acts accordingly.

If you have the core strength in mains i.e. answer writing skill then any year will be cake walk for you.

Best of Luck

EmergIAS Channel

27 May, 11:49

Best of Luck from EmergIAS-WriteToBeIAS team for tomorrow's CS-Pre examination.Keep calm and do your best.👍

EmergIAS Channel

04 Mar, 03:34

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