Welcome to the Telegram channel titled 'شعُور مُتعَب .' where we confront and battle with feelings of exhaustion. Created by the username '@egeel', this channel is a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, emotions, and struggles with feeling tired and drained. Whether you are dealing with physical fatigue, mental exhaustion, or emotional burnout, this channel aims to provide support, understanding, and a sense of community. Who is it for? This channel is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed, worn out, or simply tired of the challenges life throws their way. It is for those who are seeking a listening ear, words of encouragement, and a place to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. What is it? 'شعُور مُتعَب .' is more than just a channel, it is a support system. Through shared stories, motivational quotes, self-care tips, and resources for dealing with exhaustion, this channel strives to uplift and empower its members. It is a reminder that you are not alone in your feelings of fatigue and that there is hope for brighter days ahead. Join us on this journey of self-discovery, healing, and resilience. Together, we can conquer our tiredness and find renewed strength and energy. Let's face our 'شعُور مُتعَب' together and emerge stronger than ever before. Subscribe to the channel now and take the first step towards a more energized and empowered life.
12 Feb, 15:35
08 Feb, 15:46
07 Feb, 17:51
06 Feb, 07:23
06 Feb, 07:23
02 Feb, 14:13
02 Feb, 14:12
02 Feb, 13:54
31 Jan, 11:14
31 Jan, 11:12
31 Jan, 11:10
29 Jan, 11:12
27 Jan, 20:20
27 Jan, 20:16
18 Jan, 16:51
18 Jan, 16:50
18 Jan, 16:47
02 Jan, 15:45
02 Jan, 15:44
01 Jan, 16:46
13 Dec, 08:34
13 Dec, 08:27
15 Nov, 09:38
24 Oct, 10:18
23 Oct, 08:45
23 Oct, 08:44
21 Oct, 18:19
21 Oct, 18:19
06 Oct, 18:56
06 Oct, 18:56
22 Sep, 19:02
22 Sep, 18:59
20 Sep, 00:41