ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn @ecgbyammar Channel on Telegram

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn


قناه تحتوى على فديوهات لشرح ecg بطريقه مبسطه وسلسه بواسطة د.عمار تاج الدين

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn (Arabic)

تعتبر قناة ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn على تطبيق تيليجرام واحدة من أفضل المصادر لفهم تحليل القلب بطريقة بسيطة وسلسة. يقدم الدكتور عمار تاج الدين في هذه القناة مجموعة من الفيديوهات الموجهة لشرح التخطيط الكهربائي للقلب بشكل مفصل ومبسط. سواء كنت طالبًا في كلية الطب تبحث عن مراجعة سريعة أو محترفًا في مجال الطب تريد تحديث معارفك، فإن هذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك. احصل على شرح وافٍ وشامل لل ECG من قبل خبير متخصص يتمتع بخبرة واسعة في هذا المجال. تعتبر ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn وجهة أساسية لكل من يهتم بفهم تحليل القلب والتعرف على الأمراض والاضطرابات التي يمكن أن يواجهها. انضم إلينا اليوم لتحصل على معلومات قيمة ومفيدة وتطوير مهاراتك في هذا المجال.

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

16 Jan, 20:20

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
الاحد القادم ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
ECG approach to chest pain part 3
ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

14 Jan, 01:07

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
الاحد القادم ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
ECG approach to chest pain part 3
ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

04 Jan, 17:09

🚑ECG course will begin in 14/02/2025 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:3 lectures in 14/15/16-2/2025.
🚑second week 2 lectures 22/23-2/2025.
🚑 Third week 3 lectures :28/29-2+01/03/2025
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

19 Dec, 15:50

غدا اخر يوم للتسجيل

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

19 Dec, 15:50

🚑ECG course will begin in 21/12/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 21-22/12/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 28-29/12/2024
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 13-14/01/2025
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

15 Dec, 18:04

الاتنين ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب سلسلة
ECG approach to chest pain part two
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام
ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

14 Dec, 17:49

الاتنين ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب سلسلة
ECG approach to chest pain part two
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام
ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

12 Dec, 13:42

🚑ECG course will begin in 21/12/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 21-22/12/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 28-29/12/2025
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 13-14/01/2025
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

04 Dec, 16:06

الجمعه ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب سلسلة
ECG approach to chest pain part one
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام
ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

01 Dec, 12:38

🚑ECG course will begin in 21/12/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 21-22/12/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 28-29/12/2025
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 13-14/01/2025
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

30 Nov, 11:35

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

24 Nov, 11:43

collection of ecg and medical discussion group feel free to join and share please.

Many thanks

1. ABCDE medical discussion

2.ABCDE community:

3. Ammar Tajeddinn ecg group one:

4. Ammar Tajeddinn ecg group 2 :

5.Ammar Tajeddinn's Telegram channel main group will run through live sessions:

6. Ammar Tajeddinn's Telegram channel 2:

7. Youtube:

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

24 Nov, 11:17

الاحد ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه ٩ مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب من الصفر.
Basic ecg interpretation part 3
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام
ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

23 Nov, 13:19

🚑ECG course will begin in 21/12/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 21-22/12/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 28-29/12/2025
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 13-14/01/2025
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

12 Nov, 16:25

الجمعه ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 10 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب من الصفر.

عنوان المحاضره
Basic ecg interpretation part two

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

10 Nov, 02:56

الجمعه ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 10 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ان شاءالله نواصل سلسله تعلم رسم القلب من الصفر.

عنوان المحاضره
Basic ecg interpretation part two

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

06 Nov, 11:34

collection of ecg and medical discussion group feel free to join and share please.

Many thanks

1. ABCDE medical discussion

2.ABCDE community:

3. Ammar Tajeddinn ecg group one:

4. Ammar Tajeddinn ecg group 2 :

5.Ammar Tajeddinn's Telegram channel main group will run through live sessions:

6. Ammar Tajeddinn's Telegram channel 2:

7. Youtube:

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

31 Oct, 18:29

الجمعه ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
Triage ECG part 3

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ماتنسونا من صالح الدعوات

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

31 Oct, 17:45

غدا اخر موعد للتسجيل

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

31 Oct, 17:18

🚑ECG course will begin in 02/11/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 2-3/11/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 09-10/11/2024.
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 23-24/11/24
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ملخص التواريخ
كلها weekend


بالتوفيق ان شاءالله تعالي

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

18 Oct, 21:25

الاحد ان شاءالله تعالي الموافق
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
Triage ECG

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

13 Oct, 11:07

🚑ECG course will begin in 02/11/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 2-3/11/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 09-10/11/2024.
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 23-24/11/24
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ملخص التواريخ
كلها weekend


بالتوفيق ان شاءالله تعالي

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

23 Sep, 12:56

🚑ECG course will begin in 19/10/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week:2 lectures in 19-20/10/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 26-27/10/2024.
🚑 Third week two lectures
🚑fourth week 9-10/11/24
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes
الكورس مدتوا شهر
ورسموا ٧٠ دولار
والتسجيل بستمر ٤ شهور
التسجيل اتواصل مع الرقم دا
ودي تواريخ الكورس
كلها weekend

بالتوفيق ان شاءالله تعالي

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

12 Sep, 15:46

🚑ECG course will begin in 14/09/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 2 lectures in 14-15/09/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 21-22/09/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 30/9--1/10/2024.
🚑fourth week 2 lectures 4-5/10/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

بكره اخر يوم للتسجيل

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

06 Sep, 11:49

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
بكره ان شاءالله تعالي
ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
ECG approach to syncope
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

17 Aug, 15:20

ان شاءالله تعالي

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

17 Aug, 15:20

اعلان الكورس القادم

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

17 Aug, 15:19

🚑ECG course will begin in 14/09/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 2 lectures in 14-15/09/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 21-22/09/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 30/9--1/10/2024.
🚑fourth week 2 lectures 4-5/10/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 4 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

30 Jul, 13:51

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

بكره ان شاءالله تعالي عندنا محاضره ecg ع التلقرام
يوم 31/7/2024 ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
ECG approach to arrhythmia part Three (last part)
المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

28 Jul, 11:06

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

27 Jul, 09:55

ان شاءالله تعالي ح تكون في محاضره عن
Occulsive myocardial infraction
ان شاءالله ح نعلن عنها فيما بعد ع التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

22 Jul, 23:05

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

20 Jul, 20:24

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

19 Jul, 18:08

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
بناء ع رغبه الناس
ح نبدأ سلسله arraythemia
يوم 20/7/2024 ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
ECG approach to arrhythmia part one

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

17 Jul, 17:31

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

13 Jul, 06:22

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
يوم 16/7/2024 ان شاءالله تعالي
الساعه 9 مساء بتوقيت السعوديه
محاضره مجانيه بعنوان
ECG approach to chest pain patient
Last part.

المحاضره ع قناه التلقرام

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

12 Jul, 17:45

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week 2 lectures 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

10 Jul, 14:34

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week three lectures 2,3 and 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

08 Jul, 11:26

🚑ECG course will begin in 26/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 3 lectures in 26,27,28/07/2024.
🚑second week 2 lectures 2,3,4/08/2024.
🚑 Third week three lectures 2,3 and 9 ,10/8/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes

ECG by Ammar Tajeddinn

07 Jul, 20:49

🚑ECG course will begin in 15/07/2024 at 9 PM KSA time.
🚑contents of ecg as mentioned above.
🚑 first week: 2 lectures in 15-16/07/2024.
🚑second week 3 lectures 19-20-22/07/2024.
🚑 Third week three lectures 26-27-28/07/2024.
🚑it will be recorded through Zoom, and the recording will be available for 3 months, then automatically deleted.
🚑 There is an exam at the end of the course.
for more information, please contact the course coordinator through this WhatsApp number
best wishes